Stealing vs Copying

Monday, August 21, 2006
“Stealing: the wrongful taking of someone else's property without that person's willful consent”

Notice the above definition of the word “stealing” and remember it for the following post. Upon further clarification, stealing is when you take something from somebody without their consent so they no longer have it anymore. Again, the two conditions that must be present for stealing are:

1) to take without consent
2) to take, leaving the owner without the object

In 2002, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) launched a campaign against law abiding citizens to change the definition of the word “stealing” and, in the process, transform innocent citizens into outlaws. Fourteen year old kids were sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars, people were threatened with the possibility of losing their homes and everything else they had worked their entire life for. And for what? Copying music.

The RIAA and MPAA have launched a media blitz, brainwashing the public into thinking copying is stealing. Copying music is the new crime of the century. You can walk into a department store and steal a CD but not get as much jail time as copying this same CD from your friend. Why have Americans sold out on this issue? Why have we allowed a gang of multi-millionaires to dictate to us what we are allowed to do with something we legally purchase? If you ever need proof the government is crooked just bring up this issue and you can prove the government sells laws to the highest bidder.

If our country is a democracy then let the majority rule on this issue too. But no, the legislatures have allowed the small minority of record companies to insert their agenda as the priority over the millions and millions of file traders. These file traders were not breaking any laws, they were not hurting anybody, nor were they any risk to national security but still our government allows them to be hunted down as if they were Al Qaeda terrorists. The government allows the RIAA and the MPAA to trample on the rights of these individuals as if they were pedophiles or rapists. And for what? Copying music.

In the above definition of stealing, I cannot find anyplace which allows copying to be associated with it. The definition of copying is:

“the duplication of information, or an artifact, based only on an instance of that information or artifact, and not using the process that originally generated it.”

The two definitions are not even closely related!!

If small minorities of rich people are allowed to easily change laws and get innocent people put in jail for victimless crimes then we have truly lost our country. People’s needs and wants should always come before the needs and wants of corporations. That should be a basic value instilled in us because we are human beings. Yet our legislatures compromise our principles, our values, our integrity and even our freedom and allow these to be sold to the highest bidder like we are slaves at an auction.

If company A is not rich enough and they need to get richer. No problem for our legislatures, they will create a law requiring everybody to buy their product even though it is not wanted. You could use the oil companies as anther example of how the government has stifled technology and allowed the oil companies to out live their usefulness.

The recording industry is one of the most corrupt industries on the planet. They have already been found guilty of price fixing and collusion but yet the government still allows them free reign in determining the laws of our country. Everyday the recording industry cajoles artists into signing contracts which makes the executives richer while enslaving the artists. They legally prey upon these artists because they can create laws in their favor, change the definitions of words in their favor, and buy any legislature to tilt the balance of law in their favor.

How many times do we have to pay for the same material? If you are a plumber and you install plumbing in an office building, you do not get paid every time somebody flushes the toilet, so why should the recording industry expect to be paid every time a song is played? They have created new rules like these for their industry and they have brainwashed us into believing they are good rules.

This is the article that got me all riled up.

By downloading a CD from a friend you are not stealing their CD because they will still have it when you are finished. It is also important to point out that the person being sued by the RIAA is the person sharing and not the person copying; what justification do they create in their twisted minds for that? There is nothing logical about prosecuting people for copying files.

Now that I am finished ranting about this corrupt gang of blood sucking idiots, can somebody explain to me how copying is stealing? Both definitions are in this post. I cannot see it and I never will be able to see it because I will not allow by judgment to be purchased or influenced by these corporate fuckholes!!!

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Blogger Kitten wtw said...

I like purchasing my music on off the web. I can pick and choose what song I want and not take the whole album. I paid for the songs I downloaded yet, I am limited to what I can do with these songs!

That is what ticks me off!

Good Post!


9:22 PM  

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