I am Embarrassed by My Gender

Thursday, June 15, 2006
I am serious about this. I am often embarrassed by my gender. I know there are some good men out there but on the whole men are a bunch of losers. I am sorry to say this but it’s true. What got me ranting about this? I heard two stories this week that forced my jaw to hit the floor.

First Story

While talking to a friend she told me her 35 year old sister is seeking a divorce from her 55 year old husband. Why? Well his 22 year old daughter from his first marriage recently moved in and the wife walked in on them having sex.

The wife noticed as soon as the daughter moved in she would walk around the house in very little clothing and the father would give her tons of attention. Not the good kind of attention but the weird kind of attention. He would rub his hands all over her body and she would giggle and lean into him.

At night while he watches television the daughter lies on the couch next to him wearing her underwear and he just rubs on her legs and ass for hours with a big hard on. Then when the wife leaves the house they have sex. As I said, the wife came home early from work and busted them screwing on the couch. When she confronted them they ganged up on her and kicked her ass. What a bunch of freaking hoosiers!!!

Second Story

When my younger brother was 16 he was dating this 14 year old girl. This girl was raised by a second generation welfare recipient that started getting pregnant by various men when she was also 14 years old.

I was concerned about him fooling around so I had “the talk” with him and told him if anything was to happen to wear a condom. Well the dumbass didn’t listen to me (or so I thought) and she turned up pregnant. That was almost ten years ago.

Well a recent DNA test found that my brother is NOT the father. After several other guys were tested without any positive match, they finally tested her father and he was the sperm donor. The father was already in jail for screwing the older sister and that was how they got his DNA.

Here is what happened 10 years ago. He screws his own daughter and she gets pregnant. To hide his involvement, he sends her over to bang my brother so my brother would take the fall. So now you have this guy in jail for screwing both of his biological daughters. What a sick mess this world has become!!


Many men today are absent fathers, and dead beat dads. Why? What is the problem with men taking responsibility for their actions?! The reason the family is in such disarray has nothing to do with gay marriage (as the conservatives would have you believe) it’s because men do not know how to put a rubber on their dick. And when they do get a woman pregnant they head for the hills to try and find different girl to stick it in again.

Fathers screwing their daughters...................fathers abandoning their kids.............These are the reasons I am embarrassed to be a man.



Blogger David Baldinger said...

Incest and abuse are a lot more prevalent in the US than they would like us to believe. I just can't comprehend how someone can sexually abuse children and I definitely can't understand how anyone can mess with their own children. My wife was a victim of her father until she was 17. Back when this happened (1960's) it was a subject that no one cared deal with. Is it because Americans are so materialistic and instant gratification junkies? It is very easy to abuse a wife, a child or even animals if they are objectified. I’ve seen plenty of thuggish boyfriends barking orders and physically abusing their girlfriends. My question to women everywhere is this: why do you put up with this?

2:34 PM  
Blogger Law Fairy said...

David asks a great question. I wouldn't go so far as to say that women are at fault for this, but women need to wake up realize that they don't have to put up with this shit. *Not* because they can find someone better, but because they don't *need* anyone. If this is what's out there, women are better off alone! But Too Many Women, sadly, most of my friends included, are terrified of being alone. So they put up with shit like this, and men are never held to account for their wrongs.

Aretha needs needs to change her song a little bit -- what we women need now is SELF-respect!

5:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Y'know, a growing trend now is deadbeat mothers. My mother abandoned me and my 2 year old brother when I was 16, and with no fathers around either. We got lucky with grandparents to care for us, but a lot of kids don't have that. I know two other people who've had their mothers walk out on them.

Also, I think it's a fairly common but much less discussed issue of women abusing their children also. That might be something to explore.

But, like people above me have already said, there are a lot of good people out there (men and women), but it just so happens that there are some bad ones too. All we can do is watch out for ourselves and our families, and, as Law Fairy said, have SELF-respect (that goes for both genders)!

8:57 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

I am sorry for being so negative but I believe this had to be said.

As far as my youngest brother goes, the state will NOT remove his child support. The state does not care who pays but they want somebody to pay. Her father is in jail and is unable to pay so my brother is stuck. Plus, it is almost impossible to get your name off a birth certificate unless another man steps up and puts their name on it and her father is not willing to do this.

Thanks for all of your comments, they were all very good. Many good point were raised here in these comments.

11:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Is your brother still going to be in the child's life or not?

6:06 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

FYI: I have two younger brothers. My youngest brother is the one I am referring here in this post.


He has spent over $5,000 in lawyer’s fees but the state will still not allow my brother off the birth certificate. He is not the only MO father to have this trouble. He can take her to civil court and sue her for lying but she is on welfare and has no money to give even if he wins. We caught wind of a bill last year designed to punish women who do this but it did not get much support in state government.


Since my brother is ruled not to be the father, the mother has decided not to grant visitation anymore. My mom is VERY upset because she cannot see him anymore. This is the kind of mess you bring upon yourself when you do not wear a rubber and become a "baby's daddy". He is out of money and can no longer fight this in court. Basically, he is screwed royally!!

9:32 PM  
Blogger Law Fairy said...

darth, I'm not a family law attorney and I'm not licensed in MO, but I am fairly certain that if the mother wants to terminate the father's parental rights she also gives up any right to child support -- which, I mean, makes complete intuitive sense too.

Has your brother sought help from pro bono legal agencies? I bet there must be someone in MO who specializes in fathers' rights -- I am sure your brother is tired of this but it's horrifically wrong what this woman is doing to him. Also, if she has no money that doesn't necessarily mean there is no point in suing her -- in a situation like this I imagine he could obtain equitable (non-monetary) relief. For instance, even if he can't be relieved of his child support obligations, he might be able to get an injunction to allow him visitation rights. It is worth looking into, anyway.

11:20 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...


I just spoke with my youngest brother today about this and he did submit a writ to the judge with his DNA test explaininbg the situation. Apparantely, the only way to get your name off a birth certificate is through DNA tests. So there may be hope after all. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks for your comment, I appreciate your help.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Milwaukee Girl said...

Okay, very much a yuck post. And your poor brother! I would like to believe that there are good guys out there ... but, yuck. I think I have to shower.

2:18 PM  

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