The Value of Money

Friday, February 17, 2006
Part of my problem (if you want to call it a problem) is money holds no value to me. I would rather have the stuff money gets than the money itself. My only motivation to get money is to pay my mortgage, utilities, and get the few things I need to survive and live comfortably. So when I hear about companies putting profits before people it is very hard for me to understand why.

Some people, on the other hand, worship money. They horde it, they collect it; it is the most important thing to them. They will kill for it, screw for it, sell their kids for it, sell their family for it, sell their soul for it, and trade anything to get it. Why? I don’t understand this; can somebody explain it to me?

It's very ironic that many of the people who horde money or condone the hording of money claim to be the most religious. Yet another thing I do not understand. No matter what God you worship, I cannot remember any of the prophets, apostles or demigods having lots of money or condoning the hording of cash.

Isn’t it ironic how the CEO goes to church on Sunday and then goes to work during the week behaving the exact opposite of what the preacher teaches? Exploiting over seas workers, firing employees, destroying families, while collecting all of their earnings for himself. Isn’t it ironic how the President goes to church and claims to hear God's voice and then signs legislation to benefit the wealthy and never sponsors legislation to help the poor? Makes me wonder who he is actually listening to, God, or something else (if you know who I mean).

I am very lucky because other than my mortgage and a slight student loan, I have no debt. My cars are paid off, my credit cards are at a zero balance, I have no second mortgage on my house and 50% of my net salary is put into some type of savings account. I could easily sell out and abandon the poor like other people in my class but I can’t.

I believe in the phrase, “with great power comes great responsibility”. But our political leaders, although they have great power, are not responsible at all. Instead of helping the very rich, which do not need any help; they should be helping the poorer Americans so everybody can live the American dream. So what if the wealthiest Americans have to spend a little more in taxes, it still won’t matter to their bottom line. They will still be ultra rich when it’s all said and done but since they horde money they just cannot do it. Why? I do not understand this at all.

Let’s take the Walton’s for example. In one single quarter they each earned $17 billion. If they each took only $1 billion (and it probably would not even be that much) and gave all of their employees healthcare, they would still have $16 billion and they would make hundreds of thousands of people/families better off. So why can’t they do this? I would have no problem doing this and would consider it an honor if I could have a positive impact on this many people. I don’t even go to church every Sunday but the Walton’s do; do you think they could figure this out? Hello?! Do you listen to what the preacher is saying to you?!

Am I way off here? Please tell me if I am.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Hi. I stumbled here from Kellie's blog. I like the way you think :) I'll definitely be back!

3:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Money = power in American culture. We're so fucking superficial. Everything that matters is material. Look at magazine racks. All you see is "Jen and Brad fighting again!" "Brangelina are having a baby!" "Who wore what to the Oscars!" "The best designers at the best prices!" Everything has to do with what you wear, the color of your hair, your body type, how much money you make, how much you spend on cars, clothes, friends, who you know, etc. Our culture doesn't see value in the intangible things but only the superficial material objects that mean nothing to us. It's about opulence, not sustenance. Until those things change, those who live superficially will remain that way and apathetic to the needs of anyone else.

11:24 PM  
Blogger diana said...

what you are saying is very true, and i am with you all the way. I wish I could win the lottery because of all the people I could help. Not so I could buy a huge mansion, 10 cars, and lots of clothing. So I could help people! I don't understand why so many people in America have such a lack of compassion and no desire to help other people. I'd gladly give up a cell phone or that extra pair of jeans if I could actually make a difference to someone. I wonder when people will finally realize what we are becoming.

3:53 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

Thanks for the comments.

Liz, We are "taught" how we are supposed to live through the advertisements on television, radio and the Internet. I notice the commercials for new vehicles keep showing bigger and bigger SUVs and trucks even though the gas prices will probably top $3 a gallon next year. Of course, the mindless masses still buy their 4-wheel drive SUV, and their double axel diesel truck to compensate for lack of penis size.

Z, Welcome. I hope you become a regular and I appreciate your comments. Every once in a while I take a break from the politics and post a story from the heart. I posted links to them under my profile.

Diana, You can help these needy families more by talking to your friends about how they are taken advantage of by our politicians and the ruling class. People have to wake up and see what is happening.

12:42 PM  

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