The Beginning of the “Kiss My Ass” List

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
It is difficult to understand certain people. It is even more difficult when you learn the person in question understands they have a problem but fails to address it. Last weekend I was saw this happen twice.

The first situation was my uncle. He has type 2 diabetes but the only thing he does to help himself is take insulin. He still eats the same crap he has eaten his entire life and uses the insulin to compensate when he eats something bad. Well his kidneys failed last week and now he is on dialysis every other day for the rest of his life.

He is retired, cannot drive a car, on a limited income and rapidly chipping away at his savings to support his lazy lifestyle. What do I mean by lazy lifestyle? He refuses to cook anything because he hates to clean dishes. He orders carry out and delivery for every meal and supplements between snacks with junk food; hence the kidney failure. We all know how expensive it is to eat out as opposed to cooking your own meals.

I took him some food last Saturday from the grocery store. Lunch meat, cans of soup, cereal, some zero trans fat frozen breakfasts, some fruit, and some other necessities to last for about a week. Anyway, I walked into his apartment and was appalled. He never cleans anything and he had been living there for 15 years. Never throws anything away; he lives like a bum. I don’t think he showers very often either because the scent of ripe ass penetrated my nostrils almost causing me to vomit.

Three years ago my wife and I cleaned his apartment from floor to ceiling; throwing away trash, mopping floors, cleaning everything. Then, I showed him the few simple things he had to do to keep the apartment clean but he refused to do any of them. I made it very easy for him too. When we opened the doors to the interior of the building, the other habitants Gladed the halls because of the stench rising from his ground floor apartment. It was disgusting; I couldn’t believe a member of my family actually could live like that. We are all scrubby Dutch. We clean everything!! We are all fanatics about showering. I even own a water pick to keep my teeth sparkling clean. Not my uncle and the troubling thing is that he is aware of how he lives.

He told me that he knows he is a slob and lives in a pig sty but he does nothing to help himself. He realizes his eating habits are bad but refuses to change. He laughs about it. I told him there is nothing funny about living like brainless slob. Nothing funny about being so stinky, flies even refuse to inhabit the apartment. I don’t understand this, can someone please explain.

This story is even worse than my uncle. A while back I wrote Evil Descends about an actual haunting I have been investigating in the St. Louis area. Well the Thanksgiving holiday provided a rare day off for the entire paranormal team and gave us an opportunity to finally attempt a cleansing of this home. The mother (T) contacted me and said the situation was even worse. The entire family was still sleeping in the same room; everyone is still afraid to be in the home alone, they hear voices and see many ghosts roaming the halls.

Anyway the day we were to go into the home T stopped communicating with me, just like she has done about a dozen times in the past. I was furious with this moron! She claims never to have my phone number even though I type it at the end of every email. She says she will call me but never does. I called her Wednesday night (we were supposed to go into the home on Friday and Thursday was Thanksgiving) so she answers and then pretends to be someone else. I knew it was her the entire time but I was so stunned by the response I just told her to call me back. Did she call me back? Hell no!

How can she raise her kids in this type of environment? How can she allow these spirits to torment her family? She must not care at all for those kids. The oldest son already committed suicide about two years ago. There are at least two more daughters 12 and 10 years of age in the home and possibly a younger son. T claims she is sexually attacked by an unseen being, does she think her kids are safe there?? What a fucking idiot!!!

She sends an email telling me how bad things have become and then I give her a date to bring my team into the house to help and then she never responds. This is at least the third time she has done this to me so now she can kiss my ass if she thinks I am going to help her now!! I hate to abandon those kids but I am a believer in social Darwinism so what can I do?

I am starting a “kiss my ass” list and she has been added to the number one position for being the worst mother of the year. At least my uncle is the only one being affected by his laziness. But moronic mother T wins the loser mother of the year award for leaving her unprotected children in a home everyday with an evil spirit roaming free and tormenting them. I really hope she reads my blog.

To T: Get off your ass and do something, anything!!! Contact your priest, pastor or anybody who can help those kids!! Please stop bitching to me unless you want to do something about it!! I am tired of hearing your tales of woe and then see you not taking any action.

Why bring kids into the world if you don’t give a shit about them? Why bring kids into the world when you don’t take care of them? This is one of the worst examples of a shitty mother I have heard since the mom who drowned her kids in the tub. T is doing the same thing by her lack of action. Am I out of line here? What are your thoughts?

Darth's "Kiss My Ass" List
1. T
2. MPAA (I'll explain tomorrow)

More to come.........

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Let the OJ Book Live

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
There are two sides to every story. When I first heard the news that OJ Simpson was writing a book “theorizing” how he killed Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman, I was appalled, angry and generally thought it was a very stupid idea. Why give this moron more time in the spotlight, which he desperately craves.

Then the news came that both the story and interview were both cancelled and I was elated. Finally, somebody with a sense of decorum intervened and stopped this madness. But a part of me wondered if we did not miss the rare opportunity to see into the mind of a sociopath, a killer and find out why and how they operate.

Then AndyR, a friend of mine, sent me this article written by Judith Regan, the publisher who masterminded the entire scenario, and, after reading it, I think the OJ book should be published. The interview should be broadcast as planned. Let this sociopath tell how he did it so the entire world can see this killer for who he truly is. Now all of the black men who defended him can now eat their words.

This is a must read article and I would implore anybody who was outraged by the announcement of the OJ book to read this before passing judgment. We did miss a golden opportunity to see into the mind of madness. Eventually, we will have to come to grips with people like OJ if we are to defend ourselves and our families from them. It’s ugly but it’s a reality that there are many people in the world just like him.

Hopefully, this book will still be published and will someday be hailed as a breakthrough, just as Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf is still published and read today. Then we must all remember to give Judith Regan the proper credit for her vision.

Again, please read the article before leaving comments so you know the reasons why Judith Regan came to the conclusion of allowing this story to unfold.

Also, everybody have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.


Retards With Sex Organs

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
America is getting dumber.

An alarming study by the Department of Education found that 31 percent of American students were dropping out or failing to graduate in the nation's largest 100 public school districts. What the hell is going on here?

If I would have even hinted at quitting high school (which I wasn’t dumb enough to anyway) my dad would have sautéed my ass with a touch of onion and some high trans fat oil. Then he would taken whatever parts of my body that survived and kicked them back into the school. Have American parents lost their freaking minds?

I am willing to bet my paycheck a majority of these drop outs do not even have a father in the home and have a mother less than 20 year older than they are. Every time I hear some dumb ass woman spout off about how “she don’t need no man” I want to ring her freaking neck. Let’s applaud today’s single mom for raising tomorrow’s career criminal, drug dealer, crack whore, bum, and overall nuisance; because “she don’t need no man.”

This reminds me of a story from years past. Every year the company I used to work for choose one of the neediest families and raised money or bought gifts for them for Christmas. Well, the family they choose was run by an unemployed single mother who was thirty years old and already had 14 kids; one every year of her life since she 16 from a multitude of sperm donors. The fifteenth kid was spawned by her 15 year old daughter who contributed one kid and was knocked up again. No father in the house. Well, I just could not bring myself to contribute to that situation. By giving money I felt like I was condoning that stupidity and I couldn’t do it.

This is another reason why we need sex education in the classrooms and free condoms in every school. We all know that a retard with access to sex organs will only spell disaster for everybody. It seems like only the dumbasses breed and they breed at alarming levels, leaving their offspring for society to deal with. Intelligent people have children based on finances and provide a nurturing situation for the child. So they do not breed as fast nor have as many kids. One day we are going to wake up and be surrounded by dumbasses and that day is closer than you might think.


Democratic Agenda

Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Democrats released their agenda for the first 100 hours of Congress and the issues they want to address:

• We will start by cleaning up Congress, breaking the link between lobbyists and legislation and commit to pay-as-you-go, no new deficit spending.

• We will make our nation safer and we will begin by implementing the recommendations of the independent, bipartisan 9/11 Commission.

• We will make our economy fairer, and we will begin by raising the minimum wage. We will not pass a pay raise for Congress until there is an increase in the minimum wage.

• We will make health care more affordable for all Americans, and we will begin by fixing the Medicare prescription drug program, putting seniors first by negotiating lower drug prices. We will also promote stem cell research to offer real hope to the millions of American families who suffer from devastating diseases.

• We will broaden college opportunity, and we will begin by cutting interest rates for student loans in half.

• We will energize America by achieving energy independence, and we will begin by rolling back the multi-billion dollar subsidies for Big Oil.

• We will guarantee a dignified retirement, and we will begin by fighting any attempt to privatize Social Security.

Very impressive! Now let’s hope that they stick to the plan and actually do something. Maybe it’s just my nature but I am waiting for gridlock or something else to prevent any of these from being accomplished. It hasn't happened in my life time yet, so I remain cautiously optimistic.

I also heard rumors of a deadline to get the troops out of Iraq. Under the circumstances I think we have to pull out. If we are not going to send adequate troop levels to safeguard the lives over there, then what it the point? My gut still tells me that we need some type of presence in case the violence spreads to the neighboring countries.

You should also notice a change to the blog. At the bottom of all posts there are now labels. If you click on any of them they will link to all postings within the category. For example, if you wanted to view all of the paranormal writings then find an article with paranormal writings as a label and click on it. You should get a list of all postings with paranormal investigations as a topic. I have added many different categories so you can search for specifics and get results. Labels include: creative writing, love stories, pictures, paranormal investigations, politics, religon, my life, sports, baseball.

As a follow up to the Charter Scum posting, AT&T cannot install a satellite dish on my house because of the trees. I have no choice but to stay with Charter so my email address will not be changing. I did keep the call notes service on my phone though.

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Conservatism Under The Microscope

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I read excerpts from Bill O’Reilly’s new book which does a great job of describing the culture war in our country between liberals and conservatives from the conservative point of view. At one time I was deeply rooted within the conservative camp so I can relate to much of what he had to say.

In a recent town hall interview with Oprah, Bill O’Reilly made a point to categorize Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy as being a conservative. How ludicrous is this??!!! Even more frustrating is he believes Jesus Christ to be conservative too. Before we analyze why it is so ridiculous let’s take a look at the definition of both liberal and conservatism.

The definition of conservative is resistant to change and adhering to traditions. The word “conserve” is even in the word conservative. Liberal, by comparison, means tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition; a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties. Based on the definitions, which one of those words best describes Martin Luther King, and even Jesus Christ for that matter? If you said liberal then you are correct.

This may come as a surprise to the Right Wing but both Martin Luther King and Jesus Christ were liberals. They both fought against the established cultures and government in support of radical changes. They favored human right for everyone regardless of color, creed or sex. They supported the poor and the sick.

Let’s compare staunch Republican and Democratic ideology and see which side Martin Luther King and Jesus would be on: (click to enlarge)

*If certain neo-conservatives believe that God creates everything in His image and controls everything (free will does not exist in humans) then it is safe to say that God created gays too. So if He created gays then he would want them to have the same rights as heterosexual people. Neo-conservatives should then want this to swing Democratic, so I am giving them this one.

**You either believe that God gave us a brain to use and to think for ourselves or you believe that God gave us this brain only to behave as puppets under His command. So this could go either way based upon how you believe in God. My God gave me a brain to use and think for myself so this is Democrat.

***Amendment 2 was a heated debate in Missouri concerning tax money supporting stem cell research. Of course, Republicans are vehemently opposed to this but Democrats want to help find cures to help the sick. In a recent speech President Bush said he opposed Amendment 2 because he does not believe some people should die so that others can live. If he actually believes this, then why in the hell are we in Iraq???!!!! This was such a stupid thing to say that I am awarding this to the Democrats.

****This is the same argument as the gay rights issue. He either put the drugs and the plants here for us to use or not. Drugs, like alcohol, should be perfectly legal unless you abuse them. Then you should not be treated as a criminal but as someone needing help. Instead of going to a state or federal penitentiary to serve jail time you should go to a state or federal run rehab clinic to dry out. This makes more sense but the Republicans never want money to go to help people, they only want money to help corporate American get richer. This is the conservative mind-set in a nutshell; they will spend money to punish but never to help.

I could go one and on, listing hundreds of issues but I will stop with these. Jesus Christ and Martin Luther King will support very few Republican supported issues but the majority of the support will be Democratic. You can see how the Republican marketing machine has wrongly convinced Christians into believing they support Christian values. There may be a few but overall, the Democratic Party supports more of the Christian values.

Another important thing to realize is change is impossible to stop. It WILL happen!! Life changes everyday so you can either roll with it or resist it and be left behind. Just like running water over time will carve through rock, new ideas will constantly change our culture. Change cannot be stopped, only delayed.

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Cell Phone Club

Friday, November 10, 2006
Last Friday I finally joined the cell phone club. I have been resisting because I believe cell phone users are the rudest people on the face of the Earth so I did not want to join their crappy club. My boss tempted me with a new Treo 700w, complete with email and Internet access. He truly is the devil!! I accepted his offer and signed away my soul.

This phone is incredible and I now have a ticket to free, unending rudeness!! I can now ignore people all day long. At the store when I checkout I can make a quick call and force not only the checker, but also the people behind me, to wait while I chat aimlessly.

When I drive I can occupy my time with Internet access and dart in and out of lanes without looking. I don’t even see when people flip me off because I am staring at the phone and not the road. Stop signs and street lights don’t even exist to me anymore. The other drivers have breaks and they should learn how to use them. Besides, they should get out of MY way and the sooner they learn this, the better life will be for all of us.

Eating dinner with the family is also better now. I can ignore them and just talk with other people the entire time. The same holds true when I eat out at a restaurant, especially if I am there with only one other person. This is really fun as I can talk on the phone and leave the other person with me just sitting on the other side of the booth looking dumb. LOL!!!!!

I can walk down the street chatting on my blue tooth wireless headset. While I may appear to be talking to myself; I’m not. This helps with the whole ignoring thing too. I can talk even louder when I’m in a group and I don’t even see people give me dirty looks because I don’t give a shit.

I can’t wait until my first theatre experience so I see how well the phone works; it’s going to be fun to talk in the dark. I might have to talk a bit louder especially if all of the dimwits around me are chewing on popcorn and sucking on sodas. If I don’t get any calls, I can at least keep checking on the phone every couple of minutes. That small screen is very bright in a darkened theatre. Hopefully the movie will not be too loud because the sounds my phone makes as I turn it on and off are very audible if the theatre is quiet.

WOW!! In fact, my whole attitude has changed for the better! The world IS truly all about me now. Somebody should have told me a long time ago how much fun it is to have a cell phone.

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“Tom Cruise" Stupid

Thursday, November 09, 2006
America is evenly split on most political issues and the split probably looks much like this: 30% hardcore Republican, 30% hardcore Democrat, 30% swing voters. Hardcore voters are “Tom Cruise” stupid and will blindly vote for their party’s candidates no matter how ridiculous. Proof of this is in Mark Foley’s district in Florida. He received over 100,000 votes even though it is proven he is a pedophile.

This means 100,000 people voted for this Republican Senator even though they knew he solicited kids for dirty pictures and for sex talk; every one of these people needs to do a bit of soul searching because they are supporting pedophilia. I’ll also bet these same 100,000 consider themselves part of the Christian coalition, thinking they were advancing the cause of Christians everywhere by voting for Foley. I wonder if Jesus would want His name associated with a known pedophile like Mark Foley.

The behavior of hardcore voting scares the hell out of me. This is the same logic I used when I dropped my support of Clinton after I discovered he lied under oath. If I continued to support him, then I am saying that perjury is alright and should be legal. Likewise, these 100,000 "Tom Cruise" stupid morons in Florida cast their vote in favor of pedophilia. This is why my vote shifted to Republican, most notably George Bush in 2000.

I consider myself a swing voter because I do not lock in on any particular party. Swing voters are the most intelligent because they learn the facts and cast their vote accordingly. They can also be easily tricked by false campaign ads, so getting the facts is a constant battle. They are not robots or ditto heads that blindly support one particular cause no matter how dirty or how bankrupt of values that cause becomes.

I’ll give you an example of a false campaign ad. In Tennessee when Harold Ford lost to Bob Corker, the Corker camp ran an ad stating Ford made calls to a sex line on a business trip and the tax payers footed the bill. The facts are one of Ford’s workers while trying to call an FBI tip hotline inadvertently dialed one number wrong and a sex line answered. He quickly hung up the phone and dialed the right number. Now the call logs supported this but the Corker campaign still ran the ads. Very dirty politics indeed but the "Tom Cruise" stupid swing voters in Tennessee bought it and elected Corker.

If we look at the number of Republican scandals then the sweeping votes for Democrats should surprise no one. The only thing I was worried about was the uneducated Christian coalition group continuing to cast their robotic vote for a party devoid of Christian values. Luckily, this did not happen but I still wanted to expose those who continue to lie and claim they are full of Christian values when essentially they are full of shit because they vote for a known child predator for Senator.

Essentially, being Republican or Democrat should say nothing about your religious values. Both parties are represented by a myriad of religions including Christians. The aforementioned Harold Ford Jr. keeps the Ten Commandments on the back of his business card. While I do not approve of this, I just wanted to point out there are staunch Christians running in the Democratic Party.

Even though I am Christian, I believe in the separation of Church and State within politics, so I vote with my brain and not my Faith. If I voted my Faith then the Ten Commandments would be written into law and you would be put in jail for coveting thy neighbor’s car or for not going to Church on Sunday, or for using a GD or two within a sentence. This society would then resemble the Taliban and not democracy. But since my brain tells me this is ridiculous, I am very glad I voted with the majority of Americans who used their brain cells.

However, the Christian coalition groups want to make you feel guilty for using your brain cells. No matter how absurd, they demand we disregard science and blindly follow certain outdated or illogical teachings. Don’t be fooled because these people are not Christians but fascists. They enslave minions into their institutions and fill their empty heads with lies and hate like an “overmind” controls an alien horde. Jesus has nothing to do with their world but they spread their fascism behind His name.

I encountered many people like this on a recent trip to Utah. The only way into their cult church is to abandon all reason and logic and succumb to their will. Don’t be “Tom Cruise” stupid by compromising basic logic and reason – if something sounds stupid then it is.

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Take me out to the ballgame!

"A Swing and Virginia hits a long fly ball into deep center field, this ball may go!! It is a grand slam for the Democrats, as Missouri, Montana and Ohio all score. They win the game and sweep the series!! That’s a winner!" If Jack Buck was still alive that is how he would have called the elections on Tuesday night.

In a fabulous coup d’etat, the American voters finally awoke from their eight year slumber and ran to the polls in record numbers. Not only did they elect Democrats, which ultimately swept both houses of Congress and the State Governors, but they saw through the lies and passed the much needed Amendment 2 in Missouri. This Amendment allows tax payer money to fund stem cell research giving hope to America that a separation of Church and State exists again in this important swing state.

Then the President stunned the nation by axing Donald Rumsfeld. In the press conference he looked humbled by the millions of American voices which cried out against his administration. It was the first time I have seen the President rattled. This proves he is out of touch with America; both he and his policies must change if the Republican Party is to have any chance in 2008.

The Democrats which won the elections are mostly moderates, so they should honestly try to work with the Republicans. The only trouble ahead is the Republicans still have plenty of ultra conservatives which will undoubtedly sabotage any attempt made at bipartisanship. These morons need to be replaced with moderate Republicans before gridlock sets in. Let’s hope they will play ball with everybody else next year.

My faith in the American voter is restored again. For the first time in this decade, Americans did not vote as their pastor instructed but how the politics of the situation demanded. When I saw McCaskill take the lead over Talent, for the first time in my life I actually jumped and shouted over election results. I pumped my fists in the air when I saw the Amendment 2 “yes” votes exceed the “no” votes.

I stayed up until 2am going back and forth from MSNBC to FOX and to my local station, as the graphic of the House and Senate got bluer and bluer. Yes! What a great year this has become! The Cardinals win the World Series and my country is closer to becoming my country again!!!

Did anybody else notice the gas prices rose sharply just one day after the election? Even though the price of a barrel of oil is under $53, gas rose over 20 cents a gallon. How in the hell can the price of oil keep dropping but the price of gas keep rising? I’ll tell you how, corporate greed. Even though the price of oil is down, those assholes are going to find a way to post record profits again this year. Let’s hope this new government can curb corporate greed and return a little order to this chaotic market.


Goodbye Charter Scum

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Well I finally blew a cog and switched all of my services away from Charter. When I received my recent bill and saw it went from $86.23 to $114.92, I finally reached a breaking point. Considering two months ago the same thing happened and it took me an hour on the phone being transferred between departments until finally I said that I wanted to cancel. Then I was transferred to a department that took care of me.

It only took Charter two months to screw it all up again. This time, the guy told me for the past two months they were giving me a special discount because my previous package expired and since I complained they did not want to loose me as a customer. I have been a Charter customer for the past ten years and I have never been late on a payment. I would have continued to be a Charter customer for another 10 years but they had to fuck with me over and over again. I understand you have to raise rates but $114 for TV and Internet is unreasonable. They have to at least remain competitive, which they are no longer anymore.

Charter Internet service 3MB: $45.93
AT&T Internet service 3MB: $24.95
Charter cable television (approximately 60 channels plus HBO): $68.99
AT&T cable television (approximately 120 channels plus HBO): $40.99
Those are not promotional rates from AT&T either; those are the normal rates. The promotions are just freebies and temporary discounts I got from switching from a competitor which I'll explain later.

Anyway, when I saw the bill this month I finally snapped. This is not something I ever wanted to do. I am quite comfortable with my email address. I have had it for several years so everybody knows how to reach me. I had to pull the trigger because of Charter’s continuous lack of customer service, and constantly raising of my rates to unreasonable levels.

I called AT&T and bundled phone, satellite, and Internet for $107. So I will save about $50 per month if you include the phone service and long distance. For the $107 I get every local phone option including call notes and caller ID, unlimited long distance, 3MB Internet and 120 television channels plus local channels and HBO. I also finally get a DVR and a true HD hook up to my big screen TV. Now I can finally watch football in high definition. No more shittty picture quality from Charter. Their dumb ass DVR has at least a three month waiting list and it costs an extra $10 per month.

Since I switched from a competitor I will get three months of Internet for free and they will also knock $10 off my satellite bill for the next ten months. So I will only be paying $72 for the next three months and after that $97 for the next seven months. When all of the discounts settle down the bill will be $107.

I have been getting screwed by Charter for years and only just realized it because they decided to get even greedier. So Charter can kiss my hairy white ass!!! They are CANCELLED effective friday!!!!

PS: Don’t forget to vote today. Even if you are some sort of weird conscientious objector, drop the negative attitude and exorcise your right as an American citizen. If you don’t want to vote then move to Cuba or North Korea; you'll fit right in with either of those countries.

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