Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Does anyone find it strange that gas prices are always low during the Thanksgiving holiday? “They” usually raise gas prices during other holidays claiming increased demand except during Thanksgiving. Just as many people travel during Thanksgiving as they do during Memorial Day or the 4th of July or Labor Day.
The only difference I can find in all of the holidays mentioned above is that Thanksgiving is followed by the biggest shopping day of the year. Economists have told us gas prices affect shoppers’ confidence so if gas prices are high people will spend less. So keeping gas prices low during the Thanksgiving holiday promotes busier shopping and more dollars flowing into the hands of Wal-Mart, and the other retail giants.
The government has to be controlling this unusual dip in prices because who else has the power to bridge these two markets and invoke changes. I’m sure these retailers are screaming to Bush for help. So if he can help these retailers then why can’t he maintain these prices for the betterment all of us? After all, the oil companies posted record profit in the tens of billions of dollars last quarter so they can lower prices and still make great profits. The answer is Bush does not care about the middle class he only cares for the upper class.
In fact, the only time Bush pays any attention to the middle class is when he needs to rally the religious groups to support his archaic moral views. It alright for the rich oil companies to rape the public at the gas pump but it’s not alright if similar genders want to have a committed relationship. God forbid people wanting to pursue happiness.
Where are the F.D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Teddy Roosevelt of my generation? With the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer who will save us from this mess? The Republicans are all in favor of big business but the Democrats are no different. They are paid for by big business too but the party as a whole has no balls at all.
Now they are allowing AT&T and the Bells to unite again - these companies just keep getting bigger while our choices keep shrinking. I thought the government was to eliminate monopolies not create them?