Big Brother Is Here

Monday, June 12, 2006
Right before I went on vacation, the university I work for received the “letter” from the federal government. The “letter” is a request for us to open ports on our firewall so the government can snoop on our network connections and phone calls. They also want a description of our phone switch and details of our networking equipment. In all honesty this letter scares the hell out of me.

I have heard about these requests and vehemently opposed them but never really actually believed this was happening. Apparently businesses have been cooperating for quite a while now and universities must now also comply because a terrorist was caught using a campus phone someplace on the west coast to make phone calls unbeknownst to university officials.

I cannot believe any university or business would cooperate with this request. This goes against everything our Country stands for, and there is absolutely no legitimate excuse for this type of snooping to be accepted in our society; war or no war.

Why don’t we just install cameras with microphones in every home and every room in America? This way no one could do anything illegal without being caught. It would certainly make the country safer but the price would be your freedom. I would rather be dead than live in a world like this. Freedom is worth dying for but a society portrayed in 1984 would not be worth dying for and not be worth living in. Maybe the “pro-1984” assholes believe that would be a better place to live but I disagree.

I told my boss we should not comply but he is not sure what the other universities are doing yet. In my opinion we should all stand together in opposition; they cannot put all of us in jail. I am sure if this ever reached the Supreme Court it would be overturned but you never know.

While standing at the foot of Mount Rushmore and gazing up at some of the most important men in American history, I wonder what they would do if they were served with such a request? Would George Washington allow unbridled snooping of American citizens? Would Thomas Jefferson participate in an effort to undermine the Bill of Rights he just signed? Would Abraham Lincoln honor such a request if he was in my shoes? Would Teddy Roosevelt ever demand this from American citizens if he was President in these times? I honestly think this Administration and President will go down as one of the worst in American history. This was the President that killed the American Constitution in order to create a new one in a foreign land.

I would like to hear your opinion about this. Have any of you received a similar request from the government?

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Blogger Unknown said...

I've certainly never heard of anyone directly receiving a request like that. You're right though about if it ever made its way to the Supreme Court then it would be overturned, but how long would that take? Years? The court system is so slow.

Very scary indeed!

9:57 AM  
Blogger Kitten wtw said...

If anyone wants to spy on me, they would end up with a red face! Seriously how far will this go? Are we giving up a little freedom to help save us in the end? My fear is how readily available your personal information is to anyone with time and bad indentations. I already dealt with one stalker, do not need to go through that again!

11:43 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...


I already asked if I could post the letter but was rejected. I don't understand why posing it would be a probelm since every university is supposed to get one.


I'm glad you like the pic. It was the most current one I have; I'll update is occasionally.


Can you tell me the story behind your stalker? I'm just curious.

I was stalked several years ago by some chick that showed up at my house out of the blue. I had only spoken with her once on the phone and she found out where I lived and just showed up at my house with gifts for me and everything. She even followed me to work. I finally moved away.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Law Fairy said...

I like to think that if this went all the way up to the Supremes we'd get the right outcome, but I worry particularly about Alito's pro-administration views. For now it seems things are stacked against giving the government unfettered access into our lives, but I fear we're inching closer and closer to big brother, as you aptly note.

You're right to urge your boss not to comply. The Solomon Amendment was a bad enough example of government bullying -- it's time that universities, which are supposed to be bastions of intellectual freedom, stand up to the bully.

You mentioned you're not allowed to put up a copy of the letter. Not allowed by whom?

5:28 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

Law Fairy,

My boss and the institution are very conservative; neither one wants much press over this. I did not tell him I was going to put it on my blog, I just told him I wanted it to show some friends of mine. I really do not want many people at work to know that I have this blog. Only my closest friends know about this.

5:43 PM  
Blogger Kitten wtw said...

Some chick showed up at your house? You must of put a spell on her. I emailed my story to you because I doubt your readers want to hear all about my experience!

5:57 PM  
Blogger Law Fairy said...

Ahh, okay then. Not quite the conspiracy-inspiring answer I'd both hoped for and dreaded ;)

6:57 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

Law Fairy,

I apologize for my earlier reply. Instead of a long answer i was trying to give a short one and I know better than that. I apologize.


Thanks for your story; it was a very good lesson how something innocent can lead to something scary. I stupidly let that chick into my house and she ended up stealing some of my checks and went of a shopping spree. She knew I did not want her around and did this to get me. I was stupid though for letting her in.

7:11 PM  

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