Monday, January 08, 2007
“In substance, the court holds that the Sixteenth Amendment did not empower the Federal Government to levy a new tax.” New York Times on January 25, 1916.
So you were taught the 16th Amendment gave the government the power to collect an income tax on the people. Well I’m here to tell you we were taught wrong. The 16th Amendment only allows for corporate income taxes to be collected and not personal income taxes. I will explain how Income Tax is only for corporate America and how the Supreme Court has ruled several times supporting that. I will also explain that filing a tax return is defined as voluntary by the IRS code but illegal as defined by the Constitution. I will also tell you how the IRS operates out of fear and intimidation outside the boundaries of the law.
“If you examined the 16th Amendment carefully, you would find that a sufficient number of states never ratified that Amendment,” US District Court Judge James C. Fox, 2003.
Before we begin it is important to realize the federal income tax does not fund government. The primary purpose of the federal income tax is NOT to raise revenue for government but to redistribute wealth and control society. 100% of all income taxes collected goes directly to the Federal Reserve Bank as payment on the national debt. Not one nickel goes to the Federal Government or back to the taxpayer for any social programs or federal services.
“Give me control of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes its laws,” Mayer Rothschild, FRB.
What is the Federal Reserve Bank? The FRB is a privately held corporation which steals money directly from the American people. The government has the power to print money and distribute it. Although the government has this power they allow this privately held corporation to print money and then pay interest to them on all of the money printed. The interest on this money is called the Federal Deficit. It’s not really a deficit at all but an elaborate hoax for the FRB to get all of the income tax money. This is the primary way in which the rich stay richer.
When President Woodrow Wilson served his last term he knew that the Federal Reserve Bank laws that he signed into law were a big mistake. He later said, “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
Woodrow Wilson was so unhappy because the government had the power to print its own money and not pay interest on it but he gave this power to someone else; a small group of dominant men known as the FRB. They would now take over and become the true owners of our Country. Today, they own Washington and can create any law they wish and can even prevent the Constitution from being enforced.
“The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and its greatest creative opportunity. Adopting these principles will save the taxpayers immense sums of interest and money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity.” Abraham Lincoln
This is why the federal government will never provide us with any financial statements telling us where the income tax money goes. If the American people ever found out that all of this money goes to corporate American and NOT to fund any federal programs, they might take action. (Doubtfully, but you never know).
When you understand the majority of Americans spend most of their income on taxes, inflation and interest. You will then understand all of this money goes to the richest people in the Country; this is what keeps them rich. All of this money goes to the cartel known as the FRB and the government agency known as the IRS is the “mob” enforcer making sure everybody pays.
Without any federal laws giving the government the power to collect income taxes, they have resorted to common thugery and fear to collect this money from the American citizens. The lower courts are also to blame because they know about this scam but will not allow Supreme Court rulings to be admitted as evidence into trials involving taxes.
In fiscal year 1999 the department of defense had 1.1 trillion dollars in undocumentable adjustments. In fiscal year 2000 they had 2.3 trillion in undocumentable adjustments. Undocumentable adjustments mean the money is missing. All of this cash went directly to the FRB as a form of corporate welfare. Evidence of this corruption is known by many within the federal Government.
“Your income tax is a 100% voluntary tax, and your liquor is a 100% enforced tax. The situation is a different as night and day.” Dwight E. Avis, Head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division Bureau of Internal Revenue.
Think about the law requiring us to file a tax return. It is unconstitutional. Under the Fifth Amendment no one is required to provide answers that might incriminate oneself but if your tax return is faulty you can be fined or put in jail. Also, the IRS Code specifically states the filing of an income tax return is voluntary. So why are people put in jail for not filing?
The Constitution allows only for two forms of taxation: direct and indirect. An income tax is neither one. The Constitution states a direct tax must be apportioned, which means it must be divided equally amongst all the people. The income tax cannot be a direct tax because it is not apportioned. An indirect tax is an excise tax like the ones collected on cigarettes or gasoline.
The 16th Amendment did not give the government the power to collect an income tax on the citizens of America. It only allowed a taxing on the earnings of corporate profits. In Stanton vs. Baltic Mining the Supreme Court explicitly states that the provisions of the 16th Amendment allows no new power of taxation. Income tax is being collected illegally by our government. They wield the IRS like a mob boss uses a cajole. People pay out of fear NOT because the law requires it.
There are several other Supreme Court rulings from the same time period stating the federal government does NOT have the power to collect an income tax on individuals or defining the term “income” as money earned by corporate America and NOT its citizens: Straton Independence vs. Hobarth, Peck vs. Lowe, Burnett vs. Harmel, Doyle vs. Mitchell to name only a few. In a letter by Daniel Inoway’s office of the United States Senate, he writes “Based on research by the Congressional Research Service, there is no provisions which require an individual to pay an income tax.”
The definition of income was given by the Supreme Court in the Eisner vs. Macomber and the Doyle vs. Mitchell cases. Income is defined as gains or profits resulting from corporate activity NOT wages or labor. The Supreme Court also said that your labor is your private property. In 2005 the illegal taxes collected on our labor added up to $927.2 billion. The legal corporate taxes collected were $278.3 billion.
There is nothing in the IRS provisions creating an income tax evasion crime or allowing them to seize property. These laws do not exist yet people are unjustly prosecuted and fined or jailed every year. This is illegal activity perpetrated by the government to scare people into submission. This is a form of judicial blackmail. If the IRS seizes all of your property and assets you can’t even get a lawyer because all of your cash was taken by the government. How can you mount a proper defense without any money?
You have to understand that an agency which imposes an illegal tax does not care about your rights NOR will they allow you to use the law for your protection. The IRS operates outside the boundaries set up by the Supreme Court. Lower Courts also operate outside the boundaries of the Supreme Court by putting people in jail for not complying with an illegal tax but since your assets are taken you can never mount a proper defense in court.
The Constitution freed our society by creating certain unalienable rights. The IRS tax codes have enslaved our society by illegally overstating its boundaries and trumping the most important document ever written, the Constitution. I think it is funny how we are in Iraq fighting for their “democracy” and helping them draft a Constitution when we won’t even defend our own.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs." Thomas Jefferson
I am preparing another post showing you how they plan to control the entire population of the United States within the next 50 years. In the name of terrorism they will will brush the constitution aside like and old dirty sock. They are working on a plan impose a new system of "protections" on us to deliver us from Al Qaeda. Some of the laws have already been passed but many more are to come. Stay tuned for more. I am taking my time with these posts to get them as accurate as I can.
We would all be better off if the FRB were disbanded. We can either choose to do something about this, or choose to go back to sleep within the Matrix. Which will you choose?
Actually, there is not much we can do about this. The income tax is garnished from our pay checks before we ever get a chance to protest. The system is set up so we don’t even have a voice. The FRB is the richest, most powerful corporation in the world. Not even our government has the power to defend itself against them.
So you were taught the 16th Amendment gave the government the power to collect an income tax on the people. Well I’m here to tell you we were taught wrong. The 16th Amendment only allows for corporate income taxes to be collected and not personal income taxes. I will explain how Income Tax is only for corporate America and how the Supreme Court has ruled several times supporting that. I will also explain that filing a tax return is defined as voluntary by the IRS code but illegal as defined by the Constitution. I will also tell you how the IRS operates out of fear and intimidation outside the boundaries of the law.
“If you examined the 16th Amendment carefully, you would find that a sufficient number of states never ratified that Amendment,” US District Court Judge James C. Fox, 2003.
Before we begin it is important to realize the federal income tax does not fund government. The primary purpose of the federal income tax is NOT to raise revenue for government but to redistribute wealth and control society. 100% of all income taxes collected goes directly to the Federal Reserve Bank as payment on the national debt. Not one nickel goes to the Federal Government or back to the taxpayer for any social programs or federal services.
“Give me control of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes its laws,” Mayer Rothschild, FRB.
What is the Federal Reserve Bank? The FRB is a privately held corporation which steals money directly from the American people. The government has the power to print money and distribute it. Although the government has this power they allow this privately held corporation to print money and then pay interest to them on all of the money printed. The interest on this money is called the Federal Deficit. It’s not really a deficit at all but an elaborate hoax for the FRB to get all of the income tax money. This is the primary way in which the rich stay richer.
When President Woodrow Wilson served his last term he knew that the Federal Reserve Bank laws that he signed into law were a big mistake. He later said, “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
Woodrow Wilson was so unhappy because the government had the power to print its own money and not pay interest on it but he gave this power to someone else; a small group of dominant men known as the FRB. They would now take over and become the true owners of our Country. Today, they own Washington and can create any law they wish and can even prevent the Constitution from being enforced.
“The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and its greatest creative opportunity. Adopting these principles will save the taxpayers immense sums of interest and money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity.” Abraham Lincoln
This is why the federal government will never provide us with any financial statements telling us where the income tax money goes. If the American people ever found out that all of this money goes to corporate American and NOT to fund any federal programs, they might take action. (Doubtfully, but you never know).
When you understand the majority of Americans spend most of their income on taxes, inflation and interest. You will then understand all of this money goes to the richest people in the Country; this is what keeps them rich. All of this money goes to the cartel known as the FRB and the government agency known as the IRS is the “mob” enforcer making sure everybody pays.
Without any federal laws giving the government the power to collect income taxes, they have resorted to common thugery and fear to collect this money from the American citizens. The lower courts are also to blame because they know about this scam but will not allow Supreme Court rulings to be admitted as evidence into trials involving taxes.
In fiscal year 1999 the department of defense had 1.1 trillion dollars in undocumentable adjustments. In fiscal year 2000 they had 2.3 trillion in undocumentable adjustments. Undocumentable adjustments mean the money is missing. All of this cash went directly to the FRB as a form of corporate welfare. Evidence of this corruption is known by many within the federal Government.
“Your income tax is a 100% voluntary tax, and your liquor is a 100% enforced tax. The situation is a different as night and day.” Dwight E. Avis, Head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division Bureau of Internal Revenue.
Think about the law requiring us to file a tax return. It is unconstitutional. Under the Fifth Amendment no one is required to provide answers that might incriminate oneself but if your tax return is faulty you can be fined or put in jail. Also, the IRS Code specifically states the filing of an income tax return is voluntary. So why are people put in jail for not filing?
The Constitution allows only for two forms of taxation: direct and indirect. An income tax is neither one. The Constitution states a direct tax must be apportioned, which means it must be divided equally amongst all the people. The income tax cannot be a direct tax because it is not apportioned. An indirect tax is an excise tax like the ones collected on cigarettes or gasoline.
The 16th Amendment did not give the government the power to collect an income tax on the citizens of America. It only allowed a taxing on the earnings of corporate profits. In Stanton vs. Baltic Mining the Supreme Court explicitly states that the provisions of the 16th Amendment allows no new power of taxation. Income tax is being collected illegally by our government. They wield the IRS like a mob boss uses a cajole. People pay out of fear NOT because the law requires it.
There are several other Supreme Court rulings from the same time period stating the federal government does NOT have the power to collect an income tax on individuals or defining the term “income” as money earned by corporate America and NOT its citizens: Straton Independence vs. Hobarth, Peck vs. Lowe, Burnett vs. Harmel, Doyle vs. Mitchell to name only a few. In a letter by Daniel Inoway’s office of the United States Senate, he writes “Based on research by the Congressional Research Service, there is no provisions which require an individual to pay an income tax.”
The definition of income was given by the Supreme Court in the Eisner vs. Macomber and the Doyle vs. Mitchell cases. Income is defined as gains or profits resulting from corporate activity NOT wages or labor. The Supreme Court also said that your labor is your private property. In 2005 the illegal taxes collected on our labor added up to $927.2 billion. The legal corporate taxes collected were $278.3 billion.
There is nothing in the IRS provisions creating an income tax evasion crime or allowing them to seize property. These laws do not exist yet people are unjustly prosecuted and fined or jailed every year. This is illegal activity perpetrated by the government to scare people into submission. This is a form of judicial blackmail. If the IRS seizes all of your property and assets you can’t even get a lawyer because all of your cash was taken by the government. How can you mount a proper defense without any money?
You have to understand that an agency which imposes an illegal tax does not care about your rights NOR will they allow you to use the law for your protection. The IRS operates outside the boundaries set up by the Supreme Court. Lower Courts also operate outside the boundaries of the Supreme Court by putting people in jail for not complying with an illegal tax but since your assets are taken you can never mount a proper defense in court.
The Constitution freed our society by creating certain unalienable rights. The IRS tax codes have enslaved our society by illegally overstating its boundaries and trumping the most important document ever written, the Constitution. I think it is funny how we are in Iraq fighting for their “democracy” and helping them draft a Constitution when we won’t even defend our own.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs." Thomas Jefferson
I am preparing another post showing you how they plan to control the entire population of the United States within the next 50 years. In the name of terrorism they will will brush the constitution aside like and old dirty sock. They are working on a plan impose a new system of "protections" on us to deliver us from Al Qaeda. Some of the laws have already been passed but many more are to come. Stay tuned for more. I am taking my time with these posts to get them as accurate as I can.
We would all be better off if the FRB were disbanded. We can either choose to do something about this, or choose to go back to sleep within the Matrix. Which will you choose?
Actually, there is not much we can do about this. The income tax is garnished from our pay checks before we ever get a chance to protest. The system is set up so we don’t even have a voice. The FRB is the richest, most powerful corporation in the world. Not even our government has the power to defend itself against them.
Labels: Politics
my friend, thank you for the words. i'm trying to fight back. kindey problems but breathing is better. your thoughtfulness comforts me, God Bless. enjoying your post as i can read but it hurts to sit up and type. so know i am around some days. hugs.
You always come up with the most interesting bits of information. Hope you are feeling better. GO EAGLES!
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