Fundamentalist "Whackos"

Friday, November 18, 2005
I have already begun to hear some flack regarding a comment I made earlier, "Extremists are a cancer in our culture whether they are extreme left or extreme right." Please allow me to explain.

Everybody has an opinion and everybody has the right to express their opinion regardless how simple-minded that opinion may be. The problem with fundamentalists is they believe their opinions should be law and everybody should adhere to them. They usually hide behind something “good” or wield something “good” as a weapon as a way to prove they are right. When this happens it presents a real problem in society. I support adults living their lives however they want provided they do not hurt anyone else. I draw the line when they insist everybody should live their lifestyle.

Fundamentalist’s religious groups are great at insisting everybody live by their morals and even try to pass laws to support them. These same fundamentalist whackos want to censor everything. If you do not want to watch a program then turn the dial to a different channel or to “off”. But stop insisting that television be tailored as a babysitter for children or as a morality center for our Country. Let the ratings decide what programs live and die – this is the American way. If we let the free market system establish pricing for gas then let the free market system decide the fates for television and radio programs. You cannot have it both ways.

Extreme right wing religious groups in America are no different than al-Qaeda. Both of these groups have murdered innocent people in the name of God. Look at the abortion clinic bombings and you can compare them to the 9/11 terrorists attacks. The thought process is the same as are the justifications for murder.

Not all religions or religious groups in American are like this but you cross the line when you bomb abortion clinics or support people that bomb abortion clinics. In fact, you cross this line anytime you support legislature to limit the rights of fellow Americans to their pursuit of happiness because your beliefs are different.

Certain vegans are similar in their beliefs. It is perfectly acceptable if you want to eat vegetables instead of meat and I support your right to live that way. However, I draw the line when you expect me to live that way. I have attended dinners in the past with vegans giving me dirty looks because I ordered the steak. I am not demanding they eat meat so leave me alone and do not expect me to eat all vegetables.

Certain gays are fundamentalists. I support the rights of gays to marry but I do not want their parade marching down my street. I don’t march down my street exclaiming I have sex with my female wife so why do they have to rub their sexual habits in my face? Keep those things in the privacy of your house where they belong.

So I stand by my earlier opinion that extremists are a cancer in our society when they expect everybody to live by their laws and have no toleration for other lifestyles or beliefs.

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