Consecrated Virgin

Tuesday, April 04, 2006
This article talks about a woman living her life as a virgin and taking Christ as her spouse. I am not an authority on Christianity but why would anyone want to do this? The article also mentions she is one of 175 consecrated virgins in the United States. Of course, this woman is 60 years old, so guys are not lining up to get into her pants. At her age, I guess she has nothing to lose.

Denying your sexuality should be a crime against humanity. Sexuality is as basic of an instinct as hunger or thirst but we do not abandon our hunger or thirst cravings. So why sex? Why do we always have to abandon sex to get closer to God or to please God?

Doesn’t God want us to enjoy sex? He gave us these sex organs for a reason, are we just to watch them rot. If they are to be used simply for reproduction then why are so many sensitive nerve endings in that area? Why did He make it feel so good if we are only to have sex to reproduce? It goes to show how the true meaning of God's words have been poorly translated or even ignored.

Okay ladies, would you agree to a life of virginity? We have already seen what celibacy in the priesthood does to men; so I wonder what kind of externalities we would get from female abstinence.

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Blogger oakland heidi said...

so bizarre. Marrying Jesus. Today's factoid of the the day for sure.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Jeff, I don't think it's a crime against humanity. She has every right to do so, and it doesn't impact your life whatsoever. You're just choosing to be annoyed about it. :-)
And as someone (as you know) who saved himself a long, long time before finally changing my viewpoint... all I can say is, "It made sense for me at the time".

My main problem with such things (now) is that rules (religious, political, philosophical) that are meant to ALWAYS apply, are basically saying that humans are Static Creatures. That we don't expand and evolve, and I do have a problem with that. Now some people do better within a strict framework of rules (i.e. the "model prisoner" who can function well in prison because the rules are dictated to him, but has so little self-control outside of prison that they run amok as a menace to society).

I know that I am more intelligent and (hopefully) a bit wiser having lived 41 years on this planet, and that the rules I once had to dictate my life, no longer fit, so I adopted and adapted to new rules (more guidelines than rules, really), and I constantly re-evaluate them. Moreoften, rules are often used as a justification for predjudice or as an artificial separator of "us vs. them", which is usually an excuse to say that one person, one group, is better than another. Which I don't believe is true. And they don't usually allow for variation.

Things like Republican vs. Democrat, Right vs. Left, Liberal vs. Conservative, make everything seem so black and white, and they're NOT!

I'm NOT Republican or Democrat or even Independent, I'm an American! I won't accept being artificially labeled as one or the other, I vote my conscience!
I'm NOT Liberal or Conservative, I'm Liberal AND Conservative, it depends on the topic! I tend to be more Pro-Life (slightly) when it comes to my life, but I believe everyone has a right to choose, so that would be Pro-Choice.

Having come from a religious background which I no longer practice, one "kernel of Truth" that I took with me is, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you". And my interpretation of that is this:

While there are many ancient, learned books from the "Great Ones of old", they have been mistranslated and may not likely have the original text or intent of the Master they profess to follow, but within me is an Emotional Guidance System, a Conscience that allows me to choose my own guidelines for my own life, and hopefully, allow all others to choose their own Path, as long as it doesn't try to dictate mine. And I believe that all rules that are created by society should allow for this.

8:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I would have to say that it is up to the individual. If you choose to be promiscuous, then as long as you are a legal adult and have consenting legal partners, then it really doesn't matter. If you choose to be a virgin for life, then so be it. My personal beliefs are a little conservative on this topic. I don't think that sex should be something you share with anyone on a whim. It's too dangerous in this day and age. There's too much risk of disease for me. That is my personal decision. At the same time, I thoroughly enjoy sex and don't miss my virginity whatsoever nor do I have regrets about having lost mine. I think of it as gaining a sense of sexuality rather than losing my virginity. There's a lot of stigma out there about women being sexual also. If you are a woman, and you are sexually active or promiscuous then you are automatically labelled a dirty slut. I agree with Andy when he talks about how labels make everything so black and white. They make everything less complicated, which isn't a good thing when it comes to human beings. It certainly applies to sexuality in both genders. If you are a man, and you choose to be a virgin, you're labelled as undesirable, or people think that there's something "wrong" with you. It's all about personal choice.

7:17 PM  

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