Friday, February 09, 2007
“It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford.
We have learned in previous posts how it was possible for the government to allow the 9/11 terrorists attacks to happen (there certainly was enough motive), how we are not legally required to pay income taxes but the federal government instills fear and collects them anyway then gives all the money to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), and how the FRB are the true owners of our country and how they are allowed to print money and charge us for it even though the government has this power.
We’ve seen many examples of new fascist laws the government is imposing upon us to restrict our freedoms under the guise of “protecting” us from terrorism. I think it is obvious the government wants to put RFID chip in our body to further snoop on our habits to ensure we are controlled. But where is all of this going? Before we can answer this question it is important to understand more about the banking system. The FRB is just one leg in a much larger world bank. This World Bank operates under the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements.
Most people don’t know that these private bankers control the governments of the world. They have financed and profited from every war since WW1 without any concerns of humanity. The war in Iraq is an attempt by the FRB and their international banking partners to gain control of the Middle Eastern banks and bring them into the New World Order.
These bankers are currently working on a new system of world government where everything will be controlled by them in a police state. This Orwellian system will be the most sinister plot ever instigated on mankind. A new police state will be born where every person will have a tracking device planted within them, where the bankers and the government can monitor every transaction you make.
“The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” Felix Frankfurter, US Supreme Court Justice.
Since 1913 huge media conglomerates have controlled the media but in the past couple of decades they have been allowed to merge and control multiple markets or multiple media outlets within single markets. The result is many of the news organizations, whether they are TV, newspaper or radio, are now controlled by a few huge corporations. These corporations can now spin stories however they see fit, and since we are taught to believe everything the network news tells us, we eat it up like candy. The media controls the information and the temperament of society by printing articles which tilt the favor of certain activities in their direction. Even if the direction is not favorable for us they can still twist the facts to trick us into believing something is good for us when it is not. This is why you should get your news from non commercial entities like National Public Radio.
Fascism could also be called corporatism because it is the perfect merger of power between the corporation and the state. We cannot trust the media because they are owned by the very same corporations which seek to enslave us under the Federal Reserve System. CBS is owned by Viacom. NBC is owned by General Electric. ABC is owned by the Disney Corporation. These three corporate giants are in bed with the FRB because there is a tremendous payday for them to support that system.
If you notice within the past few decades the reporters no longer ask any deep, probing questions to government officials. It is considered taboo. Within the White House press Corps, if you ask one of those questions you will be ostracized. There is a veil of fear hanging over them because in some cases they know what is happening but are powerless to get the story out to the American people. We are left with the media being a non factor as one of the checks within our system of government. Instead of reporting on changes within the law which removes our freedoms, they report on the current status of celebrities. And the mindless masses eat it up like candy.
I notice it when I post something like this and I get no comments. I guess people think I am a weirdo or some conspiracy theorist nut job. When I am only a guy who researches topics and I go where the evidence goes. I feel like I am living in the world of John Carpenter’s They Live. If you would like someone else’s words then read a couple of these quotes, which support the efforts of the World Bank led by the FRB is taking over the world’s finances:
“The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress are irrelevant. America’s domestic policy is now run by Alan Greenspan and the FRB. America’s foreign policy is run by the International Monetary Fund. When the President decides to go to war he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress.” Robert Reich, A member of President Clinton’s Cabinet and one of his most trusted advisors. Quote made on January 7, 1999 in the USA Today. (Every now and then one slips by them).
“In the next century, nations as we know them will be obsolete. All states will recognize a single global authority.” Strobe Talbott, President Clinton’s Secretary of State. This quote was taken from Time Magazine on July 20, 1992.
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But now the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” David Rockefeller, Private Banker; delivered to the Council of Foreign Relations in June 1991. He believes the world would be better off if he and his banker friends ran it.
It is important to remember treaties like GAT, CAFTA and NAFTA are nothing more than governments working along with bankers to create a New World Order. These are not free trade agreements but government managed trade aimed at destroying the standard of living in richer countries like America. By bringing the labor rates down they control more money while at the same time Middle classes (which are usually the majority within most countries) will be curtailed and neutered.
The alliance formed between these bankers, the government and the huge corporations is the primary reason our government no longer forces immigration laws. The bankers want a one world government without borders and the American government is obeying them. If the American government was so worried about terrorism then why leave the borders open but require a National ID card?
This is a bipartisan plan. Neither Republicans nor Democrats have the power to stop this. They know what is going on and support the efforts to turn our planet into a police state controlled by the rich bankers. In other countries their governments are controlled by the bankers too. I really don’t think we stand a chance of turning the tide.
What can you do to help the situation and deliver us from slavery to retain our freedoms and democracy?
• Join together in civil disobedience like Martin Luther King, Ghandi and George Washington did in earlier times.
• Vote favorably for laws and only for political candidates who force Congress to use their legal authority and shut down the Federal Reserve System.
• If you are in the military or law enforcement, remember you swore an oath to defend the American constitution and the freedoms within. Do not act on orders which conflict with the Bill of Rights.
• Realize the government has the authority to issue money without paying interest to the bankers.
• Do not accept a national ID card.
• Abolish computer voting as it can easily lead to rigged elections.
• Stop being good Republicans
• Stop being good Democrats
• Participate in strikes, boycotts and marches on Washington
• When the media starts telling you the country will fall apart if this agenda fails, don’t believe them; this is just the Federal Reserve System trying to save itself.
It is important to remember, the war on terrorism is actually a war on our freedom.
We have learned in previous posts how it was possible for the government to allow the 9/11 terrorists attacks to happen (there certainly was enough motive), how we are not legally required to pay income taxes but the federal government instills fear and collects them anyway then gives all the money to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), and how the FRB are the true owners of our country and how they are allowed to print money and charge us for it even though the government has this power.
We’ve seen many examples of new fascist laws the government is imposing upon us to restrict our freedoms under the guise of “protecting” us from terrorism. I think it is obvious the government wants to put RFID chip in our body to further snoop on our habits to ensure we are controlled. But where is all of this going? Before we can answer this question it is important to understand more about the banking system. The FRB is just one leg in a much larger world bank. This World Bank operates under the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements.
Most people don’t know that these private bankers control the governments of the world. They have financed and profited from every war since WW1 without any concerns of humanity. The war in Iraq is an attempt by the FRB and their international banking partners to gain control of the Middle Eastern banks and bring them into the New World Order.
These bankers are currently working on a new system of world government where everything will be controlled by them in a police state. This Orwellian system will be the most sinister plot ever instigated on mankind. A new police state will be born where every person will have a tracking device planted within them, where the bankers and the government can monitor every transaction you make.
“The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” Felix Frankfurter, US Supreme Court Justice.
Since 1913 huge media conglomerates have controlled the media but in the past couple of decades they have been allowed to merge and control multiple markets or multiple media outlets within single markets. The result is many of the news organizations, whether they are TV, newspaper or radio, are now controlled by a few huge corporations. These corporations can now spin stories however they see fit, and since we are taught to believe everything the network news tells us, we eat it up like candy. The media controls the information and the temperament of society by printing articles which tilt the favor of certain activities in their direction. Even if the direction is not favorable for us they can still twist the facts to trick us into believing something is good for us when it is not. This is why you should get your news from non commercial entities like National Public Radio.
Fascism could also be called corporatism because it is the perfect merger of power between the corporation and the state. We cannot trust the media because they are owned by the very same corporations which seek to enslave us under the Federal Reserve System. CBS is owned by Viacom. NBC is owned by General Electric. ABC is owned by the Disney Corporation. These three corporate giants are in bed with the FRB because there is a tremendous payday for them to support that system.
If you notice within the past few decades the reporters no longer ask any deep, probing questions to government officials. It is considered taboo. Within the White House press Corps, if you ask one of those questions you will be ostracized. There is a veil of fear hanging over them because in some cases they know what is happening but are powerless to get the story out to the American people. We are left with the media being a non factor as one of the checks within our system of government. Instead of reporting on changes within the law which removes our freedoms, they report on the current status of celebrities. And the mindless masses eat it up like candy.
I notice it when I post something like this and I get no comments. I guess people think I am a weirdo or some conspiracy theorist nut job. When I am only a guy who researches topics and I go where the evidence goes. I feel like I am living in the world of John Carpenter’s They Live. If you would like someone else’s words then read a couple of these quotes, which support the efforts of the World Bank led by the FRB is taking over the world’s finances:
“The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress are irrelevant. America’s domestic policy is now run by Alan Greenspan and the FRB. America’s foreign policy is run by the International Monetary Fund. When the President decides to go to war he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress.” Robert Reich, A member of President Clinton’s Cabinet and one of his most trusted advisors. Quote made on January 7, 1999 in the USA Today. (Every now and then one slips by them).
“In the next century, nations as we know them will be obsolete. All states will recognize a single global authority.” Strobe Talbott, President Clinton’s Secretary of State. This quote was taken from Time Magazine on July 20, 1992.
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But now the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” David Rockefeller, Private Banker; delivered to the Council of Foreign Relations in June 1991. He believes the world would be better off if he and his banker friends ran it.
It is important to remember treaties like GAT, CAFTA and NAFTA are nothing more than governments working along with bankers to create a New World Order. These are not free trade agreements but government managed trade aimed at destroying the standard of living in richer countries like America. By bringing the labor rates down they control more money while at the same time Middle classes (which are usually the majority within most countries) will be curtailed and neutered.
The alliance formed between these bankers, the government and the huge corporations is the primary reason our government no longer forces immigration laws. The bankers want a one world government without borders and the American government is obeying them. If the American government was so worried about terrorism then why leave the borders open but require a National ID card?
This is a bipartisan plan. Neither Republicans nor Democrats have the power to stop this. They know what is going on and support the efforts to turn our planet into a police state controlled by the rich bankers. In other countries their governments are controlled by the bankers too. I really don’t think we stand a chance of turning the tide.
What can you do to help the situation and deliver us from slavery to retain our freedoms and democracy?
• Join together in civil disobedience like Martin Luther King, Ghandi and George Washington did in earlier times.
• Vote favorably for laws and only for political candidates who force Congress to use their legal authority and shut down the Federal Reserve System.
• If you are in the military or law enforcement, remember you swore an oath to defend the American constitution and the freedoms within. Do not act on orders which conflict with the Bill of Rights.
• Realize the government has the authority to issue money without paying interest to the bankers.
• Do not accept a national ID card.
• Abolish computer voting as it can easily lead to rigged elections.
• Stop being good Republicans
• Stop being good Democrats
• Participate in strikes, boycotts and marches on Washington
• When the media starts telling you the country will fall apart if this agenda fails, don’t believe them; this is just the Federal Reserve System trying to save itself.
It is important to remember, the war on terrorism is actually a war on our freedom.
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