Virginia Day 2 – Virginia Massacre

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Yesterday we were in Staunton, VA only an hour from Virginia Tech when we heard about the massacre. At first, I thought it was just a rumor as we overheard people at the restaurant talking about it. Then our worst fears were verified when we got back into the car and turned on the radio.

Cho Seung-Hui, a resident alien from South Korea, was the shooter. This psychopath killed 32 innocent people. Since he killed himself the blame game has already started. People are searching for someone or some group to hold accountable. I’m sure since he was an immigrant; they will start there with a “whack a mole” blame game.

As soon as I heard the shooter was dead I told my wife they would immediately start searching for the sacrificial lamb. First, they wanted to blame the police for not knowing two murders in a dorm would grow into the worst massacre on a college campus in American History. Then, they jumped on the school for also failing to read his mind. Now they have started a witch hunt for any students, faculty or staff who might have known about anything. Who could have predicted this? Even if he would have told somebody, who would have believed it? Punishing somebody would be ludicrous.

Very soon they will find out what kind of music he enjoyed and blame the artists. Then they will find out which video games he played and try to ban them. I am sure they will also try to blame the gun shop who sold him the guns, even though he legally bought them and even waited the legal three days. He was an English student who read Shakespeare and Edgar Allen Poe. Do you think they will try to ban books by those authors now?

Now they are probably going to try to pass a slew of laws, none of which would have saved any of these innocent people, but will be a major loss of liberty to every law abiding citizen in the country. There will be stupid law suits against the school, so now every University will be forced to lock campuses down like prisons or face similar stupid law suits. Where will it end? I don’t know.

My heart pours out to the families of the innocent victims but the reality of the situation is, in a free society, there is no way to stop random acts of violence like this. No amount of laws or loss of freedoms will ever stop this kind of behavior. This is the price we all pay for living in a free society. The alternative is to regulate EVERYTHING and to sacrifice liberty for safety; this is the definition of fascism. Don’t buy into this!!!!

Pray for the families, mourn with them but don’t jump on a fascist bandwagon which will accomplish nothing except to eliminate the freedoms our grand-parents have paid for with their blood. Like it or not, the right to bear arms is a Constitutional right which cannot be sacrificed for safety’s sake or convenience sake.

This guy was a psychopath, plain and simple. Don’t let his mental illness influence the rights which we fought so hard to obtain. The fact of the matter is no amount of changing of the laws will ever keep us safe from psychos; they will always find a way to be psychos. But don’t apply the least common denominator principle and treat all of us like this psychopath.

Our vacation continues. Yesterday we toured Endless Caves and the Woodrow Wilson birthplace. Today we saw the Manassas Civil War battlefield and Mt Vernon. Enjoy some pictures from the past two days in Virginia.

Endless Caverns

A family of bats on the cave wall. They don't like to be petted and they hate Skittles.

Mt. Vernon, home to George Washington, the father of liberty. He died of a sore throat which became infected. If they only had Triaminic he might still be alive today.

Woodrow Wilson's birthplace. They actually had the bed in which he was born (and conceived) in the house.

I'm sitting on GW's back porch enjoying the view of the Potomac River. You can actually see my duck feet in this picture.

Manassas National Civil War Battlefield. An early battle won by the Confederates thanks to the leadership of Gen. "Stonewall" Jackson. He acquired that nickname at this battle.

In other news, I've also changed my mind about the Dodge Charger, it is a piece of crap. It might look fast but it has no pick up at all. We were having troubles passing 18-wheelers. My Monte Carlo can run circles around it. There are many more inadequacies with it: the horn sounds when you lock the car, the lights turn on when you unlock it and they stay on after you lock it for quite a while.

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Virginia Day 1 – Footsteps of Giants

Sunday, April 15, 2007
We arrived in Virginia yesterday but too late to see any of the Presidents’ homes. So we drove across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and hung out along the coast. We then spent the night in Charlottesville so we could get an early start to see as much as possible today. There were eight Presidents born in Virginia and today we saw three of their homes: James Madison (Montpelier), James Monroe (Ash Lawn), and Thomas Jefferson (Monticello).

Many of you know I am an avid reader of biographies and stories about the founding fathers. My favorites are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Benjamin Franklin. Needless to say I was quite overwhelmed to see two of my favorites.

James Madison’s home is called Montpelier and is currently being renovated by a $30 million DuPont grant. But I still got to see the most important room in the house, his office. It was in that office James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights, which I contend is the most important document ever written by man. Madison was just a 25 year old Congressman but his intelligence was greater than his years. The renovations will be finished in the fall and I must return again to see it again in its glory.

At the time Madison was writing the Bill of Rights, Thomas Jefferson was in France but he lent Madison many books from his impressive library to do research. It is important to note that Jefferson had the second largest library in the country (only the National Library had more books). In the war of 1812 when the British burnt down the National Library it was Jefferson which replenished it with his own books. He later wrote he could not live without books and again built an impressive collection of literature which survives to this day.

Anyway, I stood in the very room in which James Madison wrote this important document and was immediately entranced in thought. I often wonder what he would say if he knew the kind of inhumanities our own government is involved with today. I don’t think anyone else on this tour realized where they were standing and the importance to American history, and humanity for that matter, it signified.

Thomas Jefferson’s home is named Monticello and was just as impressive. Jefferson wrote the Constitution and as I stood in his office staring at his pen, chair and desk, I got the same feelings of pride for my country as I did while standing in Madison’s office. Both of these men were good friends. Both were intellectuals, rebels and liberals; they would not fit well today into our heavily regulated society in which human rights have taken a back seat to security. Many of their greatest ideals have been undone by our current administration.

We also saw the historic Michie Tavern which serviced travelers since 1784. In those days it was rumored body oils would protect you against disease so people did not shower much. The tavern only washed linens and clothes twice per year, and people bathed only during the summertime (if that). They carried a small bag of potpourri in their pockets and would press it against their noses when encountering other people to cut down the smell of the stench. I don’t know how people had sex back then with the stench of their bodies being so strong but they had many children so it must not have bothered them.

Michie’s Tavern offered separate rooms for men and women but there were few (if any) women traveling alone. Mostly the women’s quarters were used for private rooms for richer patrons which would pay up to a weeks salary for one night in a private room. Most travelers stayed on the floor of the main lobby. For a meager amount (no one knows exactly how much) they would get a hot meal, usually soup, and be offered the floor or a chair to sleep through the night. The main lobby also had gambling tables and unlimited drinking for travelers. Alcohol was sold by the glass, mostly whiskey or wine.

James Monroe was another important player in American history. He was integral in the Louisiana Purchase as he was the ambassador to France and a good friend of Napoleon. Under Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency, Monroe went to France with a millions dollars and came back with the title to land which more than doubled the size of the US.

James Monroe was a farmer and his home, Ash Lawn reflected his meager living. He wrote about defeating a king during the Revolutionary War and did not believe men should live as kings. Most of Ash Lawn was burned down and rebuilt by another family but it is still impressive to see this man’s home. One of the most impressive pieces of art was the bust of Napoleon given to Monroe by Napoleon in honor of their friendship. There was also a portrait of Napoleon’s daughter hanging in the parlor as their daughters were also good friends. They even attended college together.

Enjoy a few pictures of my travels and come back tomorrow for more. Mount Vernon is on the itinerary, home to George Washington.

Historic Michie's Tavern in the pouring rain.

Monticello, home to Thomas Jefferson - still raining.

Barboursville Ruins. This historic home was designed by Thomas Jefferson for Governor James Barbour and was built in 1814. It was destroyed by fire on Christmas Day in 1884.

Our hot rental car is a 2008 Dodge Charger. When my 2001 Monte Carlo is replaced, I want one of these.

Ash Lawn home to James Monroe. This house is very small compared to the other famous homes; I feel like a giant.

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Imus Idiotus

Thursday, April 12, 2007
I have never listened to Imus, he sounds like an idiot to me. The comments he made were stupid and insensitive but does he really need to lose his livelihood for telling a stupid joke? I say stupid things all the time and I’ll bet you all do too. Should we all lose our jobs and maybe even our careers over a stupid joke? I hope not.

What Imus said wasn’t any different from what any other performer says. Chris Rock says much worse, so does Dave Chappelle, so did Ann Coulter and a host of other performers. Look at all of the hate words used in hip-hop and rap music. Nobody lost their job over any of those bigoted statements. All of the above said much worse things than Imus.

So why the double standard? I don’t have an answer for this and whatever anybody else says in defense of firing Imus won’t make sense to me unless they address all of the other hate speeches. Imus is a performer NOT a Senator or any other representative of the people. If the President or someone of that nature were to say something like this then I would agree with them being fired or removed from office. But again, those people are different because they have jobs in public service. Imus is a radio shock jock, a performer NOT a public servant.

Firing Imus is setting a dangerous precedence in our society. This dangerous prededence is saying white people cannot have a sense of humor about racial issues. White people cannot tell the same jokes as black comedians. A law is a law; and a racial statement is a racial statement regardless of who says it. The law should be color blind so what happens to Imus should happen to everybody else. And since I don’t think it should happen to anyone else, I don’t think it should happen to Imus.

I think Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle are hilarious. I don’t want them fired or ostracized for telling racist jokes. I don’t like Ann Coulter but even she should be able to make a joke about John Edwards (even though she bordered on slander)without being fired from her job. Even though I think Imus is an idiot, he should have the ability to say something stupid and apologize for it (or not) and retain his livelihood. For those who judge him differently from anybody else; they are the racists.

Beginning next week I’ll be on vacation in Virginia. I will hopefully be posting pictures and a plethora of information about my wanderings.

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Winds of Change - Part 4 - Conclusion

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
In Part 1 I asked the question: “If you lie to enough people and they start believing the lie as fact, can this lie be woven into our instinctual behavior?” Lie is such a harsh word. Yes a lie or a false belief can sabotage the evolution of a species as well as the intellectual advancement. I’ll site two examples.

What if the 100 monkeys instead of washing the sweet potatoes shoved them up their ass? If this caught on and became a fad it could jeopardize the entire clan if everybody followed the one fool who shoved the potato up his ass. Some would have died because they stopped up their bowels, others might have pulled it out and eaten it with feces and died of a disease. If the whole 100 did it they might have all died and taken many others with them.

The second example of how falsehoods derail intellect is the Heaven’s Gate cult. These idiots followed a guy to his death by drinking the “Kool-Aid”. Upon death they were promised a ride to heaven aboard the Hale-Bopp Comet or something of that nature. They blindly followed this lunatic to his death. The founder of Heaven’s Gate had no proof, no scientific evidence to prove his claim but yet these knuckleheads died anyway; social Darwinism at its finest. What if this crazy cult would have hypnotized more people, like 5 billion?

So following a lie or some false and unproven theories could lead to disaster. This is why we must be diligent with our beliefs and accept only fact based theories. We should also constantly change based on new evidence but don’t be too quick to jump on a new idea. Don’t be the second monkey to shove a potato up your ass; rather wait until the facts arrive.

When you have too many people believing in something false or working toward wasted efforts like profits, it can stunt an entire species. Instead of resources being spent on intellect or projects advancing the species they are wasted on bullshit. This is the cycle we are stuck in now. Too much blind faith and too much time wasted working to advance the profit margins of soulless companies have stunted our growth.

So what do you do when a fundamentalist President like Bush ignores 66% of our entire nation to further his own agenda? First of all, you find out who else in the Senate and the HOR is supporting him and then vote them out in the next election. Stay informed. There are some credible news agencies out there, but you have to look for them; I have links to a few on this blog. You have to work at being an informed, intelligent human-being. But the payoff is worth the work. More intelligent voters elect better candidates. And if you don’t like either one then write somebody in.

Raise your kids to be free thinking adults. They should challenge authority, know the law (especially the Bill of Rights) and learn proper etiquette. Just because they challenge authority doesn’t mean they have to be uncontrolled. Buy energy efficient products including automobiles. Don’t join a church just because everyone else is doing it. If you do join a church then read everything and learn as much as you can about the religion. Don’t let someone tell you about it, read it for yourself. That was exactly how the Heaven’s Gate people were tricked into drinking the Kool-Aide – blind faith. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck; then it’s a duck.


Winds of Change - Part 3 – Search for Higher Intelligence

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I believe in a higher intelligence. At this point, I don’t want to call this higher intelligence “God” because there are so many preconceived notions with that label, because what I am suggesting differs from traditional views of God. This higher intelligence might exist within us, within our DNA or somehow connected to our DNA. It might influence changes through direct contact but we see only what it wants instead of what is actually there (I’ll explain this later).

Accepting a search for a higher intelligence even if you already worship a God is an acceptable human behavior. For example, you can worship Zeus but still keep your mind open for something more logical and explainable than a man living in the clouds with a humongous hammer. We have a complex mind in which we haven’t even tapped into one-tenth of our potential, but yet we often accept unproven theories over more logical, proven theories. We do this because it's easier.

Accepting the fact we don’t have the answers to life or even death is more threatening than believing a man in the clouds with a hammer will save you when you die. When I was a kid it was easier believing in Santa Claus but as I aged I wanted the truth and sought the truth until I found out there was no Santa. Sure I could have still believed but that still would not have changed the fact that there was no Santa. Human evolution is the same. We can blindly believe in our tradional Gods or we can put more resources into science to find the truth.

Whether the religious fundamentalists will admit it or not, science is responsible for all of our intellectual growth and many of our evolutionary leaps. Without the smart person in the group inventing a wheel or fire we would still be living in caves and hunting with sticks. What would the Wright Brothers say today if they could see how their innovation has led us onto the moon and beyond? Science is responsible for all of this. From the electricity in our home to the power of our automobiles, these fundamentalists will use all of the modern conveniences science invents but still give them no credibility at all.

The point I am trying to make is just like the 100 monkeys influenced their entire species, let science and our intellect take our species to new heights. Don’t sabotage their findings because they threaten old traditions. You can help the evolution of our species by raising your kids to be open minded. Don’t close their minds with religion, hate and prejudice. Let their minds develop so they can search for God and make their choice based on intellect instead of tradition.

Some fundamentalists believe our laws are based on the Ten Commandments but that’s total idiocracy; only two of the Ten Commandments are laws. A 20% success ratio is not a winning number even by Enron’s accounting methods. I said it before and I’ll say it again, the Bill of Rights is the most important document ever written for humanities sake. If the Ten Commandments were written by God then he would have realized the need for human rights before the egotistical need to realize He was the Supreme Being. The first commandment should have been Thou Shall Not Have Slaves and went on from there. The fact that important laws like this were missing is proof these commandments were written by a fallible man.

If you draw circles around all of the groups you belong to, you’ll see the human being circle is the biggest. Whether it's religion, political party, or family, the human being circle is the biggest and sometimes the most important. If we accepted the importance of this group, we would treat our fellow man with more compassion and we would realize this compassion should be our most important value. Any religion worth anything should realize this and will be built on compassion, acceptance, education and human rights. A true religion would want to desegregate and bring all of humanity together instead of excluding huge groups of our species. In fact, this is the first rule of a false religion: if they exclude any group or influence one group to kill another group, they are a false religion.

In the search for a higher intelligence we must be prepared to find another more advanced species instead of a Supreme Being. Like my fish tank theory we could be fish in a tank and the higher species could be our creators, visiting us occasionally to study our advancement. In a similar but more frightening theory, the other species could be living amongst us but on a higher or lower frequency so we cannot see them. Maybe they even built a blocker into our DNA so we cannot see them. This could explain certain ridiculous UFO sightings people have experienced.

One such ridiculous sighting was a farmer. When investigators visited and interviewed him there were still burn marks on the dirt near his home in which traces of a rare chemical were found which could not have been faked, also impressions in the ground left by the landing gear were too precisely measured to be a hoax. Even more ridiculous was the farmer saw the aliens and claimed they offered him a plate of pancakes. When he looked into the craft he saw another human in what looked to be a 1950’s kitchen wearing an apron and waving. What makes this so convincing was the man knew it was ridiculous but still told the story to investigators. They concluded if he was lying he would have made up some fantastic story instead of telling them a story he knew was silly. Is it possible this was a visit from our creators or some higher intelligence and they somehow cloaked this man’s mind only to see what they wanted him to see?

If a higher intelligence were to visit us they would surely try to keep their presence masked and what better way of doing this than to leave behind a ridiculous trail of unbelievable stories. As a paranormal investigator I find it interesting how similar ghost stories are to UFO abductions. Sometimes the ghosts which people describe to me actually look similar to the pictures of aliens. The similar occurrences contain elements of paralyzation, accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and despair. Many of the stories make the storyteller look foolish and they realize this but yet they stick to their story. Some of them might be crazy but I know too many witnesses who are sane, intelligent people. There know certain facts which only someone who is experiencing a real haunting will know, and I can usually tell just by listening to the story who is faking it or if they are only experiencing the house settling. Could these “ghosts” actually be visitors from a higher intelligence but our rudimentary minds cannot handle the reality of the situation?

UFOs could also be a higher intelligence inspiring us to achieve a higher intelligence. I am not saying this is provable truth I am only saying this is a possibility. When ancient man would see UFOs they saw rope ladders which would unravel and the aliens would appear as bearded dwarves. As we evolved so have our UFO sightings. The fact remains UFO sightings have inspired many scientific advancements. UFO sightings are partially responsible for the space program. We have copied many of the UFO designs into actual machines which we have either tested or are flying today.

All of this leads us back to the 100 monkeys theory. If we keep our minds open allowing only proved theories to be evidence of higher intelligence then as a society we will evolve faster. If we hold onto traditions which hold back our power of intellect then we will never evolve.

The most important values for our species should be protecting this planet from destruction, preserving our liberties, protecting all life and maintaining our quest for knowledge of our solar system, universe, planet, a higher intelligence, and ourselves. Anything which interferes with these should be abhorred.

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Winds of Change - Part 2 – Paradigms

Monday, April 09, 2007
My last post provided a foundation, explaining what needs to happen to change our society and how a small change can snowball into a shift in paradigms. Part 2 will focus on what needs to be changed and what our agenda should be for this millennium.

Our society is infatuated with profit even though this thirst for profit conflicts with our most important purposes in life. The success of our species depends on learning about our universe, our solar system and our planet. But there is no profit in this research and many fundamentalists suggest it is not needed because we already know everything we need to know.

Our obsession with profit is almost as obsessive as a teenage boy’s obsession with his libido. It consumes us. We put 100% of our efforts maintaining and increasing our profit margins. We even make laws ensuring the wealthy remain wealthy. If it doesn’t make money then the government will come along and deregulate a market so it becomes a profit center (like health care in the 80’s or energy markets today). As a society, this leaves little time for anything else.

The true evil of capitalism is its ability to create a society which appreciates money above everything else. This is the reality of our world today. This is why we have homeless people, a lack of education and a lack of healthcare. There is no profit from solving or changing any of those so there is nobody working on them. And when somebody does work on then somebody else comes along and shuts it down because no one can make money from providing an upgrade to those services. Even though the aforementioned are all good for humanity, money or profit is still the most important thing, so they will never be solved and will forever remain a problem. How do we change this paradigm?

Before we can change the paradigm we must realize the supreme laws of the land is in our society. The supreme laws are: good for the economy is what is best, increasing profits from year to year is paramount, and money is your God; it can buy anything. Nothing else matters.

Our kids today are taught the principles economics which enforces the belief that good for the economy is most important thing, even if it is bad for you. To pass the test you must believe in these principles or else you fail and will have to take the course again. You’ll keep taking it until you accept that principle as the supreme law of the land.

Let’s assume you will turn to religion for guidance. Religions only enforce these supreme laws. Don’t even think of joining a church without giving your 10% off the top. Turn on the television and you’ll see how profitable religion has become. All of those tele-evangelists are multi millionaires and getting richer every day. Their message is give me money and go to heaven. So they enforce one of the supreme laws; money can buy anything.

Money CAN buy anything. Look at the presidential election and see most of the candidates have already collected over $20 million dollars each and are expected to collect over $100 million just to be competitive. Are these candidates the best possible presidential hopefuls? No, but they are the only ones rich enough that want the job. The best presidential candidates will never be heard of because they don’t have the ability to raise $100 million dollars just to run. Want a wife? Then buy one online from Russia; she’ll even be unbelievably hot!

Money can also influence people’s opinions; buy votes. Just run ads on television or pay a news reporter to conduct an investigation and conclude a favorable opinion in your direction. In government, they run false flag operations to influence us and like flies to a flame we quickly submit. It’s hard to believe our own government might possibly the bad guy but when they torture people and even get Christians to agree to it, then something is wrong.

We are in the beginnings of another ice age. Our government imprisons people without habeas corpus, admittedly tortures people and conducts acts of terrorism sometimes killing Americans and then blames it on other countries. All of this is happening under the watchful eyes of an “unbiased and liberal” media.

Our paradigms need to change. We need a more compassionate society based on personal freedoms, social services for the needy and better education for all. We need more non profits and fewer corporations. Instead of finding ways to charge people more, let’s find ways to do things for free or at least cheaper. We need to invest more time, energy and money into the exploration of our universe and the understanding our planet. The scientific community needs a louder voice. We need better leaders focused on retaining personal freedoms, and establishing communications with our enemies so we can live peacefully. We need to realize personal religious beliefs should remain personal and should not be legislated.

In part three, I will focus on a higher intelligence and explain why the search for God must continue and why no one should be threatened by this search.

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Winds of Change – Part 1 - 100 Monkeys Theory

Thursday, April 05, 2007
The 100 Monkeys Theory is based on research conducted in 1952 through 1958 when the monkeys on a remote island were observed while discovering a new way to wash sweet potatoes. The monkeys living on nearby islands and even the mainland somehow acquired the same knowledge, even though there was no physical contact between the two groups of monkeys. The study went so far as to show how future generations of this monkey were born with this new knowledge; it became instinctual.

So the theory is when enough members of a group (for convenience stated as 100 monkeys because there were approximately 100 monkeys on the island) acquire a certain piece of knowledge, this knowledge passes into a collective consciousness, and all members of the group acquire that knowledge. But in reality we currently refer to this behavior as instinct. This research shows how the instinctual behavior of a small group can eventually shift paradigms. It also proves there is hope for a society like ours.

A casual observer would see this research as only about monkeys but this is actually a story about social change and how the power of intellect can enlighten an entire species. So by the same token if you lie to enough people and they start believing the lie as fact, can this lie be woven into our instinctual behavior? Before we answer this question let’s look at more data to see if we can connect the dots.

There also might be a correlation between total population and the number of enlightened people to bring about a change. In monkeys at that particular time it was 100, but to bring about an instinctual change in mankind today with a population today of over 6.5 billion, the number of enlightened might be much higher.

I believe in this theory. If enough enlightened people believe and adapt their behavior then our entire species can shift to a better paradigm and live a more enriched life. However, other people can sabotage this shift as is evident with President Bush and his 30% approval rating pandering to an unpopular, immoral war in Iraq. This scientific research proves he must either change or be left behind eating dirty potatoes. But this posting is not about the war in Iraq.

Our DNA is a recorder for our species. It has all the information ever collected about us, even so far as telling us how many of our species were alive in a particular time. Using this data we built a historical chart of the evolution of our species and we compared it with other data collected from the Earth in ice and rock. For example, we saw a severe drop in population about 80,000 years ago to the point where we almost went extinct. This data corresponded with evidence of a mega-volcanic eruption about that same time in evidence collected within the ice in Antarctica and within the rocks in Australia. When you have evidence collected by three different scientific fields reflecting the same conclusion then you have very strong proof.

In order to keep my posts shorter and easier to read, I stop here and let everybody digest this. I will post more next week about this theory and how this collective intelligence might respond to falsehoods and lies. What are your thoughts and comments so far?

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The Abstinence Myth

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
There has never been a more blatant example of the lack of separation of church and state than the archaic sex education methods taught to our kids. The federal government spent over $168 billion on programs promoting an abstinence only approach to sex education and over $1.2 billion since the Clinton administration. These programs cannot mention birth control at all; not even condoms.

The abstinence-only morons lie to themselves and believe this approach to be working but the real truth is the single mother birth rates continue to climb, the teenage pregnancy rates continue to climb as does the rate of sexually transmitted diseases (STD). The only thing this myth is accomplishing is to bring our children closer to ruining their lives due to an STD or an unwanted pregnancy. If educators do not properly educate or start propagating myths like abstinence-only, then kids will continue to perpetuate problems within our society.

School is supposed to EDUCATE. It is impossible to educate about sex when you leave out important facts about safe sex and how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancies. Again we see how the government, led by the right wing, continues to destroy freedom and choice. Actually Clinton is just a guilty here. He fired his Surgeon General for proving masturbation is a healthy thing and a good alternative to sex.

Have you ever seen one of the presentations by one of these abstinence-preaching morons? They equate sex to fire. So they burn paper to show how damaging sex can be to a relationship. Do these people have a clue at all? Then they equate abstinence with water which puts out the flame and saves us from burning. This is actually a federally funded program. LOL!!

Don’t get me wrong, I am a supporter of abstinence for teenagers but you also have to teach them about birth control too and how important it is to protect themselves from the multitude of STDs which can kill. As a father of a 15 year old boy, it is important he understands how to protect himself.

My son turned 15 this year. Of course, we are telling him it is best to wait until after graduation from high school before engaging in sexual relations, but if the urge strikes then protection is a requirement. We are going to keep a drawer full of condoms at home for his use. He won’t have to come to us for any, just go to the drawer. It will be my job to keep it full. He is well aware how easy sex can ruin his life because of the many STDs or an unwanted pregnancy.

I cannot imagine what those fundamentalists’ parents are thinking as they sound off about how you’ll burn in hell for doing some as natural as having sex. Then their daughter gets knocked up (or worse gets an STD) because she wasn’t taught about something as simple a condom. Perhaps I should start a business selling chastity belts to these idiots.

After more than two generations of failure and over $1.2 billion dollars wasted, you would think we would look at the statistics and start teaching the entire story. Start teaching kids about how condoms will save their life. Start teaching kids about how an unwanted pregnancy can ruin their life. Bring in single mothers and let them tell the class how difficult life has become and how their plans for college are now ruined. This is the reality the conservatives do not want our kids to see. They would prefer to quote the Bible more often or, even worse, blame the entertainment industry and then lobby to end all adult programming so all TV shows are scaled to only 5-year olds.


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