Steak 'n Shit

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
My brother and I got into a discussion about Steak 'n Shake. I took the position that it is one of the healthier fast food restaurants and he was trying to tell me it was no different from any other one. It turns out he was right. Well this got me thinking about food in general and I was surprised with my findings. The food in our society is as close to poison you can get without being charged with a crime. Even our fresh fruit and vegetables are saturated with chemicals.

Many restaurants are owned by big corporations or at least by entrepreneurs seeking to make money. The more people who frequent their establishment, the more money they will make. The average American Joe wants to eat food which tastes good and hardly ever looks at the ingredient list. As long as it pleases the pallet, he’ll eat it. No one cares the burger you choke down contains more fat than eating a chunky scoop of lard or more salt than you should have in a week. Should restaurant owners have some responsibility in ensuring their food is healthy?

This is where my fundamentalists’ roots are still showing. I assumed the companies would not serve anything too unhealthy. We all know McDonald's is bad but Steak 'n Shake is supposed to be “in sight and it must be right”. The slogan should be “In sight of a quadruple bypass.” These restaurants, even the ones you assume are healthier, are just as bad as the fast food crapola which McDonald’s sells.

When I do a comparison on the different meals I eat at the different restaurants (and I use that term loosely) everything is almost the same including the levels of fat, salt and carbs. I might as well open up my veins and shoot animal fat, salt and sugar directly into them. The cholesterol and salt content of all foods served by restaurants including the ones you assume are good are actually VERY bad.

Well I didn’t stop there. I started looking at other foods sold in grocery stores and found that most of the food we eat is poison. I already alerted you to the dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup a while back but there are so many more other bad ingredients within our food that it is troubling. Why do we need so many chemicals?

The food lobby is a very powerful lobby. More importantly, there are many hands in the “kitty” wanting a paycheck. Every time somebody takes a bite of a sandwich the producers of these chemicals get paid. If we remove these chemicals we will eliminate a huge market and since our country is about making money, our government allows these companies to exist at our own detriment.

I am NOT saying these chemicals will kill you tomorrow if you eat them tonight. But I am saying if you do not regulate your dining out then you are sure to develop troubles later in life. Like high fructose corn syrup will increase your chances of diabetes, these other chemicals and additives will increase your risk of a host of other diseases and complications if not regulated.

Another false assumption is diet soda, since it has no calories it is healthier than regular soda. Well if you look only at the calories then it is better but the list of chemical ingredients reads like the molecular chart of a meteorite in a science journal. Artificial sweeteners are very bad for us. The only exception is Splenda, but it is still too new for any long term research on the effects to be known. But if you are a diabetic what other choices do you have?

The government is on the side of the capitalists. They care little for the health and well-being of society and care more for keeping the profits margins high for corporate America. I think the schools should include classes teaching kids how to manage calories, read food labels, and exactly how to spot unhealthy foods. If our habits change then the blood-sucking corporations will be forced to change or lose out to those who will.

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Oscar Predictions

Friday, February 23, 2007
I usually don’t watch the Oscars because I can’t stand political correctness (PC) and this is PC at its finest. I do enjoy debating about the winners the next day; even though the choices by the Academy piss me off most of the time. The worst I can remember was in 1983 when Chariots of Fire won Best Picture over Raiders of The Lost Ark.

In 1983 the Academy was being criticized for not acknowledging foreign filmmakers, so Chariots of Fire wins. Another year they were criticized because not enough black people won awards, hence black people swept the Oscars. I am still surprised they did not succumb to peer-pressure last year and give the Best Picture to Brokeback Mountain. It was a good film but it was not a great film. Anyway, getting back to 1983, does anybody even remember Chariots of Fire? I doubt it but Raiders of The Lost Ark is still cherished as one of the greatest films ever made and will stand the test of time for years to come.

Two of the best years I can remember (the best years being when the proper people got the awards) was when Titanic and Return of the King swept all the categories. Those two films will be watched generations from now and the competition will probably be forgotten.

This year in my opinion the Best Picture by far is The Departed. The story was solid and the performances were outstanding. This movie had some of the best acting I have ever seen in a film. With Jack Nicholson, Leo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg headlining and with a host of other solid supporting performances, this film is one the best ever. Two other great films of note were Blood Diamond and Apocalypto.

Let’s look at the categories and I will give my opinions:

Actor in a leading role:
Leonardo DiCaprio had the best year of any actor in 2006. With two incredible performances (The Departed and Blood Diamond), he should easily get this as he was head and shoulders above the other performances.

Actor in a supporting role:
Although Mark Wahlberg was outstanding, Djimon Hounsou deservers this award. His performance was powerful in Blood Diamond.

Actress in a leading role: (the word ACTRESS does still exist)
I’ll have to pass on this because I have not seen any of these performances. None of these five films interested me at all to pay $8 bucks to see them. Even when The Devil Wears Prada came to video I still didn’t want to see it for only a buck. I don’t care at all for the fashion industry and I care even less for the assholes who run it.

Actress in a supporting role:
Again the only performance I saw was Adriana Barraza in Babel. The film was very dry, very slow and too long.

Best Picture:
I have to admit, of these films I did not see The Queen, but my choice is definitely The Departed. Only Letters From Iwo Jima was even close to being the caliber of The Departed, but, still the Departed was in a different league. Martin Scorsese should also reel in the Best Director award.

My predictions are rarely ever right. For some reason the Academy usually picks the most boring piece of shit to win Best Picture and rarely grades actors and actresses on their performances. As I said earlier, sometimes the Academy wants to make some half-assed political statement, so instead of grading performances they will give awards based upon race or they will throw foreign films an occasional "bone" (right-wing fundamentalists at their finest).

The Oscars is just another tool in the movie marketing machine. Since the Academy consists of workers within the movie making industry, most of the time you only have to see which film had the most people working on it; the more people, the more votes. Sometimes they will select a film which was not too popular to increase profits. Why else would people rush out to see Chariots of Fire?


Top Films

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Since we are getting close to Oscar season I decided to post my all time favorite films. I do take into account the aging of the film, so if the film does not age well, it drops down on the list. If you would like to post your favorite movie list I would be interested in seeing what films you rate as the greatest of all time.

1. Gladiator
2. Lord of the Rings-Return of the King
3. Batman Begins
4. Lord of the Rings-Two Towers
5. Lord of the Rings-Fellowship of the Ring
6. V For Vendetta
7. The Departed
8. War of The Worlds – 2005
9. Shawshank Redemption
10. Man in The Iron Mask
11. Bladerunner
12. King Kong-2005
13. Patton
14. Les Miserables
15. Star Wars V – Empire Strikes Back
16. Chronicles of Riddick
17. Legends of The Fall
18. Unbreakable
19. Underworld
20. Star Wars VI – Return of The Jedi
21. Devil’s Advocate
22. 12 Angry Men
23. Exorcist, The
24. Star Wars III – Revenge of The Sith
25. Star Wars IV – A New Hope
26. Aliens
27. The Prestige
28. Goodfellas
29. Shindler’s List
30. Titanic
31. Matrix
32. Matrix 3
33. The Illusionist
34. Spiderman
35. Raiders of the Lost Ark
36. Gangs of New York
37. The Pianist
38. Dawn of The Dead - 2003
39. Godfather 2
40. We Were Soldiers
41. Scent of A Woman
42. Godfather
43. Terminator 2-Judgement Day
44. Matrix 2
45. Jurassic Park
46. Silence of The Lambs
47. Spiderman 2
48. The Thirteenth Warrior
49. Shaun of The Dead
50. Ghost and The Darkness
51. First Blood
52. Star Trek II-The Wrath of Khan
53. Last Samurai
54. Silverado
55. Prophecy
56. Jaws
57. Total Recall
58. Top Gun
59. The Rock
60. Unforgiven
61. Outbreak
62. Sixth Sense
63. Terminator
64. Casino
65. Star Wars II – Attack of The Clones
66. American History X
67. Razor's Edge
68. Bridge on The River Kwai
69. Avalon
70. Bourne Identity
71. Forrest Gump
72. Rob Roy
73. Signs
74. Primal Fear
75. Platoon
76. Master And Commander
77. Conan The Barbarian
78. Cool Hand Luke
79. Dirty Harry
80. Black Hawk Down
81. Rocky
82. No Way Out
83. Eight Men Out
84. Vision Quest
85. Elephant Man
86. Falling Down
87. Fatal Attraction
88. Highlander
89. Con Air
90. Casualties of War
91. Judgment At Nuremberg
92. Kelley's Heroes
93. Lonely Are The Brave
94. Road Warrior
95. Marathon Man
96. Uncommon Valor
97. Miller's Crossing
98. Monte Walsh
99. Good Bad Ugly
100. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
101. Natural
102. Omen
103. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
104. Pale Rider
105. Poltergeist
106. Predator
107. Presumed Innocent
108. Regarding Henry
109. The River’s Edge
110. Rocky 3
111. Roger & Me
112. The Corporation
113. Bowling For Columbine
114. A Christmas Story
115. Shoot To Kill
116. Ed Wood
117. Stand By Me
118. Taxi Driver
119. A Time To Kill
120. To Kill A Mockingbird
121. Tron
122. The Untouchables
123. The Vanishing
124. Walk In The Clouds
125. The Wild Bunch
126. Sting, The
127. Treasure of Sierra Madre
128. Star Wars I – Phantom Menace

What do you think? How would your rankings look?


Our Eroding Freedoms and Heroes

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
When freedoms are eroded it doesn’t happen overnight, it usually occurs over generations. The next generation hardly realizes how much freedom the generation before it actually had. But the past few years has been the exception as the Bill of Rights has been treated like toilet paper.

The Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act and a host of executive orders outlined in my previous posts are all aimed at limiting or destroying our freedoms. What is very scary about all of this is how quiet the press has been over these issues. It seems the sex habits of celebrities are more important than losing our 5th Amendment rights or being illegally taxed. This really frustrates me.

Whenever arguments arise over lost freedoms or lost rights, I wish our political parties would think beyond their partisan agendas and consider how the law impacts the America people as a whole. Are the people losing rights as guaranteed by the Constitution? If so, do we really need a law which conflicts with the single most important document in human history? Is the permanent loss of freedom worth the heightening of security, keeping in mind when freedoms are lost they are rarely gained? These are questions which should be answered from a bipartisan committee and not the Republican or the Democratic parties. Too often they both have hidden agendas and are too corrupt to answer these questions so the American people’s interests are not properly considered.

I hope you all realize the inaccuracies within the history books. History is often written and censored by the conquerors and masters of that particular generation. If you want to read a real history book, try Howard Zinn’s The History of the American People.

The quest for money and power within our historical and religious books leaves a trail of blood which could fill the Atlantic Ocean. It also seems like the richer the asshole the more blood he shed. You think Columbus was a great man? Well he slaughtered just about everybody he encountered on his journey to America. Genocide was often the rule as he stole anything he wanted and brought blood-soaked treasures back to Europe, claiming them for his own. The only difference between Columbus and Charles Manson was Columbus was funded by the Crown. Yet history books would lead you to believe he was a great man.

Try to find a hero in history and it is difficult to do; even religious heroes are riddled with evil tendencies. For example King David, who slew Goliath and saved his people, had a very dark side. One day he noticed a beautiful young woman bathing in the river and fell instantly in love. Too bad she was married to his best friend (too bad for his best friend that is). So he sends his best friend off to the front lines of war where he was eventually killed so David could satisfy his carnal desires.

Like Moses? Think again. After leading his people out of slavery he formed a rogue army which terrorized the Middle East. They slaughtered many innocent men, women and children because they were not believers in Christ and were having premarital sex. The Bible tells vivid stories about him cutting the babies out of women and slamming them against rocks or throwing them off cliffs. And you thought the Bible was against abortion. He would take the young, virgin women as prisoners though, until they collected too many of them. When his general asked what to do with all the women he replied, “Give half to God and the other half do with as you please.” Translation, kill half of the innocent women and use the other half as your personal sex slaves. Are we to believe Moses was working on God’s authority?

Everybody has a dark side. I liked President Clinton even though he got a head job in the White House. That is until he signed NAFTA, which was the single most tragic document every to befall the middle class. Only the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act inflict more terror on the middle class. Now President Bush threatens to sign CAFTA which will make NAFTA look like the Social Security Act. Have you heard anything about CAFTA on the news? Nope, because the ruling class wants this law because it will be very good for corporate profits, but they don’t want us to know anything about it until after it is signed into law, so it has been suppressed from the media.

This is why I liked Star Wars so much. You could easily tell the evil people from the good people by their appearance. The evil people had red skin or glowing red eyes or some other deformity, but in real life the evil people look like you and me. They walk among us and talk like us and eat the same foods we eat. They are attractive and well-spoken. Except they talk from a "pulpit" and fail to see any point of view except their own. If you disagree with them, they will rain down a hell storm of fire and brimstone until you submit or die. Religious figures are the worst because they preach from this position of self righteousness but are often doing the exact thing they are claiming is the work of the devil. This really irritates me.

Some people think I am too hard on religions. The truth is I don’t have to be, if you read the teachings they speak for themselves. From Mormons to Jews to Christians to Muslims, their teachings are riddled with murder, hypocrisy and hilarity. Sometimes I wonder why anyone who actually read any part of those books could possibly think God was present in any of it. It must either be some kind of brain damage or they must not actually understand what they read.

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The ABC's of Darth

Friday, February 16, 2007
I saw this on Mimi's blog and it sounded fun: (notice I have troubles choosing just one thing)

A-Available or married?

B-Best Friend?
I am so lucky to have more than one best friend: My brother, my wife, Andy R, Rozetta, Ken.

C-Cake or pie?
My mom’s homemade Lemon Pie (her German Chocolate Cake is not too bad either)

D-Drink of choice?
Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Root Beer, Sprite Zero, Crystal Light

E-Essential item?
Computers (notice it's plural)

F-Favorite color?
Dark Purple

G-Gummi bears or worms?
I hate all things gummi because they stick to my teeth. I eat sugar free York Peppermint patties and coconut chews.

St. Louis, MO

Taking dangerous adventures either by or confronting things or going places I shouldn’t.

J-January or February?
I really do not like either of these months but if I must choose one then it will be February; only because it is a shorter month and closer to spring.

K-Kids and names?
I have one son named Nick, a straight-A, 15-year old freshman. He is already taking classes as a freshman in high school which I took deep into college.

L-Life is incomplete without?
My family and friends.

M-Marriage date?
October 31, 1998

N-Number of siblings?
2 younger brothers.

O-Oranges or apples?
Actaully, I prefer peaches (in season) and grapes.

Death of a loved one and losing my freedom.

Q-Favorite Quotes?
Life is not about the number of breaths you take but the number of moments which take your breath away.
Love in the past is a memory, love in the future is a fantasy, only here and now can we truly love.
Men have two heads but only enough blood to run one at a time.

R-Reasons to smile?
My family and friends.


T-Tag 3 people?
Instead of a tag how about an open invitation to participate. Just leave a comment so I know you are doing it.

U-Unknown fact about me?
I have a superman complex in which I like to save people. This is probably why I like dangerous adventures.

V-Vegetable you hate?
Raw onions (my Kryptonite)

W-Worst habit?
Retreating into my dungeon to write and do research for many hours.

X-X-rays you have had?
Leg, more specifically the knee. I eventually had surgery.

Y-Your favorite foods?
Imo’s Pizza with meat and provel cheese toppings, preferrably pepperoni(A St. Louis thing)
Hostess Snowballs (which I rarely eat anymore)

Z-Zodiac sign?


America: From Freedom to Fascism Part 2

Friday, February 09, 2007
“It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford.

We have learned in previous posts how it was possible for the government to allow the 9/11 terrorists attacks to happen (there certainly was enough motive), how we are not legally required to pay income taxes but the federal government instills fear and collects them anyway then gives all the money to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), and how the FRB are the true owners of our country and how they are allowed to print money and charge us for it even though the government has this power.

We’ve seen many examples of new fascist laws the government is imposing upon us to restrict our freedoms under the guise of “protecting” us from terrorism. I think it is obvious the government wants to put RFID chip in our body to further snoop on our habits to ensure we are controlled. But where is all of this going? Before we can answer this question it is important to understand more about the banking system. The FRB is just one leg in a much larger world bank. This World Bank operates under the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements.

Most people don’t know that these private bankers control the governments of the world. They have financed and profited from every war since WW1 without any concerns of humanity. The war in Iraq is an attempt by the FRB and their international banking partners to gain control of the Middle Eastern banks and bring them into the New World Order.

These bankers are currently working on a new system of world government where everything will be controlled by them in a police state. This Orwellian system will be the most sinister plot ever instigated on mankind. A new police state will be born where every person will have a tracking device planted within them, where the bankers and the government can monitor every transaction you make.

“The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” Felix Frankfurter, US Supreme Court Justice.

Since 1913 huge media conglomerates have controlled the media but in the past couple of decades they have been allowed to merge and control multiple markets or multiple media outlets within single markets. The result is many of the news organizations, whether they are TV, newspaper or radio, are now controlled by a few huge corporations. These corporations can now spin stories however they see fit, and since we are taught to believe everything the network news tells us, we eat it up like candy. The media controls the information and the temperament of society by printing articles which tilt the favor of certain activities in their direction. Even if the direction is not favorable for us they can still twist the facts to trick us into believing something is good for us when it is not. This is why you should get your news from non commercial entities like National Public Radio.

Fascism could also be called corporatism because it is the perfect merger of power between the corporation and the state. We cannot trust the media because they are owned by the very same corporations which seek to enslave us under the Federal Reserve System. CBS is owned by Viacom. NBC is owned by General Electric. ABC is owned by the Disney Corporation. These three corporate giants are in bed with the FRB because there is a tremendous payday for them to support that system.

If you notice within the past few decades the reporters no longer ask any deep, probing questions to government officials. It is considered taboo. Within the White House press Corps, if you ask one of those questions you will be ostracized. There is a veil of fear hanging over them because in some cases they know what is happening but are powerless to get the story out to the American people. We are left with the media being a non factor as one of the checks within our system of government. Instead of reporting on changes within the law which removes our freedoms, they report on the current status of celebrities. And the mindless masses eat it up like candy.

I notice it when I post something like this and I get no comments. I guess people think I am a weirdo or some conspiracy theorist nut job. When I am only a guy who researches topics and I go where the evidence goes. I feel like I am living in the world of John Carpenter’s They Live. If you would like someone else’s words then read a couple of these quotes, which support the efforts of the World Bank led by the FRB is taking over the world’s finances:

“The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress are irrelevant. America’s domestic policy is now run by Alan Greenspan and the FRB. America’s foreign policy is run by the International Monetary Fund. When the President decides to go to war he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress.” Robert Reich, A member of President Clinton’s Cabinet and one of his most trusted advisors. Quote made on January 7, 1999 in the USA Today. (Every now and then one slips by them).

“In the next century, nations as we know them will be obsolete. All states will recognize a single global authority.” Strobe Talbott, President Clinton’s Secretary of State. This quote was taken from Time Magazine on July 20, 1992.

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But now the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” David Rockefeller, Private Banker; delivered to the Council of Foreign Relations in June 1991. He believes the world would be better off if he and his banker friends ran it.

It is important to remember treaties like GAT, CAFTA and NAFTA are nothing more than governments working along with bankers to create a New World Order. These are not free trade agreements but government managed trade aimed at destroying the standard of living in richer countries like America. By bringing the labor rates down they control more money while at the same time Middle classes (which are usually the majority within most countries) will be curtailed and neutered.

The alliance formed between these bankers, the government and the huge corporations is the primary reason our government no longer forces immigration laws. The bankers want a one world government without borders and the American government is obeying them. If the American government was so worried about terrorism then why leave the borders open but require a National ID card?

This is a bipartisan plan. Neither Republicans nor Democrats have the power to stop this. They know what is going on and support the efforts to turn our planet into a police state controlled by the rich bankers. In other countries their governments are controlled by the bankers too. I really don’t think we stand a chance of turning the tide.

What can you do to help the situation and deliver us from slavery to retain our freedoms and democracy?
• Join together in civil disobedience like Martin Luther King, Ghandi and George Washington did in earlier times.
• Vote favorably for laws and only for political candidates who force Congress to use their legal authority and shut down the Federal Reserve System.
• If you are in the military or law enforcement, remember you swore an oath to defend the American constitution and the freedoms within. Do not act on orders which conflict with the Bill of Rights.
• Realize the government has the authority to issue money without paying interest to the bankers.
• Do not accept a national ID card.
• Abolish computer voting as it can easily lead to rigged elections.
• Stop being good Republicans
• Stop being good Democrats
• Participate in strikes, boycotts and marches on Washington
• When the media starts telling you the country will fall apart if this agenda fails, don’t believe them; this is just the Federal Reserve System trying to save itself.

It is important to remember, the war on terrorism is actually a war on our freedom.


America: From Freedom to Fascism Part 1

Thursday, February 08, 2007
“The Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper!” George W. Bush, November, 2005

In the January following an election year, the President of the United States takes an oath of office and swears to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. It is now common practice to break this vow. As a part two follow up to my first posting entitled Federal Income Tax Fraud, this post will deal mainly with the “owners” plan to turn our democracy into a fascist regime under the guise of “protecting” us from terrorism. Remember the owners have been defined as certain private bankers working with the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB). These bankers are the true masters of our country which control the government like pawns are controlled on a chess board. Nothing happens without their approval, the president is just another employee.

We have been told that changes in laws and our society are needed to “protect" us from terrorism. The real reasons for these changes are to protect the bankers and give them even more control of us. In a surf system the masters must have complete control of every aspect of society. In just a few short years they will have this control and it is happening right under our noses.

In May of 2008 the “Real ID Act” becomes an active law requiring every American to have a national ID card. Along with this ID card, checkpoints will be set up throughout the country requiring you to present your ID card to pass through. The guise behind this law is to “protect“ us from terrorism but it is really a form of population control. I remember seeing images of Nazi Germany and the roadblocks requiring “papers” to pass. Well this is exactly what we will have in 2008. If the American government is so concerned by terrorism, then why have the borders have been left open but at the same time telling us we need a national ICD card?

During the 1990’s President Clinton monitored millions of private phone calls placed by US citizens under a secret program called Echelon. The widespread use of wiretapping American citizens during the Clinton Administration proves this practice was not started because of 9/11 but is standard procedure. Technology had finally provided a way for the government to snoop on the people and they took it. Eventually news of this would reach the population and they will not be too happy with this procedure. How do you change people’s perception to allow the government to snoop on them? How do you take a free society and get them to succumb to less freedom? Answer: the government has to scare the shit out of them and then they will come crawling for protection.

In the summer of 2001 a confidential file reached President Bush’s desk that spoke of a terrorist plot to attack the World Trade Center using commercial jet airliners. These details later became public knowledge in the 9/11 Commission Report. What did the President do? Nothing. It is also important to point out that the major corporations within the WTC all recently increased their insurance premiums. Maybe in anticipation of this attack?

Instead of taking action to stop this terrorist plot, it was allowed to take place to scare Americans into the new order (the new order being a fascist plot by the bankers of America to finally seize control of our country). We have visual evidence many of the building within the WTC plaza were not brought down as a result of fires or a plane but due to demolition. The most convincing was Building 7 which was not damaged at all but collapsed on itself. We have recordings of officials at the time warning all inhabitants to vacate because it was being “pulled”. "Pulled" is a term used by demolitionists which means they are getting ready to demolish the building. For more information about this conspiracy click here.

I know many of you are thinking, “There is no way America is becoming a police state!” But I would argue proof of this exists because we are not allowed to do anything without “permission”. We cannot open a business, develop land without government permission or go to a doctor without insurance permission. As middle class people we don’t own any of our property or land, it is all owned by the bank. We just make payments on it. And I must again point out there is no law requiring us to pay income taxes but these taxes are collected by force (this is the definition of authoritarianism).

Below is a list of new laws and decisions by lawmakers which will begin the transformation of our democracy into a police state. These are just the ones I found, there are probably many more out there which I haven't found. The time is coming when America will no longer be a free country. Let me also point out that none of these have received any press coverage. Can you think of why?

• President Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law and suspend habeas corpus. This gives him or any other President dictatorial power over the people, without any checks and balances.
• The government can jail you for life without any charges and without a lawyer. – Military Commissions Act
• FDA ruled the Americans do not have a right to know which foods are genetically modified.
• Because of globalization our government must now accept other nations’ laws.
• Under CAFTA the sale of vitamins and supplements will be illegal.
• Executive Order #IO999 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation.
• Executive Order #IO000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
• Executive Order #I921 Provides that the President can declare a state of emergency that is not defined and Congress cannot review the action for six months.
• Senate Bill #I873 Allows the government to vaccinate you against your will.
• HR I528 (Congressman Sensorbrenner’s Bill) Requires you to spy on your neighbors, including wearing a wire. Refusal would be punishable by a mandatory prison sentence of at least 2 years.
• Treasury Letter (8-12-2005) The government claims the power to seize all financial instruments: gold, silver, currency and anything else if they deem an emergency exists.

Another piece of fascist work is the Patriot Act, which permits:
• Secret FBI and police searches of your home and office.
• Secret government wiretaps on your phone, computer and/or other Internet activity.
• Secret investigations of your bank records, credit cards and other financial records.
• Secret investigations of your library and book purchases.
• Secret examination of your medical, travel and business records.
• The freezing of your funds and assets without any notices or appeals.
• The creation of secret “watch lists” banning those named from traveling.

The next line we must draw is with these new RFID chips which they want to put on every item we own including within our bodies. As you saw above they want to vaccinate us without our permission. This is needed to get the se RFID chips in our bodies so they can tract us and identify us where ever we go. I guarantee you when this comes before the media, they will portray this as very important step to defeating terrorism. In reality, this is the most important step in taking away our freedoms.

Imagine having a chip implanted in your body which a law enforcement officer or government official could easily read with a reader device. This chip would contain everything about you including: medical history, blood type, credit history, purchasing history of the good you bought, how much cash is in your bank accounts, salary history, social security number and national ID number, just about any pertinent information about you. All right there for anyone with a reader device to see.

They also want to put these in the goods we buy so they can easily track them. They are so small they only appear as a period within the sentence on the label. Yet they can send a signal which could easily be read by any official with one of those reader devices to locate it.

They want to put these chips within cash so the amenity of cash will disappear. Imagine going to a bank or ATM machine and the cash you get is scanned and recorded as given to you. Then you go to the store and buy something, the cash is put into their reader device and recorded what you bought. Now a database can easily be built outlining your purchase habits and history. I think this is too Orwellian to be true, yet it is true.

“A massive database that the government will use to monitor every purchase made by every American is a necessary tool in the war on terror.” – The Pentagon.

More to come...........



Wednesday, February 07, 2007
The past couple of days have been very surreal for me. I have seen people in an ICU before but when I visited my friend AndyR I was completely horrified by what I saw. I remember when my grandmother was in the ICU she seemed so calm and relaxed. They had her under several blankets and her head was propped up on at least three big pillows. She was sleeping and seemed very happy.

Andy was lying with only a small rag covering his chest and groin. He still had blood all over his body along with this yellow substance, looking like he was just out of a war. A large tube with several smaller metal tubes was protruding from his neck surrounded by dried blood. His eyes were half open causing a “blank stare” effect with wet gunk along the edges. He was also bloated and stone cold. There was no movement or activity at all.

I talked to him but there was no response. I had to fight back the tears welling up inside of me at seeing one of my oldest and dearest friends looking like he was a cadaver. I am glad he was out because I can only imagine the pain he would have been in if her were awake. He had a nurse at his bedside watching him, because he was still at risk for dying. I found out he had two open heart surgeries because after the first the bleeding was not stopped. So they had to open up his chest again.

Another good friend was there and after he saw him he commented when would Andy’s ship finally come in? He is a very hard working guy, who is a faithful friend but he never seems to get a break. This was finally going to be his year as he was getting out of debt, his business was finally on the verge of taking off and then this happens. He has had only one girlfriend in his life because he works so many long hours (and that was a short term thing) but she was an abusive bitch and treated him like shit.

Seeing this makes me realize just how fragile life can be. At any moment the icy hand of death can swoop down from the skies and squeeze the life out of us. It makes me appreciate the little things in life like laughing with a friend. If you hold off doing that thing you want to do, you might not be alive tomorrow to do it. So live everyday like it is your last. When I see stuff like this it is also hard for me to believe in a God. Because if there is a God what kind of justice is this? What did this guy do to deserve this? Sorry for venting but this really pisses me off.

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Somebody Get The Stick Out of Our Ass

Monday, February 05, 2007
Another Superbowl, another boring mess. The game was almost as bad as watching two pigs get stuck in the mud while trying to free themselves. (I better be careful because people might complain because I am poking fun of pigs). I fell asleep during the third quarter so I did miss a little of the game but nothing happened anyway. The game was over in the second quarter; I think there was a total of two exciting plays.

This year the commercials were the worst I have ever seen. With the exception of Blockbuster and a couple of Budweiser ads, the whole mess was horrible. But the Budweiser axe and chainsaw hitchhiker ad was "fall on the floor" funny. I hate commercials anyway but I do appreciate the humor in beer ads.

I saw the Federline commercial which was supposedly making fun of fast food workers (which was not worth the tape it was copied on). People were complaining because it belittled fast food workers. Now we cannot make fun of people’s jobs.

We have got to get the stick out of our ass before we all die from stress. Good comedy is going to have to go underground soon or comedians will face law suits. What the hell is wrong with us when we cannot make fun of people’s jobs? I really hope to be kidnapped by aliens soon because I can’t take much more of this shit. If I am going to get probed in the ass at least a whole society should benefit from it and not just the NFL.

A very good friend (AndyR) was rushed into surgery yesterday at 8pm because his aorta burst open. He was very close to death but managed to get himself to the hospital just in time. Now I know why he didn't show up for the game.

I didn’t find out what happened until about 10pm but I was left speechless. I am going to visit him in the hospital tonight. This is proof how valuable our time on Earth is and how quickly it can be taken away. Live everyday like it is your last because you never know when it will be.

Get well soon Andy as the readership of this blog just dropped by 50%.

In closing I leave you with a list of events or videos that were more fun to watch than
Superbowl XLI:

• A tractor Pull (this was very close).
• Snapping turtles bottoming out in the deep sand.
• Real time video of a bucket of ice melting on the frozen tundra.
• The underwater mating habits of the wild sponge.
• The above water mating habits of Wal-Mart greeters (I think I just threw up in my mouth)
• A Kevin Ferderline music video.
• 100 hours of video of dogs licking their balls narrated by Charlton Heston.
• A spitting contest featuring 10 ill-showered, beard-wearing, Camel smoking, tobacco-chewing, camoflauge-wearing, NRA-card carrying, gun-toting, big-breasted, Bible thumping, toothless, Republican midwestern hunters.
• The riveting docudrama entitled, “How many wheels can I fit on the rear axle of my truck” starring the winner of the spitting contest.
• Making the career jump from whore to high school French Teacher in 5.1 DTS.

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Bush’s New “Healthcare Plan”

Friday, February 02, 2007
I almost forgot to comment on President Bush’s new “healthcare plan” which I thought was hilarious. He wants to place a tax on corporations who give healthcare benefits to employees and then give that money back as a tax credit for people who pay their own healthcare. LOL!! Do you know what will happen as a result of this?

Employers will start cancelling coverage for workers to avoid the tax. They will justify this decision by pointing out this new tax credit and how people should be able to buy coverage on their own, thus cancelling coverage for their workers. So Bush’s new “healthcare plan” will probably result in more uninsured Americans and will end healthcare in the US as we know it. Then, eventually this tax credit will be too expensive and will be abandoned leaving us with nothing. LOL!!

This is exactly what corporations want. They have been trying to end corporate healthcare coverage for years and now Bush has given them their “out”. Yet another example of a brilliant plan to help corporate America at the expense of middle class America. At least he is consistent.

I’ll bet Rush Limbaugh and the ditto heads also loved this idea. I can imagine them spinning this idea as “very good for the country”. You see, Rush and his cohorts believe in a “laissez faire” style of benefits where everybody buys their own and if you can’t afford it then, “oh well”. I think they call the current system a corporate welfare system. Rush and Bush care little for humanity and see healthcare as a luxury and not a necessity.

So Bush’s new “healthcare plan” will result in no healthcare at all. Message to Bush: Not everybody in the country is a complete moron.

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The Case for Nonprofits

Thursday, February 01, 2007
Exxon Mobil today announced earnings for 2006 at over $35 billion. There is no mystery to high gas prices; just look at $35 billion and that should answer any question as to why gas prices are so high. Even as crude oil prices tumbled in late 2006, prices at the pump did not always fall at the same rate.

This is a classic example of how a corporation’s interest often conflicts with the interests of the country. When this happens government regulations need to exist to curtail the corporation in question. Exxon Mobil could easily contribute to crushing our economy by charging whatever it wants for gasoline products in 2007. What can the government do to prevent these corporate giants from negatively impacting society? Turn them into nonprofits.

I am not in favor of what Chavez is doing in Venezuela but I respect his motives. At least he will not allow a thieving oil company to suck money out of his middle class. But nationalizing something like oil could also lead to government corruption. In my opinion, any market which is deemed needed for the survival of the country or its people should be made into a nonprofit market.

Examples of where nonprofit entities are needed include: hospitals, drug companies and other health care facilities, utilities such as electricity, gas, water, and sewer, gasoline companies like Exxon Mobil, banking services including loans and interest on debt. Just think about how good our life would be if we could all afford healthcare and did not have to pay exorbitant interest rates. Just those two items alone would make life better for all of us overnight.

Am I suggesting Best Buy be forced into nonprofit status? Absolutely not. There is nothing wrong with earning profits because the consumer chose one product over another. But when there is no choice or when the market is rampant with collusion or when you cannot afford life saving drugs or treatments because they are too expensive, the consumer needs protection.

Imagine taking that $35 billion and giving it back directly to the drivers of automobiles. Imagine taking the $600 million Ameren earned in 2006 and giving it back to the families in the St. Louis area. Ameren actually is seeking a rate increase this year, like $600 million was not enough money.

How much is enough? The answer to this question, there is never enough for them. If they earn $35 billion this year they are going to want $50 billion next year. This cycle will continue until this beast consumes everything around it. This is the problem with capitalism and why certain markets must be regulated. As long a product has plenty of substitutions, capitalism and the free market system will be successful. But when smaller companies are allowed to merge into bigger companies to create monopolies and energy companies are not regulated, they will run wild and consume everything.

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