Winds of Change - Part 2 – Paradigms

Monday, April 09, 2007
My last post provided a foundation, explaining what needs to happen to change our society and how a small change can snowball into a shift in paradigms. Part 2 will focus on what needs to be changed and what our agenda should be for this millennium.

Our society is infatuated with profit even though this thirst for profit conflicts with our most important purposes in life. The success of our species depends on learning about our universe, our solar system and our planet. But there is no profit in this research and many fundamentalists suggest it is not needed because we already know everything we need to know.

Our obsession with profit is almost as obsessive as a teenage boy’s obsession with his libido. It consumes us. We put 100% of our efforts maintaining and increasing our profit margins. We even make laws ensuring the wealthy remain wealthy. If it doesn’t make money then the government will come along and deregulate a market so it becomes a profit center (like health care in the 80’s or energy markets today). As a society, this leaves little time for anything else.

The true evil of capitalism is its ability to create a society which appreciates money above everything else. This is the reality of our world today. This is why we have homeless people, a lack of education and a lack of healthcare. There is no profit from solving or changing any of those so there is nobody working on them. And when somebody does work on then somebody else comes along and shuts it down because no one can make money from providing an upgrade to those services. Even though the aforementioned are all good for humanity, money or profit is still the most important thing, so they will never be solved and will forever remain a problem. How do we change this paradigm?

Before we can change the paradigm we must realize the supreme laws of the land is in our society. The supreme laws are: good for the economy is what is best, increasing profits from year to year is paramount, and money is your God; it can buy anything. Nothing else matters.

Our kids today are taught the principles economics which enforces the belief that good for the economy is most important thing, even if it is bad for you. To pass the test you must believe in these principles or else you fail and will have to take the course again. You’ll keep taking it until you accept that principle as the supreme law of the land.

Let’s assume you will turn to religion for guidance. Religions only enforce these supreme laws. Don’t even think of joining a church without giving your 10% off the top. Turn on the television and you’ll see how profitable religion has become. All of those tele-evangelists are multi millionaires and getting richer every day. Their message is give me money and go to heaven. So they enforce one of the supreme laws; money can buy anything.

Money CAN buy anything. Look at the presidential election and see most of the candidates have already collected over $20 million dollars each and are expected to collect over $100 million just to be competitive. Are these candidates the best possible presidential hopefuls? No, but they are the only ones rich enough that want the job. The best presidential candidates will never be heard of because they don’t have the ability to raise $100 million dollars just to run. Want a wife? Then buy one online from Russia; she’ll even be unbelievably hot!

Money can also influence people’s opinions; buy votes. Just run ads on television or pay a news reporter to conduct an investigation and conclude a favorable opinion in your direction. In government, they run false flag operations to influence us and like flies to a flame we quickly submit. It’s hard to believe our own government might possibly the bad guy but when they torture people and even get Christians to agree to it, then something is wrong.

We are in the beginnings of another ice age. Our government imprisons people without habeas corpus, admittedly tortures people and conducts acts of terrorism sometimes killing Americans and then blames it on other countries. All of this is happening under the watchful eyes of an “unbiased and liberal” media.

Our paradigms need to change. We need a more compassionate society based on personal freedoms, social services for the needy and better education for all. We need more non profits and fewer corporations. Instead of finding ways to charge people more, let’s find ways to do things for free or at least cheaper. We need to invest more time, energy and money into the exploration of our universe and the understanding our planet. The scientific community needs a louder voice. We need better leaders focused on retaining personal freedoms, and establishing communications with our enemies so we can live peacefully. We need to realize personal religious beliefs should remain personal and should not be legislated.

In part three, I will focus on a higher intelligence and explain why the search for God must continue and why no one should be threatened by this search.

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Blogger sattvicwarrior said...

the CHANGE you speak about can only begin with YOU . everything outside of yourself is NOTHING more than the REFLECTION of your OWN inner self.
you CANNOT change a collective consciousness [ others way of thinking] when indeed your own consciousness is from an individualized state. . [ honest. i AINT kiddin ya]
you speak of GOD. but its YOUR god. don’t expect OTHERS to see it your way as absolute truth, since you have NOT experienced that state which is non dual or infinite .. but are aware there is something that may be out there fer ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![ but the “out” comes from within ].

8:52 PM  
Blogger Law Fairy said...

Religions only enforce these supreme laws. Don’t even think of joining a church without giving your 10% off the top.

Well, I'd say, yes and no. I do think MANY churches have become corrupted with the rest of the world -- BUT churches (the better ones, anyway) are some of the only places that actually bother to question the capitalist corporate paradigm on a moral level. The Bible explicitly teaches that the love of money is the root of all evil, and Jesus constantly reinforces the message that riches cannot save you (and, indeed, are a barrier to salvation). Most churches mess up the message horrifically, but the message is still there.

I've never been to a church where you "have" to give ten percent. I learned ten percent from my parents, and I'm glad I was taught to tithe, because I think it's important to somehow give back something. But there have definitely been times in my life where I was going to church and not tithing. I was never kicked out for it, or not allowed to be a member, or anything. And, further, even if churches did require this -- I see the church's function as different from government. When the church tells us to do something based on moral beliefs, I'm more okay with that than with the government telling me what's right or moral. The government is here to keep order in society, to keep the peace, to protect people, to protect freedom (it's supposed to, anyway). Churches are here for our spiritual and moral betterment. For churches to tell us as individuals "you should be tithing" is very different from society being structured on flawed and harmful premises about the best way to order the economy.

7:01 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

I don’t think you understand what I am saying about God. Check out part 3 for a more detailed explanation. This part (Part )2 dealt with changing paradigms. I do believe someday we will find exactly how we arrived on this planet. A higher intelligence might or might not have been responsible for our existence. Either way I am comfortable with the findings as long as they can be proven using the best science theories we have.

Law Fairy,
I guess it is possible there are some good churches out there but I haven’t found any yet. Jesus taught a system in which money was NOT the God but then we created capitalism which is the exact OPPOSITE of Jesus’ system. And our society claims to be Christian. LOL!!!

Thanks for your comments.

1:48 PM  

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