Logical Skills

Friday, June 23, 2006
Have you ever met somebody that is super-intelligent but they lacked any common sense so they were not very smart at all? Actually, I think common sense skills are closely tied to logical skills. I have been told by many people over the years that I am too logical. I disagree with their assessment because logical skills can be used to evaluate most situations and help you come to a realistic conclusion.

Logical skills can be used as a ring of truth to get through a liar’s multiple layers of lies. I had a good friend that was a habitual liar but I was always able to penetrate his shield of lies using logical evaluations of his answers. Let me give you an example of logic skills in action.

Example of illogical behavior number 1

It’s Monday and all you’ve got 50 bucks in your pocket to last you for the week. You travel to Best Buy and blow your $50 on a new memory card for your iPod. You now spend the rest of the week complaining to everyone around you about how broke you are and how hungry you are. This person might be able to get an “A” on a book test but they have no logic skills and, therefore, are not very intelligent.

A logical person thinks ahead and realizes they must eat to survive. They might even think, “I’ll have to wait on the memory card because I need money to eat this week.”

Example of illogical behavior number 2

You are a single, twenty-year old female with two small children. Tonight you have a date with Mr. X and you plan on having sex with no thought of birth control. A few weeks later you turn up pregnant. All the while you are complaining about how you have no food for your kids and you need welfare because you cannot look for a job because who will watch your kids. So now you expect society to support another baby’s daddy’s kid.

We must assume this woman is intelligent and she knows that unprotected sex is what got her in this position to begin with. But a logical woman can see the big picture and realizes a pattern and can stop it. The logical woman might also be able to stop the first baby’s daddy’s kid from being conceived.

Below are certain logical conclusions that many intelligent people cannot seem to grasp:

• A logical person realizes that unprotected sex leads to unwanted children and AIDS.
• A logical person realizes that the Flintstones are a cartoon and dinosaurs did not mingle with humans.
• A logical person realizes that if you yell at the big man in the bar your ass will be kicked.
• A logical person realizes that if you drive while talking on a cell phone you will eventually wreck.
• A logical person realizes that education is the key to success.
• A logical person realizes that if you allow illegal aliens to become citizens, you will create unprecedented social and economic troubles for the country.
• A logical person realizes that you have to speak English to advance in status in an English speaking society.
• A logical person realizes that it global warming is a potential threat to humanity, so taking action that could reverse the trend would be wise.
• A logical person realizes that eliminating gender specific pronouns from your vocabulary will not help anyone.
• A logical person realizes that if you piss uphill your feet will get wet.
• A logical person realizes that the earth was not created in seven days by an invisible man in the sky.
• A logical person realizes that if you outsource everybody there will be no money for them to buy your good and services.
• A logical person realizes that if you drive slowly in the fast lane you might be killed.
• A logical person realizes that fast in the slow lane you will be killed.
• A logical person realizes that if you grab a co-worker’s ass you will be fired.
• A logical person realizes that if you smoke you will get lung cancer.
• A logical person realizes that second hand smoke causes lung cancer.
• A logical person realizes that they cannot spend more than they earn.
I could go on forever but I’ll stop here.


Fundamentalist Christian conservatives often complain that logic skills are nothing more than liberal propaganda. Are we to believe that the Earth was created in seven days or are we to use our brains to examine hard scientific evidence to determine it actually took billions and billions of years for this to happen? Certain people also believe scientific data is nothing but liberal propaganda. I don’t want to get into a discussion regarding creationism versus evolution; I just want to point out the power of logical reasoning skills and how fundamentalists cannot understand them.

Fundamentalist liberals also accuse logical skills for conservative propaganda. How else can you account for them wanting to pull the troops out of Iraq allowing the Middle East, a key economic and political power area, in the hands of fate? If we loose control of oil, we loose control of our economy. A person of logic can see this. And how can liberals think by eliminating “mom” and “dad” from school literature, they could help gay and single parents?

Fundamentalists whether they are extreme right or left, lack logical skills. This is how fundamentalist left wingers are able to justify removing gender from our society and fundamentalist right wingers are able to justify the earth being created in seven days. This is why I believe moderates are true intellectuals. They are able to see the both points and then use logical skills to reach a reasonable conclude based on facts and NOT based on emotional baggage or tradition.


Moderates are true mediators and can get to the truth easily. There is an inherent danger when a fundamentalist obtains a position as judge, president or any other position of power. They will be unable to evaluate both points because often even before they have heard the evidence they have already come to a conclusion.

This is why I hope the next President of The United States is either a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat. Only then will we get a true intellectual capable of eliminating the divide and bringing us all together again. A fundamentalist from either side will only further fracture the American people.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who pissed in YOUR Wheaties today!? LOL

But I agree with you. By their nature, extremes are very narrowly focused, which is WHY we call them extremes! So extreme viewpoints will NEVER be able to benefit the majority of society as a whole. And in order to become an extreme, at least when it comes to humanity, that can only happen by excluding someone (usually blaming the excluded for all the problems in the world).

This form of mentality (specifically religious fundamentalism) has been the basis for most, if not all wars, political divisions, religious persecution and religious fanaticism.

I do disagree about your thoughts on illegal aliens. They have crossed deserts, climbed fences, survived attacks in the desert and the border, they have shown they want to be in America, and should be allowed to register as American citizens.

I wonder if many Americans have become complacent with a "give me everything, I deserve it" kind of mentality, whereas I sometimes feel that the immigrants in this nation have that drive and spirit that the pioneers of old had, when they settled this great nation. There needs to be a way to make this happen that is fair and responsible, but I'm not sure what that mechanism should be. But Democracy works best, in my mind, when it flows like a river, open, wild, and free, with the natural ebb and flow building it's banks over time. Too much force, and the banks erode, and it weakens. Too little force, and sediment begins to build slowing the river's momentum. The human body attempts to maintain balance (homeostasis), Nature attempts to maintain balance, and so should people and governments.

I wonder, as I mentioned as a comment in one of your previous posts, whether our government keeps us worried about day to day survival, that we have allowed so many things to happen, such as the erosion of our liberties and freedoms to protect said freedoms from the terrorists? Which makes us all the more willing to lash out and blame others for our own issues, insecurities, and basic lot in life. We have seen the enemy and it is us...

Funny, I recall a similar situation with the leader of another country, who united it under a banner of Nationalism, and pointed out that the flaws of their society were caused by the Jews and led a campaign to slaughter 6 million of them.. which later escalated into the deaths of an estimated 62 million people worldwide in WW II.

"Moderation, which consists in an indifference about little things, and in a prudent and well-proportioned zeal about things of importance, can proceed from nothing but true knowledge, which has its foundation in self-acquaintance."

“Moderation in all things”.
“Children should be led into the right paths, not by severity, but by persuasion”.
Terence quotes
(Ancient Roman comic Playwright and Dramatist of the Roman Republic. 195 BC-159 BC).

"Only by applying a balance in one's life, in one's country, can anything be achieved of lasting signficance".
Andy Ritter :-)

10:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Great post!

I agree wholeheartedly with your stance on illegal immigration. If people want to come to live here, they should be RESPECTFUL of our country and go through the proper procedures and learn English. If I were to move to Germany, for example, I'd go through their immigration bureau and learn German. It's a matter of respecting the nation to which you want to belong. This whole idea of, "they went through hell to get here" doesn't matter. Millions of other LEGAL immigrants have respected my country and my country's laws enough to go through the proper channels and the many years of cultural assimilation. Allowing illegals to just have citizenship because they jumped a fence or two and/or rode a wooden door across the Carribbean is a slap in the face to me, as a natural American citizen, as well as to those millions of people out there who took the time and made the effort to become legal American citizens!

Let's not even go into the fact that if we just made everyone who hopped the border a citizen, we'd have a huge population boom on our hands because everybody who lives in a country that they don't like would be hauling ass into America and putting a HUGE strain on our economy that, quite frankly, I don't think our economy would be able to recover from.

Let's also not mention the threat to our nation's security that is posed by this preposterous idea of giving away citizenship. Let's say a posse of people who are members of an anti-American terrorist group decide to go to Mexico and hop the border into the US. If we just gave them citizenship, they'd have access to every piece of infrastructure our country has available to its citizens including a social security number, access to government facilities, and all kinds of other things. It's just a recipe for 9/11 part 2.

There is a need for balance, but balance at the expense of my country's wellbeing isn't worth it to me. If someone wants to be an American, then I say, "wonderful!" and I encourage them to go through the proper channels that exist to protect those who are citizens of this amazing country as well as to help those who wish to become citizens.


Keep blogging! This post was fantastic! Sorry bout the rant ;)


6:39 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...


I get so annoyed with stupid people bitching about their pathetic life when their pathetic life is their own fault. I understand when circumstances beyond your control negatively impact you but the repeated mistakes are getting on my last nerve.

For some reason people like to come to me with their troubles; even people I do not know very well. They dump their shit on me and every once in a while I have to point out the obvious - that they are the problem. While this might not be the answer they are seeking, they always return with the same problems because they again repeated the same mistake.

My only conclusion is that these people lack logical skills. They are intelligent some of them with masters degrees but they lack the logical skills to get them through the day.

But it builds up and I get pissed off and then write something like this. It’s either write this or leap over my desk and beat them with my Stanley Bostitch stapler, while reminding them that I do believe in social Darwinism. By the way, never quote Andy in your comments; that carry’s no weight with me. LOL


Great reply, I really like your writing. The only exception to your Germany comparison is that Germany would never allow foreigners to be citizens and roaming bands of skinheads would kick your ass for even trying to become a citizen.

All of your points are very true and well written. Thanks for the compliment and the comment.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Anytime! Keep it up!

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally got around to reading your response to "Ken", which was actually me!

And here I thought my quote was quite wonderful...
Guess you'd rather scare people by piercing your throat with an arrow or bursting into flames during a "firewalk"...
(An inside joke between great friends, folks.) LOL

11:13 PM  

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