Zombie Films

Friday, February 24, 2006
I love zombie movies. In fact, the past two nights I watched Dawn of The Dead and Land of The Dead non stop. I finally squeezed in the Weather Man but the whole time I was thinking about watching Resident Evil. Why do I like these movies so much? I finally think I know why.

In a zombie film we are all equal; black, white, brown, red, yellow, male, and female. It’s us versus the zombies. Money has no value and your family and the friends around you matter the most. If they die then you will die. I think this is how humans are supposed to live. I don’t mean fighting the undead but living in REAL communities, caring about one another and keeping your neighbor safe from the “evil” people.

In a zombie movie the things you need to survive, other than the community are food, shelter and learning how to survive (education). You are not living in some upper class asshole-world with them telling you what to do, what you should know, who you should know, how much you must pay them for it, or what your values should be.

Land of the Dead is awesome because the dead actually attack the upper class high rise and eat them all. They think they are safe as they have the grunts living on the streets below but all the grunts run away when they are overrun by the zombies and leave the upper class to be eaten. That movie definitely has a moral to the story and it mirrors real life more than you think.

I don’t like to see anybody hurt but I have often thought about the French in the old days storming the castle and beheading the king and queen. When I was in high school, I never understood how they could do that, but as I have aged, I understand completely. The whole “let them eat cake” attitude the upper class has is disturbing to me. So when I watch them get eaten by zombies I laugh out loud.

Tonight it's Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2. Am I sick?

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Blogger Shavonne said...

No you are not sick. I own Resident Evil and RE2 on dvd. They're great movies. I also like Milla as an action hero. I can't wait to see her new movie. It will be great.

9:52 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...


That is very cool!! I also have those in my collection. You might think I am crazy but I did like the new Doom movie. It's not the best zombie movie but it is good. I really enjoy the game so maybe that is why I liked it so much.

2:39 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ohhh! Zombie films are the shit! I like the bad ones with completely awful acting and really shitty effects.

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you are indeed sick, you Deviant... LOL
Damn glad to know ya!

9:23 PM  
Blogger DarthImmortal said...

If only that selfish jerk could get eaten in real life. Wouldn't we all be better off.

12:10 PM  

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