Return To The Suck

Thursday, June 08, 2006
Vacation is always too short. Just when you are well rested you have to return to work again. This trip was exceptionally beautiful and relaxing. We traveled over 3,000 miles, walked probably 20 miles of trails; I took over 2400 pictures and visited the main attractions in four states.

While driving we listened to some CDs I made of various songs from when I was younger. Some of the music I had not heard since I was a teenager and it brought back a flood of fond memories from my old summer vacations.

Remember that last day of school when you were 15? You knew you had 3 months to do whatever you wanted and it was awesome! Total freedom. June was always the best month too. I read an article where most people lose their virginity in June and it’s true for me too. June was like a month of Saturdays. Time spent with friends, playing ball at the park, chasing the ice cream truck, jumping in the pool on a hot day, riding the bike to new places.

Those memories are nothing more than echoes of a life long gone. At the time I thought life would always be like that and could never contemplate anything else. I think that was the last time in my life I was actually relaxed and free from stress. Fast forward about 20 years and now the June days are a constant pressure on your stomach and an aching in your guts. Each day blurs with the next until you cannot remember the last time you did something fun; except when you get a vacation. Those precious four weeks per year when you are truly free again.

I actually started writing again at the end of this vacation. It’s too hard to write while working a technical job everyday. I spend eight hours or more everyday configuring servers, switches, routers, and firewalls while supervising six to eight employees and then listening to their daily complaints and rants, and it totally wears me out. When I get home I am not in a creative state of mind. So I rant and do research on things that piss me off and post them on this blog because I cannot write anything good.

Hopefully I’ll get at least one chapter written before my brain dies again and maybe even another short story for the blog.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember to smile and swallow, Jeffrey... LOL

8:36 PM  

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