Thursday, August 31, 2006
However, since mankind has developed technology for growing and concentrating refined sugars in unimaginable levels, our sweet tooth has become our enemy within. Like a moth drawn to a flame, that sweet tooth leads us to greater and greater heights of sugar intake. More sugar does not make us healthier, so our taste buds are leading us down the slippery slope of diabetes, heart disease and a host of other ailments.
This is evident in our children, in which we are raising the most obese and sedentary generation in the history of mankind. We reward out kids for sitting around all day playing video games with candy. We encourage them to eat more, do less. At meal time when they might accidentally eat something healthy, we allow them to smother it with ketchup or some other sugar enhanced condiment so the kids’ taste buds are forever tainted. This is very evident when I read an article like this.
In an effort to curb the epidemic of obesity, the federal government mandated healthier lunches in schools but our children’s taste buds are so corrupted they cannot handle eating foods devoid of heavy doses of sugar. These kids will not eat salads, vegetables or fruit because they are “gross”. They even put less sugar in the lunchroom cookies but the kids will not eat them unless they contain dangerous levels of sugar.
This has happened because instead of parents requiring their children to eat healthy, they have allowed children to choose their own food. Now we have a generation of sugar addicts and lazy malcontents, whose only legacy will be to contribute to ever exploding levels of diabetes and other ailments in the future. In today’s household menus, it is evident that vegetables, fibers and fruit are absent from the plate and replaced with a mixture high fat and high sugar. But why?
Are the parents conveniently avoiding arguments early in a child’s development risking long term damage to the child’s health for peace in the home?
“:Eat your veggies, Johnny!”
“Okay……… here………… eat this candy …………just stop crying!”
Are the parents not capable of controlling their own diet so the child takes on the behavior of the parent?
Parent opens the fridge. “What should I make for dinner today? Hot dogs and Ding Dongs sound good to me. What do you think, Johnny?”
Little Johnny nods with a smile on his face.
Not only are the foods we eat very bad for our health but the size of the portions we consume are irregular. After eating the healthier meals which included portions sizes conducive to the child’s age, 149 out of 175 complained they did not get enough food. So not only are the hot dogs and Ding Dongs being consumed but they are being consumed from an elephant’s plate. Again, what is going on with these parents?
After dinner, instead of the parent sending the child outside for some much needed exercise or maybe even a brisk walk, its back to the ass.
“Fire up the video game! Warm up the TV! The ass is getting a vigorous work out tonight!”
I applaud the federal government in their attempt to bring some health to America (and I don’t applaud them for very much these days). But this effort will fail unless the parents are accountable and enforce some basic fundamental rules. You can’t live on hot dogs and Ding Dongs. Doesn’t anybody remember the four food groups anymore?