An Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh

Thursday, January 25, 2007
I listen to the Rush Limbaugh radio show just about every day. I am not a fan; I just like to listen to political talk radio. However, I realize this show is not meant to be a political talk show, but an avenue to enlist people into the conservative camp by belittling differing opinions into agreeing with the conservative agenda. For example, if you think America should pull out of Iraq then Rush believes you are in favor of terrorists winning the war. Therefore, you are a traitor and should be treated as such.

Since Rush is a fundamentalist, he fails to understand the principles of a democracy. In a democracy, it is alright to disagree. In fact, disagreements, compromise and differing opinions are what makes democracies so great. In a democracy when two-thirds of the people disagree with an agenda, then the agenda should be abandoned.

When President Bush flew the helicopter onto the aircraft carrier with the "Mission Accomplished" banner flying in the breeze, the war was declared a victory at that point. Bush declared victory, case closed. So why can’t Rush accept this? Our goal in Iraq was to remove the Saddam Hussein regime, which was accomplished. Now there is a civil war in which we should not get involved. Therefore the war is won, now it is time to pull the troops out and come home. Let the Iraqis settled their own internal disputes.

So the majority of people who want to pull out of Iraq are not traitors and they not defeatists. They are people who already believe the war has been won and want to get our troops out of a completely different civil war, which has nothing to do with terrorism, but which could claim many innocent American lives.

Rush is a fundamentalist and we all know fundamentalists only see in black and white. You are either with them or against them; there is no middle ground. They must accept every item on an agenda and cannot pick and choose. Most people are neither liberal nor conservative but someplace in the middle. They pick and choose which ideas to support from both the liberal and conservative camps based upon their own morals and beliefs. Fundamentalists do not think this way, because again, it is an all or nothing approach with them.

Another term Rush loves to use is “flip-flop”. Conservatives in general loved to say this about John Kerry during the elections of 2004. Most intelligent people are “flip-floppers”. A "flip-flopper" learns new facts and then adapts new ideas as a result. This is the definition of learning and intelligence. When you hear a set of facts, you form an opinion, but when you learn new factors, you then form different opinions. Most fundamentalists cannot think this way. No matter what new facts surface they must adhere to their “stone age” style of intelligence and allow the agenda to be more important than the set of circumstances. This is true of all fundamentalists whether they are liberal or conservative.

If anything, this radio show is a determent to society as it seeks to divide not unite the country. Rush does not believe in compromise because if you compromise then you lose. He is in favor of gridlock and partisanship. He gives the agenda of his affiliation priority over everything else; whether the topic is civil rights, murder, torture or destruction. They are all necessary if the agenda of the conservatives is at stake. This is the definition of a traitor, not someone who changes based upon new evidence. A traitor puts their needs above the needs of the country.

I would love to have an open debate with Rush Limbaugh to show him just how little he thinks. Instead of thinking about a situation and forming his own opinion, he allows the agenda of some other group to dictate his opinion. This is a robot and not thinking, learning and intelligent individual. It is hard for me to believe that some like this can have their own radio show for as long as he has, when he has so little to offer the American people.



Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

I think Rush wouldn't know what to do with you. Your calm, intelligent, rational, and logical.

As far as Iraq, it's such a shame no one learned anything from our own history.

6:54 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

I totally agree with you. While I never listen to Rush, because he makes me so mad. I think that differing opinions are great and that if you stop and listen, then you learn. That doesn't mean you are "flip-flopping", just learning. We all need to keep learning, that is how we grow. If we don't learn, we stagnate and that is where we fail as a country and as an individual.

7:22 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

You'll both be happy to hear that I made the switch to NPR; no more Rush for me. I've finally had enough of the hate talk.

8:19 AM  

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