Cats Are Crazy

Thursday, December 22, 2005
I have two cats – a male and a female (they are both fixed so I don’t come home to 10 cats) and I am convinced they are crazy.

Have you ever been petting your cat and put the same hand he just saw you petting him with under a blanket? He just saw me put it under the blanket but now he acts like it magically morphed into some kind of helpless animal and starts attacking it. Then I’ll show it to him again so the attack stops and then plunge it under the blanket and he attacks it again.

I bought a six foot cat tree with a perch at the top so now the male cat will often sit on that perch and stare at me for hours, often never blinking. I think I finally know what he is thinking. He is thinking if I was a little smaller and he was a little bigger he could easily kill me and how fun that hunt would be. He just has that look in his eyes. Maybe he is pissed because he finally figured out after a million times that it’s a hand under the blanket.

Also why do the cats insist on chasing each other when its bed time? They have all day in the house to play but after midnight my house turns into a kitty recess. Two cats make a lot of noise in a quiet house.

Two cats and an opened door between them equals many hours of fun. They both lay on their backs trying to get at each other from the quarter inch space under the door when they could easily walk around and swat the other on the head. I hate having uneducated cats!!

I also have a large picture-sized widow in the front of the house where the cat tree sits. So now both cats can stare out at the bird feeder dreaming about the kill. It’s funny because suddenly one will jump at the window smashing into it and plummeting down to earth. You’d think after doing this a thousand times they would realize the solid thing between them and the feeder cannot be penetrated but not crazy cats. Now, whenever I hear a loud thump from the living room I know what it is.

Recently, while wrapping Christmas presents I realized that a piece of scotch tape on a cats back equals many hours of entertainment. The yoga-like contortions rolling on the floor are hilarious. They just cannot rest until that little piece of tape is removed and they will stop at nothing to get it off. This is payback for the perch stares while envisioning my death.

Shaving time equals drinking time. While shaving I usually have a sink full of cats trying to block me from rinsing the razor while battling each other for position under the water. They saw me pour fresh water into their bowls not two minutes ago but they insist on pestering me. This is probably payback for the tape and the invisible barrier near the bird feeder.

Imagine this situation: one cat under the couch while the other cat is on the perch. The cat on the perch hears a noise under the couch and suddenly diverts attention from the bird feeder to the couch. He must be thinking one of the birds managed to somehow penetrate the invisible barrier and land under the large scratching post. He pounces only to discover the other cat. Dejected, he returns to the perch for more feathered fun. Suddenly, a noise under the couch......

Cats really like drawers. In fact, everytime a drawer is opened there is usually as cat jumping in; sometimes I do not see the jump so I will close the drawer trapping the cat inside. Then, when I hear my underwear "meowing" I open the drawer and find a cat. Actually, I am glad I do find a cat when I hear my underwear making this noise. I would hate to think what the alternative would mean.

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Blogger Shavonne said...

Don't you play with your cats before you go to bed? The trick is to wear them out to the point they don't want to play when you lay down.

I had two cats when I was a little girl. They would attack my feet whenever I moved them under the covers. I hated that because I would wake up with claws and teeth digging into my toes. But at least they were fun cats.

8:25 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

The problem is when Piglet does not find a warm lap to cuddle into she likes to tease the male; but he is the alpha and usually wins. They are so funny when they play on the cat tree. Thanks for posting.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Cats are nocturnal. My cat, around 3 AM every morning, decides that she's going to run. She runs up and down the entire length of my apartment for about an hour then passes out. I call it, "ape-shit kitty mode." Get them a laser pointer. They love it, and they'll wear themselves out and eventually give up on chasing the dot and pass out somewhere.

9:45 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...


The laser light is hilarious. Pigles will never give up but the male will soon tire out. In fact, when I take it out (its on a key chain) the little cat just comes flying to me no matter what she is doing. I love 'em.

2:06 PM  

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