Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I believe in a higher intelligence. At this point, I don’t want to call this higher intelligence “God” because there are so many preconceived notions with that label, because what I am suggesting differs from traditional views of God. This higher intelligence might exist within us, within our DNA or somehow connected to our DNA. It might influence changes through direct contact but we see only what it wants instead of what is actually there (I’ll explain this later).
Accepting a search for a higher intelligence even if you already worship a God is an acceptable human behavior. For example, you can worship Zeus but still keep your mind open for something more logical and explainable than a man living in the clouds with a humongous hammer. We have a complex mind in which we haven’t even tapped into one-tenth of our potential, but yet we often accept unproven theories over more logical, proven theories. We do this because it's easier.
Accepting the fact we don’t have the answers to life or even death is more threatening than believing a man in the clouds with a hammer will save you when you die. When I was a kid it was easier believing in Santa Claus but as I aged I wanted the truth and sought the truth until I found out there was no Santa. Sure I could have still believed but that still would not have changed the fact that there was no Santa. Human evolution is the same. We can blindly believe in our tradional Gods or we can put more resources into science to find the truth.
Whether the religious fundamentalists will admit it or not, science is responsible for all of our intellectual growth and many of our evolutionary leaps. Without the smart person in the group inventing a wheel or fire we would still be living in caves and hunting with sticks. What would the Wright Brothers say today if they could see how their innovation has led us onto the moon and beyond? Science is responsible for all of this. From the electricity in our home to the power of our automobiles, these fundamentalists will use all of the modern conveniences science invents but still give them no credibility at all.
The point I am trying to make is just like the 100 monkeys influenced their entire species, let science and our intellect take our species to new heights. Don’t sabotage their findings because they threaten old traditions. You can help the evolution of our species by raising your kids to be open minded. Don’t close their minds with religion, hate and prejudice. Let their minds develop so they can search for God and make their choice based on intellect instead of tradition.
Some fundamentalists believe our laws are based on the Ten Commandments but that’s total idiocracy; only two of the Ten Commandments are laws. A 20% success ratio is not a winning number even by Enron’s accounting methods. I said it before and I’ll say it again, the Bill of Rights is the most important document ever written for humanities sake. If the Ten Commandments were written by God then he would have realized the need for human rights before the egotistical need to realize He was the Supreme Being. The first commandment should have been Thou Shall Not Have Slaves and went on from there. The fact that important laws like this were missing is proof these commandments were written by a fallible man.
If you draw circles around all of the groups you belong to, you’ll see the human being circle is the biggest. Whether it's religion, political party, or family, the human being circle is the biggest and sometimes the most important. If we accepted the importance of this group, we would treat our fellow man with more compassion and we would realize this compassion should be our most important value. Any religion worth anything should realize this and will be built on compassion, acceptance, education and human rights. A true religion would want to desegregate and bring all of humanity together instead of excluding huge groups of our species. In fact, this is the first rule of a false religion: if they exclude any group or influence one group to kill another group, they are a false religion.
In the search for a higher intelligence we must be prepared to find another more advanced species instead of a Supreme Being. Like my fish tank theory we could be fish in a tank and the higher species could be our creators, visiting us occasionally to study our advancement. In a similar but more frightening theory, the other species could be living amongst us but on a higher or lower frequency so we cannot see them. Maybe they even built a blocker into our DNA so we cannot see them. This could explain certain ridiculous UFO sightings people have experienced.
One such ridiculous sighting was a farmer. When investigators visited and interviewed him there were still burn marks on the dirt near his home in which traces of a rare chemical were found which could not have been faked, also impressions in the ground left by the landing gear were too precisely measured to be a hoax. Even more ridiculous was the farmer saw the aliens and claimed they offered him a plate of pancakes. When he looked into the craft he saw another human in what looked to be a 1950’s kitchen wearing an apron and waving. What makes this so convincing was the man knew it was ridiculous but still told the story to investigators. They concluded if he was lying he would have made up some fantastic story instead of telling them a story he knew was silly. Is it possible this was a visit from our creators or some higher intelligence and they somehow cloaked this man’s mind only to see what they wanted him to see?
If a higher intelligence were to visit us they would surely try to keep their presence masked and what better way of doing this than to leave behind a ridiculous trail of unbelievable stories. As a paranormal investigator I find it interesting how similar ghost stories are to UFO abductions. Sometimes the ghosts which people describe to me actually look similar to the pictures of aliens. The similar occurrences contain elements of paralyzation, accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and despair. Many of the stories make the storyteller look foolish and they realize this but yet they stick to their story. Some of them might be crazy but I know too many witnesses who are sane, intelligent people. There know certain facts which only someone who is experiencing a real haunting will know, and I can usually tell just by listening to the story who is faking it or if they are only experiencing the house settling. Could these “ghosts” actually be visitors from a higher intelligence but our rudimentary minds cannot handle the reality of the situation?
UFOs could also be a higher intelligence inspiring us to achieve a higher intelligence. I am not saying this is provable truth I am only saying this is a possibility. When ancient man would see UFOs they saw rope ladders which would unravel and the aliens would appear as bearded dwarves. As we evolved so have our UFO sightings. The fact remains UFO sightings have inspired many scientific advancements. UFO sightings are partially responsible for the space program. We have copied many of the UFO designs into actual machines which we have either tested or are flying today.
All of this leads us back to the 100 monkeys theory. If we keep our minds open allowing only proved theories to be evidence of higher intelligence then as a society we will evolve faster. If we hold onto traditions which hold back our power of intellect then we will never evolve.
The most important values for our species should be protecting this planet from destruction, preserving our liberties, protecting all life and maintaining our quest for knowledge of our solar system, universe, planet, a higher intelligence, and ourselves. Anything which interferes with these should be abhorred.
Accepting a search for a higher intelligence even if you already worship a God is an acceptable human behavior. For example, you can worship Zeus but still keep your mind open for something more logical and explainable than a man living in the clouds with a humongous hammer. We have a complex mind in which we haven’t even tapped into one-tenth of our potential, but yet we often accept unproven theories over more logical, proven theories. We do this because it's easier.
Accepting the fact we don’t have the answers to life or even death is more threatening than believing a man in the clouds with a hammer will save you when you die. When I was a kid it was easier believing in Santa Claus but as I aged I wanted the truth and sought the truth until I found out there was no Santa. Sure I could have still believed but that still would not have changed the fact that there was no Santa. Human evolution is the same. We can blindly believe in our tradional Gods or we can put more resources into science to find the truth.
Whether the religious fundamentalists will admit it or not, science is responsible for all of our intellectual growth and many of our evolutionary leaps. Without the smart person in the group inventing a wheel or fire we would still be living in caves and hunting with sticks. What would the Wright Brothers say today if they could see how their innovation has led us onto the moon and beyond? Science is responsible for all of this. From the electricity in our home to the power of our automobiles, these fundamentalists will use all of the modern conveniences science invents but still give them no credibility at all.
The point I am trying to make is just like the 100 monkeys influenced their entire species, let science and our intellect take our species to new heights. Don’t sabotage their findings because they threaten old traditions. You can help the evolution of our species by raising your kids to be open minded. Don’t close their minds with religion, hate and prejudice. Let their minds develop so they can search for God and make their choice based on intellect instead of tradition.
Some fundamentalists believe our laws are based on the Ten Commandments but that’s total idiocracy; only two of the Ten Commandments are laws. A 20% success ratio is not a winning number even by Enron’s accounting methods. I said it before and I’ll say it again, the Bill of Rights is the most important document ever written for humanities sake. If the Ten Commandments were written by God then he would have realized the need for human rights before the egotistical need to realize He was the Supreme Being. The first commandment should have been Thou Shall Not Have Slaves and went on from there. The fact that important laws like this were missing is proof these commandments were written by a fallible man.
If you draw circles around all of the groups you belong to, you’ll see the human being circle is the biggest. Whether it's religion, political party, or family, the human being circle is the biggest and sometimes the most important. If we accepted the importance of this group, we would treat our fellow man with more compassion and we would realize this compassion should be our most important value. Any religion worth anything should realize this and will be built on compassion, acceptance, education and human rights. A true religion would want to desegregate and bring all of humanity together instead of excluding huge groups of our species. In fact, this is the first rule of a false religion: if they exclude any group or influence one group to kill another group, they are a false religion.
In the search for a higher intelligence we must be prepared to find another more advanced species instead of a Supreme Being. Like my fish tank theory we could be fish in a tank and the higher species could be our creators, visiting us occasionally to study our advancement. In a similar but more frightening theory, the other species could be living amongst us but on a higher or lower frequency so we cannot see them. Maybe they even built a blocker into our DNA so we cannot see them. This could explain certain ridiculous UFO sightings people have experienced.
One such ridiculous sighting was a farmer. When investigators visited and interviewed him there were still burn marks on the dirt near his home in which traces of a rare chemical were found which could not have been faked, also impressions in the ground left by the landing gear were too precisely measured to be a hoax. Even more ridiculous was the farmer saw the aliens and claimed they offered him a plate of pancakes. When he looked into the craft he saw another human in what looked to be a 1950’s kitchen wearing an apron and waving. What makes this so convincing was the man knew it was ridiculous but still told the story to investigators. They concluded if he was lying he would have made up some fantastic story instead of telling them a story he knew was silly. Is it possible this was a visit from our creators or some higher intelligence and they somehow cloaked this man’s mind only to see what they wanted him to see?
If a higher intelligence were to visit us they would surely try to keep their presence masked and what better way of doing this than to leave behind a ridiculous trail of unbelievable stories. As a paranormal investigator I find it interesting how similar ghost stories are to UFO abductions. Sometimes the ghosts which people describe to me actually look similar to the pictures of aliens. The similar occurrences contain elements of paralyzation, accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and despair. Many of the stories make the storyteller look foolish and they realize this but yet they stick to their story. Some of them might be crazy but I know too many witnesses who are sane, intelligent people. There know certain facts which only someone who is experiencing a real haunting will know, and I can usually tell just by listening to the story who is faking it or if they are only experiencing the house settling. Could these “ghosts” actually be visitors from a higher intelligence but our rudimentary minds cannot handle the reality of the situation?
UFOs could also be a higher intelligence inspiring us to achieve a higher intelligence. I am not saying this is provable truth I am only saying this is a possibility. When ancient man would see UFOs they saw rope ladders which would unravel and the aliens would appear as bearded dwarves. As we evolved so have our UFO sightings. The fact remains UFO sightings have inspired many scientific advancements. UFO sightings are partially responsible for the space program. We have copied many of the UFO designs into actual machines which we have either tested or are flying today.
All of this leads us back to the 100 monkeys theory. If we keep our minds open allowing only proved theories to be evidence of higher intelligence then as a society we will evolve faster. If we hold onto traditions which hold back our power of intellect then we will never evolve.
The most important values for our species should be protecting this planet from destruction, preserving our liberties, protecting all life and maintaining our quest for knowledge of our solar system, universe, planet, a higher intelligence, and ourselves. Anything which interferes with these should be abhorred.
Labels: Religion, spirituality
Amen. This was a very well thought out and written post.
I just pray that aliens will come and take me away from here before we manage to destroy the place.
Be careful what you pray for, you might get it.
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