Our Eroding Freedoms and Heroes

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
When freedoms are eroded it doesn’t happen overnight, it usually occurs over generations. The next generation hardly realizes how much freedom the generation before it actually had. But the past few years has been the exception as the Bill of Rights has been treated like toilet paper.

The Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act and a host of executive orders outlined in my previous posts are all aimed at limiting or destroying our freedoms. What is very scary about all of this is how quiet the press has been over these issues. It seems the sex habits of celebrities are more important than losing our 5th Amendment rights or being illegally taxed. This really frustrates me.

Whenever arguments arise over lost freedoms or lost rights, I wish our political parties would think beyond their partisan agendas and consider how the law impacts the America people as a whole. Are the people losing rights as guaranteed by the Constitution? If so, do we really need a law which conflicts with the single most important document in human history? Is the permanent loss of freedom worth the heightening of security, keeping in mind when freedoms are lost they are rarely gained? These are questions which should be answered from a bipartisan committee and not the Republican or the Democratic parties. Too often they both have hidden agendas and are too corrupt to answer these questions so the American people’s interests are not properly considered.

I hope you all realize the inaccuracies within the history books. History is often written and censored by the conquerors and masters of that particular generation. If you want to read a real history book, try Howard Zinn’s The History of the American People.

The quest for money and power within our historical and religious books leaves a trail of blood which could fill the Atlantic Ocean. It also seems like the richer the asshole the more blood he shed. You think Columbus was a great man? Well he slaughtered just about everybody he encountered on his journey to America. Genocide was often the rule as he stole anything he wanted and brought blood-soaked treasures back to Europe, claiming them for his own. The only difference between Columbus and Charles Manson was Columbus was funded by the Crown. Yet history books would lead you to believe he was a great man.

Try to find a hero in history and it is difficult to do; even religious heroes are riddled with evil tendencies. For example King David, who slew Goliath and saved his people, had a very dark side. One day he noticed a beautiful young woman bathing in the river and fell instantly in love. Too bad she was married to his best friend (too bad for his best friend that is). So he sends his best friend off to the front lines of war where he was eventually killed so David could satisfy his carnal desires.

Like Moses? Think again. After leading his people out of slavery he formed a rogue army which terrorized the Middle East. They slaughtered many innocent men, women and children because they were not believers in Christ and were having premarital sex. The Bible tells vivid stories about him cutting the babies out of women and slamming them against rocks or throwing them off cliffs. And you thought the Bible was against abortion. He would take the young, virgin women as prisoners though, until they collected too many of them. When his general asked what to do with all the women he replied, “Give half to God and the other half do with as you please.” Translation, kill half of the innocent women and use the other half as your personal sex slaves. Are we to believe Moses was working on God’s authority?

Everybody has a dark side. I liked President Clinton even though he got a head job in the White House. That is until he signed NAFTA, which was the single most tragic document every to befall the middle class. Only the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act inflict more terror on the middle class. Now President Bush threatens to sign CAFTA which will make NAFTA look like the Social Security Act. Have you heard anything about CAFTA on the news? Nope, because the ruling class wants this law because it will be very good for corporate profits, but they don’t want us to know anything about it until after it is signed into law, so it has been suppressed from the media.

This is why I liked Star Wars so much. You could easily tell the evil people from the good people by their appearance. The evil people had red skin or glowing red eyes or some other deformity, but in real life the evil people look like you and me. They walk among us and talk like us and eat the same foods we eat. They are attractive and well-spoken. Except they talk from a "pulpit" and fail to see any point of view except their own. If you disagree with them, they will rain down a hell storm of fire and brimstone until you submit or die. Religious figures are the worst because they preach from this position of self righteousness but are often doing the exact thing they are claiming is the work of the devil. This really irritates me.

Some people think I am too hard on religions. The truth is I don’t have to be, if you read the teachings they speak for themselves. From Mormons to Jews to Christians to Muslims, their teachings are riddled with murder, hypocrisy and hilarity. Sometimes I wonder why anyone who actually read any part of those books could possibly think God was present in any of it. It must either be some kind of brain damage or they must not actually understand what they read.

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