High School Memories

Thursday, June 15, 2006
Here are a collection of memories from my high school years. In high school my favorite teacher was Mr. Jamieson. He taught accounting, and business. Back then I was a class clown but for some reason Mr. Jamieson liked me and the group I hung out with.

One time he let a couple of students from our class sneak out of school and bring Imo’s Pizza back right before lunch. We were the envy of the school when we all went down to the cafeteria with our pizza boxes. He also took us on a field trip to Anheuser-Busch that was awesome.

Every Friday during my senior year if I would do 5 minutes of stand-up, he would let the class have a study hall. So on Friday he would ask me if I had any new material with the whole class chanting, “Come one Jeff! Come on Jeff!” He would often test me by giving me an object and I would have to do something funny with it. I always succeeded and then we would have our study hall.

I actually flashed the French teacher my freshman year. She would barge into the men’s john between classes trying to catch smokers. Smoking was a $25 fine. I was finishing up at the stall and just turned around and kept it hanging. She was a hot teacher about 26 years old. Her eyes drifted down and then she turned beat red and just left. She used to talk about her sexual experiences during class. She was a fun teacher but all the girls hated her.

When the photographer came to school to shoot our senior yearbook all the teachers had to give the principal a list of student clubs they supervised. So he made up the Accounting Club, even though there never actually was an Accounting Club. But in my senior yearbook there is a picture of all of us in the Accounting Club.

During my senior year we played two pranks: one on the freshman class and one on Mr. Jamieson. For the freshman, one of my friends worked at a bait and tackle store so we got 3,000 crickets and turned them loose on the freshman floor. For Mr. Jamieson: he used to always say that one day, since I was so unpredictable, he would come to class and I would have the men’s stall door on his desk. So on the last day of class a couple of us tore off a stall door and had it waiting for him on his desk when he came to class.

The senior farewell dance was another opportunity for me to strike. We had a DJ on our gym stage. During Eddie Van Halen’s solo on “Beat It” I jumped on the stage and did a strip tease. As I got to my pants the principal crossed his arms and glared at me so I decided to stop there.

Also every Friday during the last month of school, we would unleash a stick bomb on the freshman floor but you could smell the stench everywhere.

I remember there was this guy that I could not stand but he sat right next to me in typing class. For some reason he thought we were best friends even though I hardly spoke to him and we never hung out. Well everyday I would find a way to sneak his pen without him noticing and throw it out the window. One day in homeroom we super glued his books together and to the desk. Don’t feel sorry for this guy. He was one of those idiots that thought he was better than everybody else and would spread rumors about having sex with all the girls just to ruin their reputation. He was one of the first official dumb asses I ever met.

There was also this chick that was mean to my friends and me. We had a dislike for one another, but I did not believe in hitting girls even though she would punch me and try to kick me in the balls. So I super glued a dildo to the hood of her car. It was hilarious when she drove home with this huge dildo flapping in the wind. Needless to say that ended the feud.

I actually only had only one fight my entire four years of high school and that was with Emery Futo. For those of you not from St. Louis, a few years after we graduated Emery Futo shot and killed his entire family while they slept. He was a bully that would pick on anybody that was smaller than him. So one day in class before the teacher arrived he was pushing on somebody and I had enough. So I ran over to him, punched him and pushed him down. He quickly jumped back to his feet and we starred at each other but he never punched back. Of course he threatened to kick my ass but never did.

Next memory rant wiull be the College years. That is when all the fun stuff started. I'll also try to dig up some old photos.



Blogger Catch said...

this is halarious.....you are so funny! and I think the French teacher was looking for more than smokers!!! hahaha.I didnt know Emery Futo but your lucky he didnt shoot you!

2:54 PM  

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