AT&T Owns You

Thursday, June 22, 2006
The San Francisco Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is suing AT&T for allowing the government unabated access to everyone’s personal confidential information. AT&T was one of the few ISP’s to buckle under government pressure and grant access to its voice and data networks to allow unwarranted federal snooping on American citizens. I know this sounds like something from the headlines of a Chinese newspaper but this is really the American government I am talking about.

In response to this lawsuit, AT&T initiated a disturbing new policy. The new policy says that AT&T -- not customers -- owns customers' confidential info and can use it "to protect its legitimate business interests, safeguard others, or respond to legal process."

Customers are required to agree to this policy to get service. This will limit the consumer’s ability to take any legal action against AT&T. This broad policy allows AT&T to disclose a customer’s private information without consent. American consumers should respond to this by cancelling all services with AT&T. Here is the article if you want to read all of it.

I don’t have a problem with AT&T responding to a judge’s order for surveillance but this unregulated snooping of American citizens must stop. This was the behavior I was referring to in my Big Brother post last week regarding the letter my employer received. I did post an update stating our letter was NOT a request to snoop but ensuring our equipment was compatible with their snooping system.

It seems the American public is accepting this behavior. I have not heard much opposition so I guess everybody has no problem with the government snooping on us without warrants. I have come to realize that unless an issue affects our pocketbooks it is usually ignored in our society.

This should be a bipartisan issue. Everybody should support the Constitution’s system of checks and balances and oppose this legislation or policy (or whatever you call it.)

Life contains risks but as we have learned throughout history, we cannot sacrifice freedom for safety. Safety issues came and go but once freedoms are lost, they are lost forever and can only be regained through blood.

How do you feel about this?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like I've said before, Jeff. By keeping the masses overwhlemed with just struggling to survive the daily grind, the "powers that be" can make changes with impunity. Many of the ones who have the time and power to battle this (corporations, government, the wealthy) are the ones instituting it.

I wonder if that's why the Bill Gates Foundation spends so much time and effort on behalf of other countries... perhaps he realizes it's easier to work with other nations than beating his head against the wall to try and help our own?

10:25 AM  
Blogger Louisiana said...

having to agree to some lawyer written up dissolving anyone of anything is so common is disgusting and if you want most things you have no never protects the consumer...$ only things that matters in this society..start your own country i

3:39 PM  
Blogger Law Fairy said...

darth, I think you know I'm vehemently opposed to the government spying on innocent citizens. I started a "fuck you" joke against that government that my mom and I play every time we're on the phone. We try to find as many creative ways as we can to use the words "bomb" and "government" in close proximity to one another (e.g., "my friend made a movie about the government and it totally bombed!"). Or we'll just say "bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb government government bomb bomb government bomb bomb bomb." We'll probably be killed for it in a few years, but at least we will go out with tenacity.

Hum. I hope I didn't just seal your death sentence by commenting on your blog.

4:22 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...


We have chatted about this many times about how Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have revolutionized the industry in which we both work. However, they are both on the wrong side of this issue.


It is sad but money speaks louder than morals and ethics. This is the sad society we have created.

Law Fairy,

What a great idea!!! LOL! I'll have to start doing that myself. We could have so much fun with this. But if I disappear and you never hear from me again; you'll know my death was no accident. So it will be up to you to lead the campaign to find my body. I will also do the same for you. ;) LOL

8:40 PM  

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