Aesop’s Fables

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
One of the reasons I wrote the “Logical” post is a conversation I had with a co worker a couple of weeks ago. We both believe in God but he is a religious fanatic. He believes in the Bible literally as it is written word for word, while I believe it is meant to be a guide and not to be taken literally. This is the number one problem separating Christians and the reason there are so many different Christian organizations and churches. We cannot agree whether the Bible is written by God or man.

Anyway, for some stupidly retarded reason we started talking about Creationism versus Evolution and he gave me his Creationist theories and why the schools should teach both theories. Creationism has now morphed into Intelligent Design because it sounds better to the legislatures. The legislatures are a pain in the Creationists’ ass because they are supposed to uphold a document called the Constitution which requires the separation of Church and state. While it is inconvenient for Creationists, it is necessary to the rest of the American citizens if we are to remain a free society.

I am staring at this friend of mine with my chin on the ground as he is deep into his Creationist diatribe; and I am thinking, he is very intelligent, well spoken, well educated (masters degree) man but his logical skills are non existent. Anybody that could dismiss all scientific evidence and in this century can still believe the earth was created in six days is possibly insane; insane meaning, on par with someone believing the Earth is flat.

I never asked him if he thinks the Earth is still flat because I am scared of the possible reply. I never asked him how the Grand Canyon was carved out in only 6,000 years because I did not want to hear my (supposedly) intelligent friend's de-rationalization of proven scientific data and replace them with his own concocted theories.

I believe that science will eventually prove the existence of a Creator but it will probably not be like anything we have imagined. So these religious fundamentalists will probably crawl back into their caves still believing the Earth was magically morphed into existence and that man rode on the backs of dinosaurs.

My faith is strong but I do not have to accept every word in the Bible as flowing from the mouth of God to be a good Christian. My beliefs make me a stronger Christian because I seek the ultimate truth. Mindless Faith is not what will take religion to the level needed in our society but educated minds striving to discover the true God will take religion where it needs to go. I think the fundamentalists fear what we will find. They fear it will be a little different from what is written in the Bible and they cannot handle that.

• Is it possible that Christ existed and preached the true Word but man lost the true meaning of His words throughout the years? I think it is.

• Is it possible throughout the years of retelling these stories (long before they were written) man screwed up and misquoted Jesus? I think it is.

• It is possible some of the Old Testament like Revelations are just the dreams of a man and mean nothing? I think it is possible.

Just because I ask these questions does not mean I do not believe in Christ, it just means I do not believe man got it right. Man was the one who screwed up NOT God.

I have Faith but I was also given a brain by God. Failure to use my brain would be a sin worse than believing in Aesop’s Fables as the word of God.

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Blogger Geetha said...

it was really nice to read that. refreshing.
its logic vs blindness everywhere... moving from the present topics, to another, the battle between astrology and astronomy. astrology always wins straight everwhere. the newspapers are loaded with columns and reports regarding tarots n numerology n how the plantes affect you. but how many of them have a regular column for the latest advances in astronomy? i dont know of any...yet.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Chitrak said...

well written. It is important to note that evolution itself has no conflict with God, being merely a way things work than a reason. The beauty of the theory is that it is nothing more than a restatement of something blatantly obvious. There is nothing really different about saying the fittest will survive.

12:13 PM  
Blogger Kyra said...

I'm always fascinated by the creationist argument that their "point of view on creation" should be taught in the schools. If they are so confident in teaching their kids on their own, then why does it bother them so to be left out?

I have a friend who likes to run away on this topic frequently, and honestly - my only response is that I think it would be beneficial to have a whole class devoted to religions of the world. More problems are caused because people think they're so far apart and different from one another, most especially on any religous ground - I think it would be of great benefit to any person to see other people's perspective and how similar they actually are to our own.

And I second what Chit mentioned - there is no conflict in the two arguments. ;) Unfortunately, most people are more interested in arguing than seeing that.

12:36 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

I think the whole astrology craze has caught the attention span of our society because it is sexy. There is no basis for fact yet people are in need of something to make them smile to get through their pathetic day. You turn on the news and it’s nothing but death, devastation and terror.

The fundamentalists are afraid because evolution does not support a six day creation of earth as the Bible states. They also have a problem with men evolving from “apes”. I am not sure about the survival of the fittest themes but it does not sound like something I have read about in the Bible.

The idea you just wrote is one of the best I have ever read. To teach all the religions and then let people decide which is best for them is inspiring. Just to know there are other people out there who think this way is refreshing and invigorating; thanks for the post and come back often.

You always impress me with your incredible comments. I wish Jesus would visit us today so he could give certain people an earful. How man has corrupted the true Word is incomprehensible. I know you are a Christian as I am and probably tired of people telling you how to worship. I know I am.

Thanks for your comments.

I have to admit these comments are the best I have read – thanks for your awesome comments.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Chris Beason said...

Nobody said we had to agree on how the world was created to get into heaven anyway. The Bible is insight into getting to know your Creator better and that relationship is purely between you and Him.

9:45 PM  
Blogger Chris Beason said...

Oh by the way, Dr. John sent me...LOL.

9:45 PM  

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