I'm Baaaaack

Friday, March 14, 2008
I’ve got one excuse for my absence: Tivo. This box is incredible!! I can record all of my favorite shows!! I no longer have to wait for the DVDs to be released because I can skip through the commercials. I had plans to write blogs on some awesome topics but I ran out of time due to Tivo and learning my new job (but mostly Tivo). It’s been so long since I even logged into my blog that I forgot the password. It took me almost an hour to find it again.

I have been reading more lately. We remodeled the house and build an office for me which allowed us to renovate the old office into a library. I have over 5,000 DVD titles, 8,000 CDs, and 4,000 books organized and available. Having my books available instead of in boxes has allowed me to catch up on some very necessary reading. Some of my recent reads include: The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine, The End of Faith by Sam Harris, God’s Problem by Bart Ehrman, The Audacity of Hope by Barak Obama, God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens, The God Delusion by Richard Hawkins, The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins, American Fascists by Chris Hedges, Freethinkers by Susan Jacoby, God On Trial by Peter Irons, and selected works by Noam Chomsky, David Cay Johnston, Gore Vidal, Barbara Ehrman, Thomas Paine and Cornel West. If you are looking for a great book chose from any of the above. I guarantee all will challenge your intellect and possible change your paradigms.

I’ve seen many great and not so great movies over the past several months. I can tell you that 10,000 BC is very disappointing compared to other Rolland Emmerlich films. Its well made, has some good special effects but the plot of the film is adolescent, and unbelievable. The ending might work in a Disney film but not here. I find the older I get the less I enjoy PG-13 films. I’m an adult, therefore I like adult movies about adult topics. The fairy tales with always happy endings don’t register on my radar anymore. There are exceptions but they are very rare indeed.

I also realized during my absence that when someone tells you they will pray for you it means they plan to do absolutely nothing for you. I would prefer action. Instead of praying, get off your ass and do something……anything. Be honest, just say, “I will help you by sitting on my ass, closing my eyes and mumbling words to my invisible master in the sky.” Thanks buddy; maybe superman or even spiderman will help in the interim!!!!

Regarding the Presidential elections, I am very happy with all of the candidates but Obama is the man. I am disappointed with Hilary Clinton for her selfish attitude by trying to derail the entire Democratic Party if she loses the nomination. When she said (paraphrased) the experience to be the president was limited to herself and Sen McCain, she crossed a line no candidate should cross. For her punishment, if I was Obama I would not even consider her for Vice President. With that statement she has proven she regards herself and her interests above all others. We’ve had that attitude in the White House for eight years, we don’t need it anymore.

I am looking forward to the election this year and the possibility of exchanging our first retarded president with our first black president. Although I will miss the speeches where he fumbles his words, provides his usual blank stare when the questions get too tough, and then struts off stage like he nailed it. I will also miss the open and honest communication. Including the talks about fear, how we must compromise our freedom for security and about how we must limit the checks and balances within our government. Yea I’ll really miss all that.
