Genderless Society

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
The ultra-left has begun the elimination of any form of gender in our language. A school district in California is no longer using the nouns “mom” and “dad” because that discriminates against gay couples, legal guardians and single parents.

Actually this started a few years ago. Words like actress, stewardess and waitress have been eliminated for actor, flight attendant and server. Today, everybody is an actor regardless of gender. Why can’t we accept the fact we are men and women; we are NOT genderless creatures. Are people actually offended when a reference to gender is used with a pronoun? If they are then the problem is theirs and NOT ours.

I also heard the Presbyterian Church is changing The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit to a gender neutral trio. How would this work?

“To the Mighty Significant Other, the Produce of Its Loins and the Genderless Spirit, Amen.”

I am a supporter of gay rights and gay marriage but this is going too far. Toleration works both ways. Why do some people always have to be so extremely stupid about everything?

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Blogger Law Fairy said...

From my perspective the reason is that when you gender occupations that way it ascribes different meanings to a male and female who are in the occupation -- for instance, a "waitress" brings to mind something very different from a "server." I understand the reluctance to embrace gender-neutrality given our historically gender-specific cultural upbringing, but I do think it is important in order for women to achieve respect as equals.

What it boils down to is whether or not there is an *important* difference between women and men in these professions. Is there? Is there an important difference between a waiter and a waitress? If so, what is it? I'm not going to "jump on" anyone for saying that there's a difference along the lines of sex appeal. In fact, having worked as a server (or waitress), I would absolutely agree. This is precisely the problem. If we as a society cannot divorce gender from profession, then women will never be equal. Which means, too, that men will continue to bear primary responsibility for breadwinning (and face the most loss in divorce proceedings), something I hear men commonly complain about. Both of these problems are unacceptable.

3:31 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

Law Fairy,

I am completely in favor of equality between the sexes. However, changing the language will not accomplish this. It is impossible to have a gender neutral society because sex is too important of a drive to be ignored. I certainly do not want to see women dressed as men or men dressed as women just for equality sake.

I think change is already underway but change is slow. But are we serious about equality? Nobody REALLY wants equality and I proved it with this post.

We can still be different and equal at the same time.

Thanks for your comment.


You are right I am whining too much.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Louisiana said...

i'm with you in this one...i'm a woman, her and Ms. and i have no shame for it....

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You aren't whining too much when you realize that eventually everything will be so watered down that the lines between good/bad, right/wrong, Pepsi/Coke will be so unclear that everything will be grey. Sometimes a spade is a spade and a mom is a mom. I would NEVER put a person down for loving another person...but the school districts of this country need to stay 100% out of who is mom and who is dad and teach F-ing algebra and Shakespeare.


10:03 AM  
Blogger Law Fairy said...

Well, to be fair, darth, I didn't comment on the Roe for Men post -- for what it's worth, I absolutely think that a man who doesn't want a kid shouldn't be forced to become a father (as long as the pregnancy wasn't his "fault," e.g., he raped the woman or pretended to wear a condom -- I have friends this has happened to). So I guess that would make me the lone vote in favor of equality ;)

10:28 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

You are correct; we are the only people with any sense. I use the term “we” meaning us and everyone who reads our blogs. LOL

Thanks for your comment and for realizing different doesn’t necessarily mean unequal.

That is a great point and you articulated it perfectly.

I always knew you were for equality because I can tell by your writing. But so many people scream equality until they have to give up something for equality to exist, and then it’s a different story. Let's hope and pray that we can all put aside our differences for the good of all mankind.

Instead of linking to that post I should have linked to this one. Thanks again for your awesome comments; I always enjoy reading them.

10:50 AM  
Blogger A. Savona said...

Good thoughts. I appreciate the balance you bring to the table even if I don't completely agreee with every point made.

2:55 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

Abe??? The sausage king of Chicago?? I am honored by your presence. LOL

8:40 AM  

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