How to Raise Your Very Own Stripper

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
In order to combat the dangerously low stripper employment rates (if there is such a thing), the new Pussy Cat Doll will begin your six year old daughter’s odyssey to becoming Hustler Club’s next stripper. These dolls come complete with an edgy wardrobe and are sure to be a big hit with dad. But seriously folks are these dolls any worse than Barbie? Barbie is pretty hot these days.

If you really want to get upset over something how about these kiddy beauty pageants. Kids should not be paraded as sexy objects in front of anybody. I really question the motives of the parents who subject their kids to these “beauty shows”. As a father, your job is to keep your daughter off the poles not teach her how to use them.

Let’s look at the reality of our world; not that I like this reality much but I don’t have a choice in the matter. Women are taught to build their self image through beauty. Men are taught to have money, so the size of their bank account reflects their self image. Can you think of ways we can change this narrow minded approach to self image?

You could raise your child with no Barbie’s and no television and no video games and home school them. But by doing this aren’t you really raising a social outcast with no hope of real friends or any concept of reality. It would be nicer if we were all raised on Walton’s Mountain but sooner or later we would have to come down from the Mountain and then what is going to happen?

It seems we have two extremely dumbass types of parents in the world. On one extreme we have the dumbass parent trying to conduct the Walton’s Mountain experiment, where they shelter the kids from everything. On the other side we have the dumbass parent trying to buy their kids love. So they purchase their 10-year old a cell phone or their 16-year old their own Escalade. These kids are not taught to respect anything especially not the parents. But worse, they are instilled with the attitude of “the world owes me a living” so when they fail they will blame others because they have never been taught how to deal with failure and have never been taught how to provide for themselves.

We need a mixture of both of these philosophies. Parents who raise their kids and teach them how to make educated decisions based upon reality. These kids must also be taught their decisions have consequences. So they can be prepared if they make a bad decision, bad things are going to happen.

Parents, instead of being a “safety net” let your kid fall every once in a while. It is a valuable lesson in helping them build the confidence to make tough decisions and to realize the consequences of their actions. It can sometimes be tough to watch your child fail but maybe this experience will help them make better decisions as an adult. It also teaches them the most important lesson of all; how to get up after you fall; which builds self-confidence, which builds self-image.

So if the kid wants a cell phone then tell him to get a job and pay for their own cell phone. If they are not old enough to get a job and have a cell phone them tell them, “no”. It is almost taboo to tell kids “no” these days but sometimes “no” is the right answer. They also must understand if the grades slip then no more job. By doing this you are teaching them how to respect things and that responsibility comes before pleasure.

These lessons are almost impossible to teach to kids when the parents are never home. The television and the gaming console are the new babysitter and, because of this, the parents feel guilty so they buy the kid whatever they want. I think some parents elect to have kids not because they really want kids but because it satisfies an egotistical need to gain attention or to satisfy somebody else.



Blogger Unknown said...

Rock on!

I hate it when I see spoiled ass kids, and it is really sad. I think that parents who really love their kids will take the time to make sure they grow up responsibly and with a good strong head on their shoulders.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at the state of our world now, and if we continue to allow the children to grow up thinking that "they deserve" everything handed to them. We will continue on the downward spiral that we see now. The childern need to learn financial responsibility and respect for property, their own and other people's.

7:48 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

I agree with everything you said in the post but would like to add that when a toy manufacter decides to market a sexually charged toy to 6-9 year old girls it just adds to the greater problem. Our kids aren't being allowed to just be kids. They are forced fed adult norms and expected to be minature adults outside of the home. I think we should all try to give our children a childhood and be mindful of the world outside the home.

8:49 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

Thanks to everyone for your awesome comments. Keeping our children safe without robbing them of the intellect they need to be a successful adult is challenging. But it doesn’t help when kids are allowed unmonitored access to adult television programs and toys which send the wrong messages.

11:11 AM  

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