Thursday, July 27, 2006
Reading blogs on MySpace is like trying to find a legible sentence in your alphabet soup. After staring into the bowl for hours you realize you are not hungry and just throw the whole thing in the trash. Well, I was browsing through the blogger groups trying to find someone/anyone who could actually spell, or type with any sense of paragraph or sentence structure and it was frustrating.
These are examples of writing styles on MySpace:
• some people just write with absolutely no punctuation or paragraph breaks.......... maybe an occasional period or exclamation point just to break up the monotony......... but basically just a bunch of words running together......... with no thoughts or anything...after a while of reading this your eyes will actually pop from your skull and quickly roll towards a speeding mack truck
• ThEn YoU HaVe ThE IdIoT ThAt DoEs ThIs SHiT. WhY? I dOn’T kNoW.
• Then you have the ghetto talking white trash trying to act black. For some reason all the girls want to be bitches and all the guys want to be gangsters. They type with many symbols so they look like they are typing in the Winding font; they also use many z’s. Even though they live in Orange County, their gangsta hommiez iz wit it, dont be a biatch?
I cannot imagine any of these people being able to write a simple high school paper, much less a sentence. Many of them claim to be in college but I don’t understand how they could pass the entrance exam with first grade level grammatical skills.
Here are a couple of things I noticed about girls under 20:
• There is a definite sense of desperation in their writing. They must be in a committed relationship NOW and act as though marriage must happen soon or they will be Old Maids forever. I was reading one blog in particular and the girl writes, “I don’t know why I am single?” As if the guys don’t find her attractive or something. Well, I looked at her profile and she was 16!!!
• It seems like most of them already have kids. A teenage girl having a kid today must be like a badge of honor because they display them proudly along with their tattoos and piercings. I cannot understand this but today it must be cool to be under 20, single, with multiple clit piercings, tattoos all over your body like a convict and at least one kid to prove to your friends that you actually had sex. How can you be twenty and already have a five year old kid? In my book that adds up to child molestation.
On the radio last week the DJ’s were talking about a friend who was going to let their fourteen year old daughter pierce her clit because “all of her friends are doing it.” Well, if that was my daughter, she is definitely going to find some new friends and I will quickly move out of town to make sure this happens (in addition to getting a can of whoop ass). No way in hell is she getting a piercing anywhere (especially down there) at 14! But maybe if there was a dad in the home this would never happen in the first place.
In closing, I have a few suggestions and comments for MySpace users:
• Your primary profile picture should be a picture of you and NOT: your dog, cat, kid, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, favorite tree, favorite chair, favorite fairy picture, or favorite body part. Just post a nice clear picture of your face.
• If you think you are ugly, you probably are, so why do you make it worse by making some crazy face and sticking out your tongue. Then you further add to your stupidity-level by putting a caption under the picture saying how dumb you look.
• Never have the same background color as the font color because no one can see anything on your page. This is not rocket science but common sense; preview before you publish. If you can’t read it then nobody else can read it either.
• To Men: Having 4,659 female friends does not make you a stud.
• To Women: If you publish half-naked pictures of yourself don’t be upset when guys hit on you.
• Please take grammar, spelling, vocabulary and phonics while you are in college. It will give us the ability to communicate when you are older and you have to take my order at BK.
• Having a tattoo of a Chinese symbol on your ass or breasts does not make you a philosopher. (I’m sorry to have to break this news to some people.)
• Don’t put hundreds of pictures and doodads on your page because no one can see anything through the clutter. Keep it simple.
• Chain letters are spam, why do you insist on posting them all over the place? Tom is not going to delete you account next week if you fail to respond. Also, sending them to more than 10 people will not guarantee you will be loved. It only guarantees you will eventually end up on an episode of Cops.
• Note to all “friends”: Stop posting large annoying graphics on people’s pages thanking them for adding you. Instead of making people laugh, they make people think about how annoying you must really be in person.
Eventually I did find a vein of educated people but wading through all the crap was difficult to stomach.
These are examples of writing styles on MySpace:
• some people just write with absolutely no punctuation or paragraph breaks.......... maybe an occasional period or exclamation point just to break up the monotony......... but basically just a bunch of words running together......... with no thoughts or anything...after a while of reading this your eyes will actually pop from your skull and quickly roll towards a speeding mack truck
• ThEn YoU HaVe ThE IdIoT ThAt DoEs ThIs SHiT. WhY? I dOn’T kNoW.
• Then you have the ghetto talking white trash trying to act black. For some reason all the girls want to be bitches and all the guys want to be gangsters. They type with many symbols so they look like they are typing in the Winding font; they also use many z’s. Even though they live in Orange County, their gangsta hommiez iz wit it, dont be a biatch?
I cannot imagine any of these people being able to write a simple high school paper, much less a sentence. Many of them claim to be in college but I don’t understand how they could pass the entrance exam with first grade level grammatical skills.
Here are a couple of things I noticed about girls under 20:
• There is a definite sense of desperation in their writing. They must be in a committed relationship NOW and act as though marriage must happen soon or they will be Old Maids forever. I was reading one blog in particular and the girl writes, “I don’t know why I am single?” As if the guys don’t find her attractive or something. Well, I looked at her profile and she was 16!!!
• It seems like most of them already have kids. A teenage girl having a kid today must be like a badge of honor because they display them proudly along with their tattoos and piercings. I cannot understand this but today it must be cool to be under 20, single, with multiple clit piercings, tattoos all over your body like a convict and at least one kid to prove to your friends that you actually had sex. How can you be twenty and already have a five year old kid? In my book that adds up to child molestation.
On the radio last week the DJ’s were talking about a friend who was going to let their fourteen year old daughter pierce her clit because “all of her friends are doing it.” Well, if that was my daughter, she is definitely going to find some new friends and I will quickly move out of town to make sure this happens (in addition to getting a can of whoop ass). No way in hell is she getting a piercing anywhere (especially down there) at 14! But maybe if there was a dad in the home this would never happen in the first place.
In closing, I have a few suggestions and comments for MySpace users:
• Your primary profile picture should be a picture of you and NOT: your dog, cat, kid, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, favorite tree, favorite chair, favorite fairy picture, or favorite body part. Just post a nice clear picture of your face.
• If you think you are ugly, you probably are, so why do you make it worse by making some crazy face and sticking out your tongue. Then you further add to your stupidity-level by putting a caption under the picture saying how dumb you look.
• Never have the same background color as the font color because no one can see anything on your page. This is not rocket science but common sense; preview before you publish. If you can’t read it then nobody else can read it either.
• To Men: Having 4,659 female friends does not make you a stud.
• To Women: If you publish half-naked pictures of yourself don’t be upset when guys hit on you.
• Please take grammar, spelling, vocabulary and phonics while you are in college. It will give us the ability to communicate when you are older and you have to take my order at BK.
• Having a tattoo of a Chinese symbol on your ass or breasts does not make you a philosopher. (I’m sorry to have to break this news to some people.)
• Don’t put hundreds of pictures and doodads on your page because no one can see anything through the clutter. Keep it simple.
• Chain letters are spam, why do you insist on posting them all over the place? Tom is not going to delete you account next week if you fail to respond. Also, sending them to more than 10 people will not guarantee you will be loved. It only guarantees you will eventually end up on an episode of Cops.
• Note to all “friends”: Stop posting large annoying graphics on people’s pages thanking them for adding you. Instead of making people laugh, they make people think about how annoying you must really be in person.
Eventually I did find a vein of educated people but wading through all the crap was difficult to stomach.
Are you dissin my OC?
I miss the days when people talked in Jive.
Hon, what are you doing on My Space in the first place?
Now if you want to see some of the great thinkers of our time get together, go read Craigs List.
While I understand that you are basically saying you are concerned about where society at large is going, based on these kid's blogs, it is simply a subset, and may not represent the sum total of young humanity. You're starting to sound like a militant conservative or a rabid liberal. They can do whatever they want to... it's THEIR blog. Go to a different site that more represents what you are looking for.
Most of your blog is about ranting... not really about uplifting, like most of the blogs I've run across, and that's fine, it's YOUR blog. But as I've said before, I try not to get into that way of thinking because all it does is piss me off, and yet, when I look into the mirror each morning, I know I won't lift a finger to try and change the things that bother me about Life on Earth. So I see no reason to bitch. But again, that's JUST ME. I am working on straightening out my life, and my issues, because I believe that simply doing that, makes the world a better place, at least by one person.
The truth is, I tend to agree with much of what you write, but until I have the personal courage to do something about the injustices you often describe, I simply ponder your words, sometimes write a response, and then just let it go, so I can live my life without trying to tell someone else how to live their's.
Hehe -- darth, I have to 'fess up here. I'm a total myspace addict. I don't generally make friends with teens on myspace, because, well, they are teenagers. Teenagers are almost by definition immature, with few exceptions. Myspace serves as an outlet for their immaturity; better they misspell there than on their actual school papers.
You're right that there's a lot of crap on myspace -- there's a lot of crap on the internet too. But myspace is actually pretty cool. I've met some nifty people on myspace, and it's helped me keep in touch with a number of old friends I'd never keep in touch with otherwise. It's also helped me reconnect with people I hadn't spoken to in years. In fact, one of my myspace friends is a college friend of mine who I had introduced in a casual setting to my then-boyfriend. They're married now (lol!).
Myspace is just another form of internet communication/connection. It's what you make of it. Personally, I love it. In-your-face kids are annoying, but they're just kids. They'll grow up eventually, or land themselves in jail. One of the two, usually.
The babies having babies thing and the desperate girls thing are HUGE social problems. Too many young girls nowadays don't understand and appreciate the the hard-won rights that women didn't have just a generation or two ago. All they see is, "it's harder for me to get and keep a man," as though "getting" a man is some laudable goal in and of itself. They get pregnant because they think somehow this will make the men stay with them. This one I have to blame largely on the media and on teachers and parents. We need to present young girls with better role models. Instead of Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson, why doesn't the media celebrate women like Jodie Foster and Natalie Portman? As long as the media continues to portray sexist stereotypes of what men's and women's respective goals ought to long like, and as long as teachers and parents (explicitly or implicitly) reinforce these protrayals, whether by ignoring them, encouraging them, or living a sexist lifestyle, girls will continue to see men as their only reason for living. And that's really a tragedy.
I was checking out MySpace because just about everybody has an account and I wanted to see how the other world lives. There are some cool features but blogging is not one of them. Sorry to pick on OC but they do adhere to a stereotype and I think they like it that way.
You are correct; after all, it is their web space so they should be able to put anything on it. After reading that again it does sound like I’m some raving conservative lunatic. LOL!! But only through constructive criticism can one improve. After thinking about it, I really just put this together for a good laugh. Certainly I do not want to come across like the preacher in Footloose. There were a couple of times while reading the MySpace stuff that I found myself talking or laughing to the computer.
I have heard stories about job applicants being denied a job because the potential employer discovered their MySpace account so they did not get the job. I would think that these people would want their public image to be a good one so my rant will hopefully be taken as funny and constructive criticism.
Now that you mention it, I do too much ranting so maybe it is time to switch gear and post something different; maybe another short story or something. You should check out Chana’s blog, it is awesome and very uplifting. I find myself smiling to myself while reading her stuff. I will put a link to her blog on the front page.
Thanks for the comment.
"girls will continue to see men as their only reason for living. And that's really a tragedy. "
Wow! That was an incredibly deep and interesting point you bring up. I never thought of it but maybe why this explains why these girls see having a boyfriend as the most important thing in their life because they crave ANY male attention. I wonder how many of these girls actually have a positive male role model in their lives. Probably not many, but this is merely a speculation.
Since they desperately want male attention, they cling to the first jackass that pays them any attention and most of the attention is only sexual. So they end up pregnant. Then the guy runs away for the next conquest, leaving the girl to raise another fatherless daughter and so this process repeats for another generation.
Great point!! As soon as I read it, the light bulb went off. Thanks!!
BTW, I have to admit I am now addicted to MySpace too. I have also found classmates and old friends I would never have talked to anymore if not for that.
It's my dirty little secret so don't tell anybody.
I have the privilege of knowing you in person, so I know you're not either of the two extremes. And I DID laugh my ass off reading your MySpace post. It's typical writing from you that is always thought-provoking.
It's your blog, say what you feel... and we'll all say what we feel and everything will continue to be cool.
As you know I do often put my foot in my mouth for being so honest. It is one of my nuances. I only seem to remember all the times I eat my foot and not the times where I get it right on the money.
Tatoos and piercings are sexy on an adult but not on a teenager. I just wanted to clarity that. :)
Personaly, i loved your myspace post. I too have recently connected with old friends and become addicted, but everything you said is true. And as for the 14 year old, its illegal and no reputable piercing shop will do it, so unless her parents are dong the actual piercing, hopefully it wont happen. Like you, i have nothing against piercings or tatoos - i have a few of each, but these kids are trying to grow up way to fast!
MySpace has people other than child molesters?
I went to a high school with 220 kids and a 20% pregnancy rate. It ain't maturity, it's lack of options. Couple that with a society that doesn't want to teach sex education and a religion that bans condoms and wa-la, you have kids with kids.
This might cheer you up. I looked over some of the things I wrote when I was 16 and I cringe. Hopefully these kiddies will grow into their education. What's fun now will seem stupid and immature later. I hope.
As far as getting a pierced clit at 14, badkitty is right on the money. Anyone who does do it will probably mess it up and she'll get a huge infection resulting in loss of feeling or maybe even surgery. She'll have her parents to thank for that.
To cruise MySpace you have to be a member - so give up your name Darth! LOL. I have a rant on MySpace as well, being the age limit thing. I think they said it best on MTV after the California black out this past weekend "Millions of teenagers distraught over their social lives as MySpace accidentally deletes numerous profiles."
I'll admit - I'm a member, but for personal use only not for anything but!
I do have one different post there I do not have here.
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