The Wicked Witch is Dead

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ken Lay died yesterday while vacationing in Aspen Colorado. It would be so nice to be convicted of multiple felonies and be able to vacation in Aspen while awaiting sentencing but normal people are not allowed to do such things. But when George Bush is your friend you can get away with anything.

I am already annoyed with all of the articles telling of how generous he was and how good of a person he was. I wonder when Hilter died if his family and friends came forward telling of how generous he was and how good of an artist he was. Ken Lay never murders millions of people but his impact on the American economy and the personal retirement of thousands was one of the worst in modern history and the effects from his crimes will be felt for many years. Certainly Hitler is a closer comparison than the Mother Theresa qualities these articles are suggesting.

He certainly could be compared with any number of con artists, robbers or felons. Just because he kisses his wife and kids before he goes to work or attends Church on Sunday should not shadow the fact that he screwed tens of thousands of people out of their retirement, and stole many millions of dollars from the American public. The only difference between him and the common thug is the weapon used in the crime. Ken Lay used a pen instead of a gun.

I never knew the man but based on his performance with Enron, he will be remembered as one of the most notorious con artists of his time. But was he that much different from any other CEO or CFO? No, probably not but he just got caught. Normally, I believe we should separate the man from his actions but not in this case; his sense of entitlement was beyond normal reasoning.

For people not familiar with this sense of entitlement, the CEO mentality is that they are better than anyone else; we are their servants. In Ken Lay’s mind, as well as the other Enron scumbags, what they did was just business. All the money is theirs anyway so what is the big deal now that it is all gone. I wrote about this sense of entitlement before with The Minority Rules The Majority, The REAL Divide in America and How To Enslave A Free Society.

Anyway, I don’t want to hear anymore bullshit about how great of a person Ken Lay was. His attitude is the microcosm of what is wrong with our country. If there is a hell, I am sure they added a new wing for this asshole.

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Blogger Kitten wtw said...

I did not know this man personally and yes, he did commit a crime but to be happy over someone dying just seems sick and sad to me.

10:18 AM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...


I am NOT glad he is dead and I did not mean to imply that. I am saying this man was not a good person but a user and a thief. But worse is his sense of entitlement which led to how people treated him in life and the undeserved special privileges. I am NOT rejoicing over his death, I am pointing out the negative impact he had on everyone around him, including our economy. The fall-out from this con-artist will be felt for years in our country.


Thanks for the defense, you knew what I meant. You should watch the Enron documentary to learn more about this con man.

11:27 AM  
Blogger Law Fairy said...

Hum... so does it make my family evil that when we heard he died we started exchanging high-fives?


2:06 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

Law Fairy,

Not evil but you definitely show a mean streak which I am fond of. LOL

12:21 AM  

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