Friday, July 14, 2006
For R
She is 25, a beautiful flower just beginning life’s journey but it was almost a year ago she confided in me that she had HIV. I have known her my entire life; she is like a sister to me. After the words rolled off her tongue, I still remember feeling like I was frozen, unable to move and everything started moving in slow motion. Then I went numb. For years I had been the strong one, always able to bail her out of any trouble that came her way but not this time. I sat helpless, unable to remove this demon that had invaded her body. I still get numb thinking about that day.
Only having a few sex partners it was easy for her to find the guy. He was a 35 year old businessman wearing a suit and tie. They had a 6-month relationship and the condom did not come off early. A DNA test confirmed the AIDS virus came from him. The bastard wanted to infect other women to pay back the woman who infected him.
He was taking medicine but he stopped so now he is suffering with full blown AIDS. Today he is rotting away in a hospital bed waiting for death’s hand, so prosecution is not worth it. He killed my friend as sure as if he had taken a gun and pulled the trigger.
From me to him: I hope death waits and leaves you to suffer. When I think about the countless women you infected, the lives you destroyed I want you to get a long lasting dose of suffering. And when you are getting ready to take life’s final breath to relieve your pain, I can only hope the hospital staff revives you to live on another week or month. In the words of Pinhead, “Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell!!” So, live on asshole; enjoy the ride!!!
This is what led to my odyssey into finding out about this terrible disease. Many of my conservative friends believe that God put this disease on our planet to curse the homosexuals. After reading countless books and stumbling on articles and various documentaries, I think I finally have the true story.
HIV is a virus manufactured by humans while trying to cheaply manufacture a polio vaccine in the early 1950’s. HIV is a mutated form of SID syndrome found in primates. They would take the livers of primates and combine those cells with polio cells to produce a polio vaccine. This vaccine was cheaper to produce than the synthetic one.
Doctors warned these researchers NOT to do this as contamination with other diseases was possible but the companies had dreams of making millions of dollars so nothing could stop them. They wanted to test this new vaccine on America but since our population was already exposed to the existing polio vaccine they decided to test it on a virgin test group. Target Africa.
After vaccinating an entire village the first reported case of HIV in humans was reported only weeks afterward. But did they stop there? NO of course not. The thirst for profit and the taste of money is hypnotic to many in our society, so the research and the vaccinations continued. They thought even if HIV spread to other villages that it would never reach America or Europe.
Fast forward almost 50 years and now my friend is cursed to spend her life alone, without love; no husband for her, no kids for her, no white picket fence in her future. Nothing but a future filled with doctors, drugs and experimental procedures.
Countless millions are already dead and many more people to follow; all in the name of corporate greed. We have reached the point where the goals of mankind and the goals of corporations are not in line with each other. I know that greed is the bane of our existence because this greed unleashed the black plague on our generation. This is why I spend so much time writing these articles pointing that out to people.
Change is slow but it must start somewhere. Like throwing a rock into the water, the ripples will eventually reach the shore; that is how change is too. Information like this is one hell of a rock, now we must be the ripples and carry this message to shore. The truth hurts but it must be exposed. I said in an earlier post that I was ashamed to be a man because of the stupid things that men do. I haven’t yet changed my mind because the more research I do into things, the more stupidity and utter disregard for our fellow man I uncover.
You don’t believe me? Then read The River : A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS by Gary Paulsen or see the documentary The Origins of AIDS.
She is 25, a beautiful flower just beginning life’s journey but it was almost a year ago she confided in me that she had HIV. I have known her my entire life; she is like a sister to me. After the words rolled off her tongue, I still remember feeling like I was frozen, unable to move and everything started moving in slow motion. Then I went numb. For years I had been the strong one, always able to bail her out of any trouble that came her way but not this time. I sat helpless, unable to remove this demon that had invaded her body. I still get numb thinking about that day.
Only having a few sex partners it was easy for her to find the guy. He was a 35 year old businessman wearing a suit and tie. They had a 6-month relationship and the condom did not come off early. A DNA test confirmed the AIDS virus came from him. The bastard wanted to infect other women to pay back the woman who infected him.
He was taking medicine but he stopped so now he is suffering with full blown AIDS. Today he is rotting away in a hospital bed waiting for death’s hand, so prosecution is not worth it. He killed my friend as sure as if he had taken a gun and pulled the trigger.
From me to him: I hope death waits and leaves you to suffer. When I think about the countless women you infected, the lives you destroyed I want you to get a long lasting dose of suffering. And when you are getting ready to take life’s final breath to relieve your pain, I can only hope the hospital staff revives you to live on another week or month. In the words of Pinhead, “Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell!!” So, live on asshole; enjoy the ride!!!
This is what led to my odyssey into finding out about this terrible disease. Many of my conservative friends believe that God put this disease on our planet to curse the homosexuals. After reading countless books and stumbling on articles and various documentaries, I think I finally have the true story.
HIV is a virus manufactured by humans while trying to cheaply manufacture a polio vaccine in the early 1950’s. HIV is a mutated form of SID syndrome found in primates. They would take the livers of primates and combine those cells with polio cells to produce a polio vaccine. This vaccine was cheaper to produce than the synthetic one.
Doctors warned these researchers NOT to do this as contamination with other diseases was possible but the companies had dreams of making millions of dollars so nothing could stop them. They wanted to test this new vaccine on America but since our population was already exposed to the existing polio vaccine they decided to test it on a virgin test group. Target Africa.
After vaccinating an entire village the first reported case of HIV in humans was reported only weeks afterward. But did they stop there? NO of course not. The thirst for profit and the taste of money is hypnotic to many in our society, so the research and the vaccinations continued. They thought even if HIV spread to other villages that it would never reach America or Europe.
Fast forward almost 50 years and now my friend is cursed to spend her life alone, without love; no husband for her, no kids for her, no white picket fence in her future. Nothing but a future filled with doctors, drugs and experimental procedures.
Countless millions are already dead and many more people to follow; all in the name of corporate greed. We have reached the point where the goals of mankind and the goals of corporations are not in line with each other. I know that greed is the bane of our existence because this greed unleashed the black plague on our generation. This is why I spend so much time writing these articles pointing that out to people.
Change is slow but it must start somewhere. Like throwing a rock into the water, the ripples will eventually reach the shore; that is how change is too. Information like this is one hell of a rock, now we must be the ripples and carry this message to shore. The truth hurts but it must be exposed. I said in an earlier post that I was ashamed to be a man because of the stupid things that men do. I haven’t yet changed my mind because the more research I do into things, the more stupidity and utter disregard for our fellow man I uncover.
You don’t believe me? Then read The River : A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS by Gary Paulsen or see the documentary The Origins of AIDS.
what a terribly tragic thing. i'm so deeply sorry. i hope she stays as healthy as can be with all the new meds..for him, may God have mercy on his soul...he did a really bad thing...ouch...
I lost my uncle to AIDS. That was back in 1992. He was 40 years old. Magic Johnson is still with us. It was too late for my uncle by the time he started getting treated.
Oh my God -- the thought is just terrifying. If nothing else, it's a reminder for all of us to be vigilant in our sex lives.
I've heard theories about the government or corporations being responsible for HIV and AIDS. The thought is almost enough to make me *want* an early death so I no longer have to share a planet with the people who could do this to other people. I think the ting to remember about corporations and governments is that they're all run be people. There are decent people, and then there are evil people. Stories like your friend's kind of make me hope for hell a little bit.
Well, I've known R. a long time, and although I haven't spent as much time with her as you Jeff, she was my hands-down favorite of all her sisters. She was the least wild, the most sensible, and I thought the sweetest too. I have always had such high hopes for her above all others in her family.
You know the story of when I worked at the hospital, and met my first AIDs patient, virtually before they had a name for the illness. And I watched him die. It's no way for anyone to go. As far as I am concerned, the God as described by most religions is a False God, and nothing like the real one.
But I want to point out that R. isn't dead yet. She can still live a decade or more if she takes care of herself. And while I agree about big business and their greed (I've been saying this for years), I do believe there's a slim chance a cure can be found in 10 year's time. We have sequenced the genome, we have worked our way down to the beginnings of functional nanotechnology and towards targeted genetic engineering (gene-therapy) which can tailor treatments and medicines specifically to the individual. There are several genetic illnesses that are somtimes curable in infants and sometimes adults including a one or more auto-immune-related illnesses:
chronic granulomatous disorder (CGD)
severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) ("Boy in the Plastic Bubble Syndrome")
So while I know it's devastating to think of her illness, just do what you have always done, just be that great friend you have always been to her (and to ALL your friends), and do the best you can, and be there for her when she asks. And lets hope and pray for a miracle.
That's really sad. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. This is one reason why I'm celibate. Sex is not worth the potential death by the hands of some creep. To think your friend gave her body to this man to only have it desecrated. Abstinence really is the only way to protect yourself.
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