Net Neutrality

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Being this blog is named Neutrality, I am in favor of all things neutral, but the Net Neutrality legislation proposed by big business and the ISPs is not neutral at all.

Net neutrality is a term used by ISP’s to give certain customers faster service. Certain customers like Microsoft, Google and Yahoo and the ISPs themselves, will get cheaper rates with faster speeds while the rest of the Internet community pays higher fees for slower access. This does not sound neutral to me.

How do these companies get faster speeds cheaper; I thought the faster speeds cost more? False. The larger companies including the ISPs will be able to negotiate cheaper rates with the government. This will completely stifle competition and transform the Internet into a Microsoft, Google and Yahoo monopoly, among other companies. All under a new government regulated umbrella.

The best way to safeguard an open Internet is to maintain the free and open competition that exists today. And not create a new government regulated socialized Internet. Net Neutrality is nothing more than special interest legislation dress up to sound less self serving.

Contrary to what these businesses say, there are no problems with the Internet. Net Neutrality is just an effort by big business to seize control, while allowing ISPs to charge outrageous rates to consumers.

Price regulation would stifle any economic incentive to innovate and invest in the private networks. Over time we would end up with a slower Internet but higher prices and taxes for consumers, fewer broadband choices, and slower broadband deployment to all Americans. It would also mean less privacy, as Net Neutrality would require government monitoring and surveillance.

So don’t be fooled by the big business lies regarding Net Neutrality. This is bad business for the American consumer.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The holy dollar will still be the driving factor behind ...well... everything!

10:04 AM  
Blogger Louisiana said...

unfortunately voodoo is right..

10:06 AM  

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