The Minority Rules the Majority

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
When you look at the bills that are signed into law, did you ever consider what the outcome would be if the bills were subject to a popular vote? My thoughts are the results would be 180 degrees different. Right now minority of people from the upper class rules our country and this probably will not change in the coming generations unless steps are taken to stop it. Before you can stop it you have to realize a problem exists. Let’s look at some recent laws and see if the majority of citizens in the United States would vote differently than the politicians.

Filial Responsibility Laws
Status: Already a law in 30 states.
I cannot see any citizen approving this bill unless they own a hospital or long term care facility. But yet even though these laws benefit a small number of people our politicians are signing these into law in 30 states and counting.

Prediction: Fail by at least at 90% - 10% margin.

Bankruptcy Laws
Status: already a law
The bankruptcy laws were changed in 2005 giving creditors even more power by making it impossible to get out of debt. Based upon the fact that over 2 million Americans filed for bankruptcy in 2004 and almost 1.8 million filed in 2005 why would we want to make it more difficult to file? It is important to note that the number one reason why people file for bankruptcy is to save their home because of a hospital bill.

Only credit card companies, banks and hospitals would want this law tightened and since they represent a small portion of the American population I would think this bill would be defeated by a landslide. So why do our politicians support a bill that hurt the majority of the people that voted them into office?

Prediction: Fail by at least at 80% - 20% margin.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
Status: Already a law
This law transforms our 14 year old kids that download their favorite music into felons capable of serving jail terms up to 10 years and paying fines up to $1 million. If the fines were realistic, let's say, $5 a song with no jail time and lawbreakers were misdemeanors and not felons, this law might have a chance but the way it reads now there is no way this would pass a popular vote.

The only group in America in favor of this law would be the minority servicing the RIAA and the MPAA; everybody else hates it.

Prediction: Fail by at least a 95% - 5% margin.

Privatizing Social Security
Status: Proposed legislation.
I cannot imagine anybody over 50 years of age supporting a law REDUCING Social Security benefits. The only reason younger people would vote for such a law would be if they are convinced they will not get a chance to collect their benefits upon retiring. The reality is there are plenty of funds to keep Social Security healthy for generations provided the richest 1% of the country contributes to this fund as the original law intended. Remember, the plan to “strengthen” is really a plan to “eliminate” or “reduce” Social Security.

Prediction (if the truth is known): 90% - 10% against privatization.
Prediction (if the deception is believed): 50% - 50%. Even if the deception is believed the seniors out vote the younger generations and will never vote for any changes to this program.

National Healthcare
Status: No longer even discussed.
This is the greatest need in our Country, period! If this was even mentioned again in Washington I'm sure the smear campaign against it would be overwhelming. The minority would be over estimating taxes for the middle class to scare them off completely.

The only way the politicians could prevent this from becoming a law is if they worded the law so the tax burden fell squarely on the middle class. If it was written so the wealthiest individuals and corporations funded the difference needed between what we are paying now and what would be needed this law would overwhelmingly pass.

The piece of mind with knowing you could get healthcare for your family without the threat of losing everything you own is so important for our American families. With what we currently pay for healthcare we should be able to afford a national plan but the healthcare industry would have to be reformed.

Prediction: Pass overwhelmingly by 90% - 10%.

Estate Tax (renamed Death Tax to scare the middle class)
The Estate Tax is a tax on the estates on the minority of the super rich in our country when their estate is passed onto the heir. This tax does not affect the majority of the middle class or the lower class as the current administration would have you believe. Because this tax was eliminated, the middle class has had to pick up the difference and pay more.

Prediction: Estate Tax is NOT repealed 90% - 10%

Deregulation of Electricity and Natural Gas
Status: Proposed
The only reason to deregulate these utilities is to increase profits for the companies providing the service. In increase for their profits translates into families paying more to keep warn in the winter when they already cannot afford their current bills. The illusion is this deregulation will somehow make our rates cheaper, yea right!!!

Since nobody wants higher utilities I predict a popular vote would put the smack down on this proposal. The politicians are considering this even after the Enron debacle because the lobbyists for these utilities are contributing many dollars to the Republican and Democratic parties and candidates.

Prediction: 90% - 10% to retain the regulation of utilities.

Other ways the minority rules the majority:
• Upper class never fights wars only middle and lower classes.
• Tax deductions mostly benefit the minority of wealthiest Americans.
• Credit laws only benefit the minority of wealthiest Americans.

When you look at how our politicians vote, it is the completely opposite of the popular vote. Why is this? This is because when they cast their votes, our politicians are influenced by the lobbyists and not the citizens of our country. The lobbyists represent the small minority of rich citizens in our country and almost never represent us.

These lobbyists should be kicked out of Washington and all gifts to politicians of any kind should be eliminated. This will return honesty to our government and give power back to the majority of people. Until these changes are made the minority will rule us forever.

Can you think of any other ways the minority rules the majority in this Country?

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Blogger Unknown said...

And now they pass different laws in each house of congress and say that it's one law! HOORAY for our Congressmen/women/douchebags.

8:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I totally agree. The only time they even pander to the lower/middle class is during election time when suddenly pockets are deep and promises are golden. Once they are Satan, er, Rick SANTORUM, they move to a million dollar spread in Leesburg, VA and start to fly around in WalMart corporate jets.

3:16 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...


You will also notice that around election time they start to divide the lower classes to conquer us. Usually they start a debate over something that will have the lower classes fighting amongst ourselves. Such topics include: abortion, gay marriage, religious topics, and race-related issues. I’m sure if you think about it you will know what I am talking about. The issues are never what we really need to focus on like education, healthcare, homelessness or hunger.

12:49 PM  

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