Imus Idiotus

Thursday, April 12, 2007
I have never listened to Imus, he sounds like an idiot to me. The comments he made were stupid and insensitive but does he really need to lose his livelihood for telling a stupid joke? I say stupid things all the time and I’ll bet you all do too. Should we all lose our jobs and maybe even our careers over a stupid joke? I hope not.

What Imus said wasn’t any different from what any other performer says. Chris Rock says much worse, so does Dave Chappelle, so did Ann Coulter and a host of other performers. Look at all of the hate words used in hip-hop and rap music. Nobody lost their job over any of those bigoted statements. All of the above said much worse things than Imus.

So why the double standard? I don’t have an answer for this and whatever anybody else says in defense of firing Imus won’t make sense to me unless they address all of the other hate speeches. Imus is a performer NOT a Senator or any other representative of the people. If the President or someone of that nature were to say something like this then I would agree with them being fired or removed from office. But again, those people are different because they have jobs in public service. Imus is a radio shock jock, a performer NOT a public servant.

Firing Imus is setting a dangerous precedence in our society. This dangerous prededence is saying white people cannot have a sense of humor about racial issues. White people cannot tell the same jokes as black comedians. A law is a law; and a racial statement is a racial statement regardless of who says it. The law should be color blind so what happens to Imus should happen to everybody else. And since I don’t think it should happen to anyone else, I don’t think it should happen to Imus.

I think Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle are hilarious. I don’t want them fired or ostracized for telling racist jokes. I don’t like Ann Coulter but even she should be able to make a joke about John Edwards (even though she bordered on slander)without being fired from her job. Even though I think Imus is an idiot, he should have the ability to say something stupid and apologize for it (or not) and retain his livelihood. For those who judge him differently from anybody else; they are the racists.

Beginning next week I’ll be on vacation in Virginia. I will hopefully be posting pictures and a plethora of information about my wanderings.

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Blogger Barbarian02003 said...

I totally agree with you. I think perhaps the radio station wanted to get rid of Imus and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. However, you are from St. Louis. Remember Steve and DC when they called a woman an "N-word" on air? They lost their jobs. It's a double standard that I hope is finally coming to light.

7:05 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

Unfortunately this double standard is not going away any time soon. People probably think I am a racist for having this opinion.

7:50 PM  

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